Computes a global score for a heterologous pathway. The score is calculated from a learning process based on reaction rules score, flux balance analysis and thermodynamics metrics, and the number of reactions in the pathway.
Positional argument:
- infile: (string) Path to pathway (rpSBML) file
- outfile: (string, required if one single input file is passed) path to store the scored pathway
Optional arguments:
- --no_of_rxns_thres: (int, default=10) number of reactions above which a pathway is not scored (too long)
- --data_train_file: (string) path to the trained data
- --log: (string, default=error) Set the log level, choices are 'debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical'
- --version: Display program's version and exit
Please see rptool
From Python code
from rptools.rpscore import predict_score
from rptools.rplibs import rpPathway
pathway = rpPathway(
global_score = predict_score(pathway)
From CLI
python -m rptools.rpscore <input_rpsbml> <output_rpsbml>
Test can be run with the following commands:
cd tests
pytest -v
For further tests and development tools, a CI toolkit is provided in ci
folder (see ci/
- Jean-Loup Faulon
- Joan Hérisson
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- Thomas Duigou