This file contains information about current and previous maintainers, which are the people allowed to update directly the code of the RxPlayer library and its associated tools.
Note that there are other external contributors which are not listed here. Their contributions had to be validated and merged by a maintainer.
Please do not contact the people in this file to report an issue, ask an RxPlayer-related question or to propose new features.
Here is the list of current maintainers:
- Paul Berberian [email protected]
- Florent Bouisset [email protected]
Here is the list of previous maintainers, which are not working on the project anymore:
- Achraf Laamoum [email protected]
- Alexandre Duros [email protected]
- Antoine Maillard [email protected]
- Guillaume Bentaieb [email protected]
- Guillaume Renault [email protected]
- Paul Rosset [email protected]
- Pierre Guilleminot [email protected]