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Below is a list of the sources used in the construction of the University's curriculum.
Only a tiny fraction of their contents could be featured on this website, so please see the links below for their complete archives.
{% comment %}These data are used by buggytrack.js{% endcomment %}
## Individual Authors
- Bhikkhu Analayo's scholarly work{:data-slug="analayo"} (at Hamburg)
- DhammaTalks.org{:data-slug="geoff"}
- Bhante Sujato's books on Lulu{:data-slug="sujato"}
- Ajahn Maha Boowa{:data-slug="boowa"}
- Ajahn Suchart{:data-slug="suchart"}
- Bhikkhu Buddhadasa's Suan Mokkh{:data-slug="buddhadasa"} (Mirror{:data-slug="buddhadasa"})
- Truth is Within (Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu){:data-slug="yuttadhammo"}
- Bhikkhu Anandajoti's Dharma Records{:data-slug="anandajoti"}
- Bhante S. Dhammika's writing at "BudBlooms"{:data-slug="dhammika"}
- and his old blog (now discontinued)
- Reading Faithfully{:data-slug="rf"}
- BuddhaDust{:data-slug="Mike Olds"}
- Bhikkhu Subhuti's PTS EBooks{:data-slug="subhuti"}
## Monasteries and Traditions
## Digital Libraries
- Access to Insight
- BuddhaNet
- DhammaTalks.net
- The Handful of Leaves Library
- SuttaReadings.net
- Dharma Seed
- Audio Dharma
- A Buddhist Library
- A Buddhist eLibrary
- The National Taiwan University Digital Library of Buddhist Studies
- The Buddhist Studies WWW Virtual Library
- The Pagoda Library
- The Zen Site
- DhammaWiki
- Bhikkhuni.net
- Study Buddhism
- TibetHouse.jp
- Abhidhamma.com
- The Kabaaye Buddhist Research Library
- HolyBooks.com
- The University at Buffalo Buddhist Bibliographies
- The Open Research Library
- Open Textbook Library
- The Directory of Open Access Books
- The Directory of Open Access Journals
- The "Achieving the Dream" Library
- Archive.org
- The SocArXiv
- The MindRxiv
- OpenAlex.org
## Periodicals
{% for j in site.journals %}
- [{{ j.title }}]({{ j.external_url }}){:data-slug="{{ j.slug }}"}{% endfor %}
## Open Access Publishers
- Pariyatti
- The Buddhist Publication Society
- Hamburg University Press
- The Berkeley Institute of Buddhist Studies
- The Agama Research Group
- SuttaCentral
- The New Books Network
- The Corporate Body of the Buddha Educational Foundation
- The Buddhist Text Translation Society
- SuttaFriends
- Lotsawa House
- 84000.co
- Hong Kong University Theses
- The Met
- Oxford Buddhist Bibliographies
- Pressbooks
- OpenStax
- punctum books
- The National Academies
- MIT Press
- Athabasca University Press
- UCL Press
- The University of Westminster
- Project Gutenberg