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ExcelGen - An Oracle PL/SQL Generator for MS Excel Files

ExcelGen is a PL/SQL utility to create Excel files (.xlsx, .xlsb) out of SQL data sources (query strings or cursors), with automatic pagination over multiple sheets.
It supports basic formatting options for the header, and table layout.


What's New in...

Version 2.0 : support for XLSB format output
Version 1.0 : added encryption features
Version 0.1b : Beta version

Bug tracker

Found a bug, have a question, or an enhancement request?
Please create an issue here.


Getting source code

Clone this repository or download it as a zip archive.

Note : ExcelCommons and MSUtilities dependencies are provided as submodules, so use the clone command with recurse-submodules option :
git clone --recurse-submodules
or download them separately as zip archives and extract the content of root folders into ExcelCommons and MSUtilities folders respectively.

Database requirement

ExcelGen requires Oracle Database and onwards.


Using SQL*Plus, connect to the target database schema, then :

  1. Install ExcelGen and dependencies using script install.sql.

Quick Start

Basic Excel export from a SQL query :

  ctxId  ExcelGen.ctxHandle;
  ctxId := ExcelGen.createContext();  
  ExcelGen.addSheetFromQuery(ctxId, 'sheet1', 'select * from my_table');
  ExcelGen.setHeader(ctxId, 'sheet1', p_frozen => true);
  ExcelGen.createFile(ctxId, 'TEST_DIR', 'my_file.xlsx');

See the following sections for more examples and detailed description of ExcelGen features.

ExcelGen Subprograms and Usage

createContext function

This function creates and returns a new generator handle.

function createContext (
  p_type  in pls_integer default FILE_XLSX 
return ctxHandle;
Parameter Description Mandatory
p_type Output file format.

closeContext procedure

Releases a context handle previously opened by createContext function.

procedure closeContext (
  p_ctxId  in ctxHandle 
Parameter Description Mandatory
p_ctxId Context handle. Yes

addSheetFromQuery procedure and function

Adds a new sheet based on a SQL query string, with optional pagination.
Available both as a procedure and a function.
The function returns a sheetHandle value to be used with related subprograms setHeader, setBindVariable and setTableFormat.

procedure addSheetFromQuery (
  p_ctxId       in ctxHandle
, p_sheetName   in varchar2
, p_query       in varchar2
, p_tabColor    in varchar2 default null
, p_paginate    in boolean default false
, p_pageSize    in pls_integer default null
, p_sheetIndex  in pls_integer default null
function addSheetFromQuery (
  p_ctxId       in ctxHandle
, p_sheetName   in varchar2
, p_query       in varchar2
, p_tabColor    in varchar2 default null
, p_paginate    in boolean default false
, p_pageSize    in pls_integer default null
, p_sheetIndex  in pls_integer default null
return sheetHandle;
Parameter Description Mandatory
p_ctxId Context handle. Yes
p_sheetName Sheet name. Yes
p_query SQL query string.
Bind variables (if any) can be set via setBindVariable procedure.
p_tabColor Tab color of the new sheet. No
p_paginate Enables pagination of the input data source over multiple sheets.
Use p_pageSize parameter to control the maximum number of rows per sheet.
p_pageSize Maximum number of rows per sheet, when pagination is enabled.
If set to NULL, Excel sheet limit is used (1,048,576 rows).
p_sheetIndex Sheet tab index in the workbook.
If omitted, the sheet is added at the end of the list, after the last existing index.

Notes :
When pagination is used, three substitution variables may be used to generate unique names from the input sheet name pattern :

  • PNUM : current page number
  • PSTART : first row number of the current page
  • PSTOP : last row number of the current page

For example :
sheet${PNUM} will be expanded to sheet1, sheet2, sheet3, etc.
${PSTART}-${PSTOP} will be expanded to 1-1000, 1001-2000, 2001-3000, etc. assuming a page size of 1000 rows.

