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Math Class

Brisingr Aerowing edited this page Sep 18, 2018 · 3 revisions


import mods.ctutils.utils.Math


TYPE is replaced with the respective available types.

* max - Comes in double, float, int, and long versions.
* min - Comes in double, float, int, and long versions.
* floor - comes in double -> int
* ceil - double -> int
* abs - Comes in double, float, int, and long versions.
* sin - double -> double
* cos - double -> double
* tan - double -> double
* asin - double -> double
* acos - double -> double
* atan - double -> double
* sinh - double -> double
* cosh - double -> double
* tanh - double -> double
* sqrt - double -> double
* random - returns a double
* round - comes in float -> int and double -> long versions.
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