- Welcome to Next.js! -
++ Nikat +
+Customer Engagement and beyond
+{/* +
+ Get started by editing{` `}
+ pages/index.js
- Get started by editing{` `}
- pages/index.js
+ This is not an official starter! +
-- This is not an official starter! -
+Documentation →
+Find in-depth information about Next.js features and API.
+ -Documentation →
-Find in-depth information about Next.js features and API.
- + +Learn →
+Learn about Next.js in an interactive course with quizzes!
+ - -Learn →
-Learn about Next.js in an interactive course with quizzes!
- + +Examples →
+Discover and deploy boilerplate example Next.js projects.
+ - -Examples →
-Discover and deploy boilerplate example Next.js projects.
- + +Deploy →
++ Instantly deploy your Next.js site to a public URL with Vercel. +
+ +Deploy →
-- Instantly deploy your Next.js site to a public URL with Vercel. -
- -- Animations Examples -
+ {animation}
- Hyper Personalised Marketing
++ Create personalized campaigns for your customers using our robust + camapign creating tool +
+Proximity Solutions
++ Use our customised GPS and Bluetooth Low Energy hardware solutions to give proximity based alerts to your customers +
+IoT Based Hardware Solutions
++ Use our proprietary Bluetooth & IoT based hardware solutions to monitor & manage your store and customers +