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File metadata and controls

140 lines (110 loc) · 8.73 KB


Once you have installed boltz, you can start making predictions by simply running:

boltz predict <INPUT_PATH>

where <INPUT_PATH> is a path to the input file or a directory. The input file can either be in fasta (enough for most use cases) or YAML format (for more complex inputs). If you specify a directory, boltz will run predictions on each .yaml or .fasta file in the directory.

Before diving into more details about the input formats, here are the key differences in what they each support:

Feature Fasta YAML
CCD code
Custom MSA
Modified Residues
Covalent bonds
Pocket conditioning

Fasta format

The fasta format should contain entries as follows:


Where CHAIN_ID is a unique identifier for each input chain, ENTITY_TYPE can be one of protein, dna, rna, smiles, ccd and MSA_PATH is only specified for protein entities and is the path to the .a3m file containing a computed MSA for the sequence of the protein. Note that we support both smiles and CCD code for ligands.

For each of these cases, the corresponding SEQUENCE will contain an amino acid sequence (e.g. EFKEAFSLF), a sequence of nucleotide bases (e.g. ATCG), a smiles string (e.g. CC1=CC=CC=C1), or a CCD code (e.g. ATP), depending on the entity.

As an example:


YAML format

The YAML format is more flexible and allows for more complex inputs, particularly around covalent bonds. The schema of the YAML is the following:

        id: CHAIN_ID 
        sequence: SEQUENCE    # only for protein, dna, rna
        smiles: SMILES        # only for ligand, exclusive with ccd
        ccd: CCD              # only for ligand, exclusive with smiles
        msa: MSA_PATH         # only for protein
          - position: RES_IDX   # index of residue, starting from 1
            ccd: CCD            # CCD code of the modified residue
        id: [CHAIN_ID, CHAIN_ID]    # multiple ids in case of multiple identical entities
    - bond:
        atom1: [CHAIN_ID, RES_IDX, ATOM_NAME]
        atom2: [CHAIN_ID, RES_IDX, ATOM_NAME]
    - pocket:
        binder: CHAIN_ID
        contacts: [[CHAIN_ID, RES_IDX], [CHAIN_ID, RES_IDX]]

sequences has one entry for every unique chain/molecule in the input. Each polymer entity as a ENTITY_TYPE either protein, dna orrna and have a sequence attribute. Non-polymer entities are indicated by ENTITY_TYPE equal to ligand and have a smiles or ccd attribute. CHAIN_ID is the unique identifier for each chain/molecule, and it should be set as a list in case of multiple identical entities in the structure. Protein entities should also contain an msa attribute with MSA_PATH indicating the path to the .a3m file containing a computed MSA for the sequence of the protein.

The modifications field is an optional field that allows you to specify modified residues in the polymer (protein, dna orrna). The position field specifies the index (starting from 1) of the residue, and ccd is the CCD code of the modified residue. This field is currently only supported for CCD ligands.

constraints is an optional field that allows you to specify additional information about the input structure. Currently, we support just bond. The bond constraint specifies a covalent bonds between two atoms (atom1 and atom2). It is currently only supported for CCD ligands and canonical residues, CHAIN_ID refers to the id of the residue set above, RES_IDX is the index (starting from 1) of the residue (1 for ligands), and ATOM_NAME is the standardized atom name (can be verified in CIF file of that component on the RCSB website).

As an example:

version: 1
  - protein:
      id: [A, B]
      msa: ./examples/msa/seq1.a3m
  - ligand:
      id: [C, D]
      ccd: SAH
  - ligand:
      id: [E, F]
      smiles: N[C@@H](Cc1ccc(O)cc1)C(=O)O


The following options are available for the predict command:

boltz predict [OPTIONS] input_path
Option Type Default Description
--out_dir PATH PATH ./ The path where to save the predictions.
--cache PATH PATH ~/.boltz The directory where to download the data and model.
--checkpoint PATH PATH None An optional checkpoint. Uses the provided Boltz-1 model by default.
--devices INTEGER INTEGER 1 The number of devices to use for prediction.
--accelerator [gpu,cpu,tpu] gpu The accelerator to use for prediction.
--recycling_steps INTEGER INTEGER 3 The number of recycling steps to use for prediction.
--sampling_steps INTEGER INTEGER 200 The number of sampling steps to use for prediction.
--diffusion_samples INTEGER INTEGER 1 The number of diffusion samples to use for prediction.
--output_format [pdb,mmcif] mmcif The output format to use for the predictions.
--num_workers INTEGER INTEGER 2 The number of dataloader workers to use for prediction.
--override FLAG False Whether to override existing predictions if found.


After running the model, the generated outputs are organized into the output directory following the structure below:

├── lightning_logs/                                            # Logs generated during training or evaluation
├── predictions/                                               # Contains the model's predictions
    ├── [input_file1]/
        ├── [input_file1]_model_0.cif                          # The predicted structure in CIF format
        └── [input_file1]_model_[diffusion_samples-1].cif      # The predicted structure in CIF format
    └── [input_file2]/
└── processed/                                                 # Processed data used during execution 

The predictions folder contains a unique folder for each input file. The input folders contain diffusion_samples predictions saved in the output_format. The processed folder contains the processed input files that are used by the model during inference.