The list of sheet indices specified via p_sheetIndex may be sparse.
For example, if one adds sheet 'A' at index 2, sheet 'B' at index 4 and sheet 'C' at index 1, the resulting workbook will show sheets 'C', 'A' and 'B' in that order.

addSheetFromCursor procedure and function

Adds a new sheet based on a weakly-typed ref cursor, with optional pagination.
Available both as a procedure and a function.
The function returns a sheetHandle value to be used with related subprograms setHeader, setBindVariable and setTableFormat.

procedure addSheetFromCursor (
  p_ctxId       in ctxHandle
, p_sheetName   in varchar2
, p_rc          in sys_refcursor
, p_tabColor    in varchar2 default null
, p_paginate    in boolean default false
, p_pageSize    in pls_integer default null
, p_sheetIndex  in pls_integer default null
function addSheetFromCursor (
  p_ctxId       in ctxHandle
, p_sheetName   in varchar2
, p_rc          in sys_refcursor
, p_tabColor    in varchar2 default null
, p_paginate    in boolean default false
, p_pageSize    in pls_integer default null
, p_sheetIndex  in pls_integer default null
return sheetHandle;
Parameter Description Mandatory
p_ctxId Cf. addSheetFromQuery. Yes
p_sheetName Cf. addSheetFromQuery. Yes
p_rc Input ref cursor. Yes
p_tabColor Cf. addSheetFromQuery. No
p_paginate Cf. addSheetFromQuery. No
p_pageSize Cf. addSheetFromQuery. No
p_sheetIndex Cf. addSheetFromQuery. No

setBindVariable procedure

This procedure binds a value to a variable in the SQL query associated with a given sheet, specified by either a sheet name or a sheet handle as returned from addSheetFromXXX functions.
It is overloaded to accept a NUMBER, VARCHAR2 or DATE value.

procedure setBindVariable (
  p_ctxId      in ctxHandle
, p_sheetName  in varchar2
, p_bindName   in varchar2
, p_bindValue  in number
procedure setBindVariable (
  p_ctxId      in ctxHandle
, p_sheetName  in varchar2
, p_bindName   in varchar2
, p_bindValue  in varchar2
procedure setBindVariable (
  p_ctxId      in ctxHandle
, p_sheetName  in varchar2
, p_bindName   in varchar2
, p_bindValue  in date
procedure setBindVariable (
  p_ctxId       in ctxHandle
, p_sheetId     in sheetHandle
, p_bindName    in varchar2
, p_bindValue   in number
procedure setBindVariable (
  p_ctxId      in ctxHandle
, p_sheetId    in sheetHandle
, p_bindName   in varchar2
, p_bindValue  in varchar2
procedure setBindVariable (
  p_ctxId      in ctxHandle
, p_sheetId    in sheetHandle
, p_bindName   in varchar2
, p_bindValue  in date
Parameter Description Mandatory
p_ctxId Context handle. Yes
p_sheetName Sheet name. Yes
p_sheetId Sheet handle. Yes
p_bindName Bind variable name. Yes
p_bindValue Bind variable value. Yes

setHeader procedure

This procedure adds a header row to a given sheet.
Column names are derived from the SQL source query.

procedure setHeader (
  p_ctxId       in ctxHandle
, p_sheetName   in varchar2
, p_style       in cellStyleHandle default null
, p_frozen      in boolean default false
, p_autoFilter  in boolean default false
procedure setHeader (
  p_ctxId       in ctxHandle
, p_sheetId     in sheetHandle
, p_style       in cellStyleHandle default null
, p_frozen      in boolean default false
, p_autoFilter  in boolean default false
Parameter Description Mandatory
p_ctxId Context handle. Yes
p_sheetName Sheet name. Yes
p_sheetId Sheet handle. Yes
p_style Handle to a cell style created via makeCellStyle function. No
p_frozen Set this parameter to true in order to freeze the header row. No
p_autoFilter Set this parameter to true in order to add an automatic filter to this sheet. No

setTableFormat procedure

This procedure applies a table layout to a given sheet.

