All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
In terms of this script the version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH would mean the following:
- MAJOR version when the changes would need a review of the templates that were created in After Effects or the approach of media files being used,
- MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
- PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.
- Nothing
- Nothing
- import data from Github
- Nothing
- Adapted new settings for Rob, Kick Drum, Snare Top
- Vocal Tori-Anna
- Vocal Katie
- Optimized Kick Drum (high end)
- Optimized Snare Top mic
- Adjusted settings for Hi Hat
- Low freq filter for Overheads
- Adjusted settings for floor tom
- Adjusted settings for Rob as a speaker
- Reduced volume of mix busses for nursery room
- Added dynamics for master (limiter)
- Added Rob as main announcer
- Added Diazno as main announcer
- Switched off effects for In Ears
- Set all speaker levels to -10db
- Optimized EQ for reverb return channels
- Vocal Adam
- Choir with Superlux mic
- Hihat with Røde mic
- Settings for Diazno talking
- Adapted a better EQ for Robs voice
- Added more kick to the Kick drum
- Adapted better EQ for bass guitar
- Optimized EQ for Claire
- Optimized EQ and gate for Tobi
- Optimized EQ and dynamics for Cajon back mic
- Optimized preamp and pan for drum overheads
- Added low cut filter to snare mic
- Updated vocal channels to make it more relevant
- Added a second stage announcer mic
- Deleted channels which were supposed for communications but were never used
- Updated In Ear channels
- Vocal Claire
- Speaker Rob
- Gate settings Vocal Sarah
- EQ settings and inserted a freq band compressor on Vocal Lynne
- Pan settings Vocal Lindi
- Minor EQ settings Vocal Diazno
- Gate settings Vocal Daniela
- Optimized frequencies and effects (freq band compressor) on Dave's announcer mic
- EQ settings on Rick's voice
- Low pass filter settings on music presets
- EQ settings on Vernon's violin
- We are using the nord keyboard again and adapted settings on equalizers
- Gate, compressor and EQ settings on bass guitar
- EQ settings on Lynne's accoustic
- EQ and dynamics settings on Diazno's accoustic
- Gate and pan settings on Drum Overhead
- Eduardo on electric guitar - finally ;-)
- Diazno on electric guitar
- Accoustic SOLO channel now receives the signal from channel 5 as a standard
- Adjusted pre amps (headamp) especially the ones for the sermon and the interpreter (080-082)
- Put vocal settings for Lynne, Diazno and Dave on first three channels
- Put Lynne's accoustic settings on channel 5
- Adjusted settings for electric and bass guitar and keys
- Adapted settings for freq band compressor on FX channel 4 and adjusted EQ on Dave's announcer mic accordingly
- Adjusted reverb effect settings on FX channel 1
- added version number to channel 32
- Vocal settings for Olivier
- Vocal settings for Feven
- Vocal settings for Johannes Fenner
- Vocal settings for Tejas
- Vocal settings for Praise
- Settings for Tejas' acoustic
- Solo acoustic
- Joshua as an announcer with a hand mic
- Settings vor Violin Vernon
- Added low pass filter on music channel
- Settings for Ranis vocal
- Name of Bass guitar
- Dynamic and EQ settings for Sarah's vocal
- Settings for Diazno's guitar
- EQ for Johannes' electric
- EQ on Keys
- Settings for Mani's vocal
- Insert De-esser for Dave
- EQ and insert De-esser for Rick
- Added headamp setting to the X32 template
- Adjusted headamp settings in general scene file
- Adjusted graphical EQ for main output
- Added solo acoustic
- Added low pass filter on music channel
- EQ and insert De-esser for Rick
- Insert De-esser for Dave
- EQ on Keys
- Adapted markdown lint recommendations on CHANGELOG and README File
- explained in README how the preamp and phantom power settings work in the scene file (/headamp)
- adjusted structure on CHANGELOG file
- some instruments needed the 48V power
- talkback mic A is now feeding into the Worship Leaders In Ear
- Setting for a solo overhead mic for the drums
- reduced drum mics to only three for the moment (easier setup)
- Adjusted dynamics for Sarah's vocal mic
- Adjusted Lynne's accoustic, the violin, and the keys to work well with accoustic, keys, violin and bass guitar
- added vocal settings for Ulrike
- Change log file
- Changed some equalizer settings on vocals (Ayo, Birgit, Lynne) and instruments (accoustic Lynne and violin Vernon) and some dynamics on Ranis vocals
- Initial version with documentation of the X32 scene file in the and the Google App Script files for generating the scene file automatically (not finished yet)