In this section, you'll learn how to reduce the amount of data transferred from Cassandra to Spark to speed up processing.
For performance reasons, you should not fetch columns you don't need. You can achieve this with the select
sc.cassandraTable("test", "users").select("username").toArray.foreach(println)
// CassandraRow{username: noemail}
// CassandraRow{username: someone}
The select
method can be chained. Every next call can be used to select a subset of columns already selected.
Selecting a non-existing column would result in throwing an exception.
To filter rows, you can use the filter transformation provided by Spark.
However, this approach causes all rows to be fetched from Cassandra and then filtered by Spark.
Also, some CPU cycles are wasted serializing and deserializing objects that wouldn't be
included in the result. To avoid this overhead, CassandraRDD
offers the where
method, which lets you pass
arbitrary CQL condition(s) to filter the row set on the server.
sc.cassandraTable("test", "cars").select("id", "model").where("color = ?", "black").toArray.foreach(println)
// CassandraRow[id: KF-334L, model: Ford Mondeo]
// CassandraRow[id: MT-8787, model: Hyundai x35]
sc.cassandraTable("test", "cars").select("id", "model").where("color = ?", "silver").toArray.foreach(println)
// CassandraRow[id: WX-2234, model: Toyota Yaris]
Note: Although the ALLOW FILTERING
clause is implicitly added to the generated CQL query, not all predicates
are currently allowed by the Cassandra engine. This limitation is going to be addressed in the future
Cassandra releases. Currently, ALLOW FILTERING
works well
with columns indexed by secondary indexes or clustering columns.