procedure setTableFormat (
  p_ctxId      in ctxHandle
, p_sheetName  in varchar2
, p_style      in varchar2 default null
procedure setTableFormat (
  p_ctxId      in ctxHandle
, p_sheetId    in sheetHandle
, p_style      in varchar2 default null
Parameter Description Mandatory
p_ctxId Context handle. Yes
p_sheetName Sheet name. Yes
p_sheetId Sheet handle. Yes
p_styleName Name of a predefined Excel table style to apply.
See Predefined table styles for a list of available styles.

setDateFormat procedure

This procedure sets the format applied to DATE values in the resulting spreadsheet file.
The format must follow MS Excel proprietary syntax.
Default is dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

procedure setDateFormat (
  p_ctxId   in ctxHandle
, p_format  in varchar2
Parameter Description Mandatory
p_ctxId Context handle. Yes
p_format Date format string. Yes

setTimestampFormat procedure

This procedure sets the format applied to TIMESTAMP values in the resulting spreadsheet file.
Default is dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss.000.

procedure setTimestampFormat (
  p_ctxId   in ctxHandle
, p_format  in varchar2
Parameter Description Mandatory
p_ctxId Context handle. Yes
p_format Timestamp format string. Yes

setEncryption procedure

This procedure sets the password used to encrypt the document, along with the minimum compatible Office version necessary to open it.

procedure setEncryption (
  p_ctxId       in ctxHandle
, p_password    in varchar2
, p_compatible  in pls_integer default OFFICE2007SP2
Parameter Description Mandatory
p_ctxId Context handle. Yes
p_password Password. Yes
p_compatible Minimum compatible Office version for encryption.
One of OFFICE2007SP1, OFFICE2007SP2, OFFICE2010, OFFICE2013, OFFICE2016. Default is OFFICE2007SP2.

getFileContent function

This function builds the spreadsheet file and returns it as a temporary BLOB.

function getFileContent (
  p_ctxId  in ctxHandle
return blob; 

createFile procedure

This procedure builds the spreadsheet file and write it directly to a directory.

procedure createFile (
  p_ctxId      in ctxHandle
, p_directory  in varchar2
, p_filename   in varchar2
Parameter Description Mandatory
p_ctxId Context handle. Yes
p_directory Target directory.
Must be a valid Oracle directory name.
p_filename File name. Yes


makeRgbColor function

This function builds an RGB hex triplet from individual Red, Green and Blue components supplied as unsigned 8-bit integers (0-255). For example, makeRgbColor(219,112,147) will return #DB7093.

function makeRgbColor (
  r  in uint8
, g  in uint8
, b  in uint8
return varchar2;
Parameter Description Mandatory
r Red component value. Yes
g Green component value. Yes
b Blue component value. Yes

makeBorderPr function

This function builds an instance of a cell border edge, from a border style name and a color.

function makeBorderPr (
  p_style  in varchar2 default null
, p_color  in varchar2 default null
return CT_BorderPr;
Parameter Description Mandatory
p_style Border style name.
See Border styles for a list of available styles.
p_color Border color. No

makeBorder function

This function builds an instance of a cell border (all edges).
It is overloaded to accept either individual edge formatting (left, right, top and bottom), or the same format for all edges.

Overload 1 :

function makeBorder (
  p_left    in CT_BorderPr default makeBorderPr()
, p_right   in CT_BorderPr default makeBorderPr()
, p_top     in CT_BorderPr default makeBorderPr()
, p_bottom  in CT_BorderPr default makeBorderPr()
return CT_Border;

Overload 2 :

function makeBorder (
  p_style  in varchar2
, p_color  in varchar2 default null
return CT_Border;

Overload 2 is a shorthand for :

  p_left    => makeBorderPr(p_style, p_color)
, p_right   => makeBorderPr(p_style, p_color)
, p_top     => makeBorderPr(p_style, p_color)
, p_bottom  => makeBorderPr(p_style, p_color)
Parameter Description Mandatory
p_left Left edge format, as returned by makeBorderPr function. No
p_right Right edge format, as returned by makeBorderPr function. No
p_top Top edge format, as returned by makeBorderPr function. No
p_bottom Bottom edge format, as returned by makeBorderPr function. No
p_style Border style name. Yes
p_color Border color. No

makeFont function

This function builds an instance of a cell font.

