This repo holds the status pages when the web app (cea-desktop) is down.
- Scheduled maintenance page - This shows planned maintenance events. Maintenance mode must be manually triggered in Heroku.
- System down error page - This shows for unplanned events when the system goes down.
Both pages are hosted on an S3 bucket:
These pages retrieve data from the public status API to display on the page. The credential to the Text-Em-All account can be found on the engineering wiki.
Please follow these instructions carefully to ensure the update is done correctly.
- Download the latest version of the .html page you want to update from the S3 bucket
- Make the desired changes and test them locally. Commit the changes to this repo.
- Ensure the filename matches the name .html inside the bucket
- Upload the .html to the bucket.
- IMPORTANT: In the permissions section, make sure Predefined ACLs is set to “Grand public-read access”. Otherwise, users will NOT be able to access the page.
- Click upload.
- Test your changes by clearing your cache and going to the Object URL for the page