group_migrator requires a working python installation. The instructions below will work on Mac and Linux boxes. Windows users are on their own.
git pull
cd mailman_group_migrator
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
(or clone as in step 1 above)unzip
cd mailman_group_migrator
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
For this installation method, please note the following:
You will have to enter this directory and type:
$ source env/bin/activate (if you are using bash)
each time you start a new shell session. 2. The script must be exectuted via:
$ python
to avoid using the system python.
From there you can cd into the galias directory.
The Google OAuth2 APIs require a client_secrets.json file for storing various OAuth2 keys. If you are part of the organization, contact one of the administrators for a link to the key.
Otherwise, follow the procedure at to generate the client keys and client_secrets.json file.
In order to save typing there is an config file you can store your domain in. This can be passed on the command line or prompted for if you don't provide it.