function makeFont (
  p_name   in varchar2
, p_sz     in pls_integer
, p_b      in boolean default false
, p_i      in boolean default false
, p_color  in varchar2 default null
return CT_Font;
Parameter Description Mandatory
p_name Font name. Yes
p_sz Font size, in points. Yes
p_b Bold font style (true|false). No
p_i Italic font style (true|false). No
p_color Font color. No

makePatternFill function

This function builds an instance of a cell pattern fill.

function makePatternFill (
  p_patternType  in varchar2
, p_fgColor      in varchar2 default null
, p_bgColor      in varchar2 default null
return CT_Fill;
Parameter Description Mandatory
p_patternType Pattern type.
See Pattern types for a list of available types.
p_fgColor Foreground color of the pattern. No
p_bgColor Background color of the pattern. No

Note : For a solid fill (no pattern), the color must be specified using the foreground color parameter.

makeAlignment function

This function builds an instance of a cell alignment.

function makeAlignment (
  p_horizontal  in varchar2 default null
, p_vertical    in varchar2 default null
return CT_CellAlignment;
Parameter Description Mandatory
p_horizontal Horizontal alignment type, one of left, center or right. No
p_vertical Vertical alignment type, one of top, center or bottom. No

makeCellStyle function

This function builds an instance of a cell style, composed of optional number format, font, fill and border specifications, and returns a handle to it.

function makeCellStyle (
  p_ctxId       in ctxHandle
, p_numFmtCode  in varchar2 default null
, p_font        in CT_Font default null
, p_fill        in CT_Fill default null
, p_border      in CT_Border default null
, p_alignment   in CT_CellAlignment default null
return cellStyleHandle;
Parameter Description Mandatory
p_ctxId Context handle. Yes
p_numFmtCode Number format code. No
p_font Font style instance, as returned by makeFont function. No
p_fill Fill style instance, as returned by makePatternFill function. No
p_border Border style instance, as returned by makeBorder function. No
p_alignment Cell alignment instance, as returned by makeAlignment function. No

Example :

This sample code creates a cell style composed of the following facets :

  • Font : Calibri, 11 pts, bold face
  • Fill : YellowGreen solid fill
  • Border : Thick red edges
  • Alignment : Horizontally centered

  ctxId      ExcelGen.ctxHandle;
  cellStyle  ExcelGen.cellStyleHandle;

  cellStyle := ExcelGen.makeCellStyle(
                 p_ctxId     => ctxId
               , p_font      => ExcelGen.makeFont('Calibri',11,true)
               , p_fill      => ExcelGen.makePatternFill('solid','YellowGreen')
               , p_border    => ExcelGen.makeBorder('thick','red')
               , p_alignment => ExcelGen.makeAlignment(horizontal => 'center')

Style specifications

Color specification

Color values expected in style-related subprograms may be specified using one of the following conventions :

  • RGB hex triplet, prefixed with a hash sign, e.g. #7FFFD4.
    Function makeRgbColor can be used to build such a color code from individual RGB components.

  • Named color from the CSS4 specification, e.g. Aquamarine.

Predefined table styles




Border styles


Pattern types



  • Single query to sheet mapping, with header formatting : employees.xlsx

  sqlQuery   varchar2(32767) := 'select * from hr.employees';
  sheetName  varchar2(31 char) := 'Sheet1';
  ctxId      ExcelGen.ctxHandle;
  ctxId := ExcelGen.createContext();  
  ExcelGen.addSheetFromQuery(ctxId, sheetName, sqlQuery);
  , sheetName
  , p_style => ExcelGen.makeCellStyle(
                 p_ctxId => ctxId
               , p_font  => ExcelGen.makeFont('Calibri',11,true)
               , p_fill  => ExcelGen.makePatternFill('solid','LightGray')
  , p_frozen     => true
  , p_autoFilter => true
  ExcelGen.setDateFormat(ctxId, 'dd/mm/yyyy');
  ExcelGen.createFile(ctxId, 'TEST_DIR', 'employees.xlsx');
  ctxId      ExcelGen.ctxHandle;
  ctxId := ExcelGen.createContext();
  -- add dept sheet
  ExcelGen.addSheetFromQuery(ctxId, 'dept', 'select * from hr.departments');
  ExcelGen.setHeader(ctxId, 'dept', p_autoFilter => true);
  ExcelGen.setTableFormat(ctxId, 'dept', 'TableStyleLight2');

