Javet Sanitizer has built-in support for protecting the built-in objects. The rules are as follows.
- Built-in objects cannot be in the left-hand side in assignment.
Object = 1; // Invalid
Object.a = 1; // Invalid
const object = Object; // Valid
const a = Object.a; // Valid
- Built-in objects cannot be declared again.
let Object = 1; // Invalid
(Object) => {} // Invalid
function Object() => {} // Invalid
class Object {} // Invalid
try {} catch (Object) {} // Invalid
[Object, JSON] = [1, 2]; // Invalid
The following example shows how to update the built-in object list.
JavetSanitizerOptions options = JavetSanitizerOptions.Default.toClone()
The default built-in object list is as follows:
Built-in Object |
_ |
_error |
AbortController |
AbortSignal |
AggregateError |
Array |
ArrayBuffer |
assert |
async_hooks |
atob |
Atomics |
BigInt |
BigInt64Array |
BigUint64Array |
Boolean |
btoa |
buffer |
Buffer |
child_process |
clearImmediate |
clearInterval |
clearTimeout |
cluster |
console |
constants |
crypto |
DataView |
Date |
Decimal |
decodeURI |
decodeURIComponent |
dgram |
diagnostics_channel |
dns |
domain |
encodeURI |
encodeURIComponent |
Error |
escape |
eval |
EvalError |
Event |
events |
EventTarget |
FinalizationRegistry |
Float32Array |
Float64Array |
fs |
Function |
global |
globalThis |
http |
http2 |
https |
Infinity |
inspector |
Int16Array |
Int32Array |
Int8Array |
Intl |
isFinite |
isNaN |
Map |
Math |
MessageChannel |
MessageEvent |
MessagePort |
module |
NaN |
net |
Number |
Object |
os |
parseFloat |
parseInt |
path |
perf_hooks |
performance |
process |
Promise |
Proxy |
punycode |
querystring |
queueMicrotask |
RangeError |
readline |
ReferenceError |
Reflect |
RegExp |
repl |
require |
Set |
setImmediate |
setInterval |
setTimeout |
SharedArrayBuffer |
stream |
String |
string_decoder |
Symbol |
SyntaxError |
sys |
TextDecoder |
TextEncoder |
timers |
tls |
trace_events |
tty |
TypeError |
Uint16Array |
Uint32Array |
Uint8Array |
Uint8ClampedArray |
undefined |
unescape |
URIError |
url |
URLSearchParams |
util |
v8 |
vm |
wasi |
WeakMap |
WeakRef |
WeakSet |
WebAssembly |
worker_threads |
zlib |
Please refer to the tutorial for more details.