Write a custom checkbox-tree component by hand.
The purpose of this test is to determine your ability to create custom components on top of existing, base-functionality JavaScript libraries (e.g. jQuery). You CANNOT use exisiting UI component libraries, plugins or extensions that render a tree with checkbox capabilities.
+ [x] Arizona
* [x] Phoenix
* [x] Tucson
+ [-] California
* [ ] Fresno
* [x] Los Angeles
* [ ] Sacramento
* [ ] San Diego
* [ ] San Francisco
* [ ] San Jose
- [ ] Oregon
- [ ] Nevada
- [ ] New Mexico
- Perform a JSONP ajax call like so:
$.ajax({ url: "https://raw.github.com/cskevint/interview/master/checkbox_tree.json", dataType: "jsonp" });
- This will call a window.data function with the result JSON string as the argument. You will need to parse it to look like the structure below as input for the component.
- Question: Why do we need to use JSONP?
- Only nodes with children can be opened or closed using a plus/minus or right triangle/down triangle (triangle with CSS preferred).
- Each node has a checkbox which does not impact closed/open state (checkboxes indicate selection state e.g. for a filter).
- If any node or any of its children is initially selected, open it by default at render time.
- [Optional] Provide a UI-only semi-checked state for nodes that have some children checked but not all.
- [Optional] Make it pretty.
- You can use base JavaScript libraries such as jQuery, underscore.js, Backbone.js, etc.
- HTML markup should be written through JavaScript either as templates or by creating DOM nodes.
- CSS should be contained in its own file which could be included in any application page.
- Component constructor takes in JSON data as demonstrated below.
- Provide a public API that retrieves the selection state of the component in JSON format (semi-checked is false). API result format is up to you.
- Submit code in a JSFiddle so that it can be easily viewed and analyzed.
jsonData = [
"name": "Arizona",
"selected": true,
"children": [
{ "name": "Phoenix", "selected": true },
{ "name": "Tucson", "selected": true }
"name": "California",
"children": [
{ "name": "Fresno" },
{ "name": "Los Angeles", "selected": true },
{ "name": "Sacramento" },
{ "name": "San Diego" },
{ "name": "San Francisco" },
{ "name": "San Jose" },
"name": "Oregon",
"children": [
{ "name": "Portland" },
{ "name": "Eugene" }
"name": "Nevada",
"children": [
{ "name": "Las Vegas" },
{ "name": "Reno" }
"name": "New Mexico",
"children": [
{ "name": "Albuquerque" },
{ "name": "Las Cruces" },
{ "name": "Santa Fe" }
var checkboxTree = new CheckboxTree({
el: "#cities",
data: jsonData