  -- add emp sheet
  ExcelGen.addSheetFromQuery(ctxId, 'emp', 'select * from hr.employees where salary >= :1 order by salary desc');
  ExcelGen.setBindVariable(ctxId, 'emp', '1', 7000);  
  ExcelGen.setHeader(ctxId, 'emp', p_autoFilter => true);
  ExcelGen.setTableFormat(ctxId, 'emp', 'TableStyleLight7');
  ExcelGen.setDateFormat(ctxId, 'dd/mm/yyyy');
  ExcelGen.createFile(ctxId, 'TEST_DIR', 'dept_emp.xlsx');
  rc         sys_refcursor;
  sheetName  varchar2(128) := 'sheet${PNUM}';
  ctxId      ExcelGen.ctxHandle;
  open rc for 
  select * from all_objects where owner = 'SYS';

  ctxId := ExcelGen.createContext();
    p_ctxId     => ctxId
  , p_sheetName => sheetName
  , p_rc        => rc
  , p_tabColor  => 'DeepPink'
  , p_paginate  => true
  , p_pageSize  => 10000
  , sheetName
  , p_style  => ExcelGen.makeCellStyle(ctxId, p_fill => ExcelGen.makePatternFill('solid','LightGray'))
  , p_frozen => true
  ExcelGen.createFile(ctxId, 'TEST_DIR', 'all_objects.xlsx');
  ctxId    ExcelGen.ctxHandle;
  sheet1   ExcelGen.sheetHandle;
  sheet2   ExcelGen.sheetHandle;
  sheet3   ExcelGen.sheetHandle;
  ctxId := ExcelGen.createContext();
  -- adding a new sheet in position 3
  sheet1 := ExcelGen.addSheetFromQuery(ctxId, 'c', 'select * from hr.employees where department_id = :1', p_sheetIndex => 3);
  ExcelGen.setBindVariable(ctxId, sheet1, '1', 30);
  ExcelGen.setTableFormat(ctxId, sheet1, 'TableStyleLight1');
  ExcelGen.setHeader(ctxId, sheet1, p_autoFilter => true, p_frozen => true);
  -- adding a new sheet in last position (4)
  sheet2 := ExcelGen.addSheetFromQuery(ctxId, 'b', 'select * from hr.employees');
  ExcelGen.setTableFormat(ctxId, sheet2, 'TableStyleLight2');
  ExcelGen.setHeader(ctxId, sheet2, p_autoFilter => true, p_frozen => true);
  -- adding a new sheet in position 1, with a 10-row pagination
  sheet3 := ExcelGen.addSheetFromQuery(ctxId, 'a${PNUM}', 'select * from hr.employees', p_paginate => true, p_pageSize => 10, p_sheetIndex => 1);
  ExcelGen.setHeader(ctxId, sheet3, p_autoFilter => true, p_frozen => true);

  ExcelGen.createFile(ctxId, 'TEST_DIR', 'sample4.xlsx');
  ctxId  ExcelGen.ctxHandle;
  ctxId := ExcelGen.createContext(ExcelGen.FILE_XLSB);
  ExcelGen.addSheetFromQuery(ctxId, 'data', 'select ''Some sensitive information'' from dual', p_tabColor => 'red');
  ExcelGen.setEncryption(ctxId, 'Pass123', ExcelGen.OFFICE2016);
  ExcelGen.createFile(ctxId, 'TEST_DIR', 'encrypted.xlsb');


2.0 (2021-05-23)

  • Support for XLSB format output
  • New dependencies : ExcelTypes and XUTL_XLSB packages

1.1 (2021-04-30)

  • Fix : issue #1

1.0 (2020-06-28)

  • Added encryption

0.1b (2020-03-25)

  • Beta version

Copyright and license

Copyright 2020-2021 Marc Bleron. Released under MIT license.