The following steps can be used to perform DECIFER analysis.
Rscript scripts/04-decifer/01-defined-comparison-groups.r
Rscript scripts/04-decifer/02_extract_cohort_tfbs_stats.r
Rscript scripts/04-decifer/04_correlate_expression_tfbs_rel_cov.r
# the following steps should be run on a high performance compute cluster
# assuming SLURM scheduler. Each instance of this array job
# calls the script 05_brain_null.r with a specified random seed.
sbatch --array=1-1000 scripts/04-decifer/
Rscript scripts/04-decifer/06_brain_null_summarize.r
# Summarizing the analysis results in an excel workbook
Rscript scripts/04-decifer/07_export_tables.r