- Logo/icon
- Remove unused dependency
- Update solargraph-utils
- Configure shell from automation settings
- Enable String as Input for Port Config (#257)
- A few external server/docker improvements (#255)
- Handle null hover (#259)
- Update vscode-languageclient
- Use LSP progress reporting
- Stop converting brackets in documentation
- Update configuration title
- Make the commandPath setting portable
- Updated solargraph-utils (improved rvm/rbenv support)
- Avoid using workspace.rootPath (#139)
- Fix brackets in documentation
- Adjusted scopes for path settings
- Update html2plaintext
- Machine-scoped settings
- Updated vscode package
- Deactivation stops the language server
- Friendlier error message for gem doc commands
- Add solargraph configuration to initializationOptions
- Updated Mocha
- Improved support for rvm and rbenv
- Removed debug output
- Updating the gem restarts the language server
- Handle empty MarkupContent values
- Fixed MarkupContent documentation conversion
- Removed unused dependencies
- Removed plugin documentation from README
- Support MarkupContent in CompletionItem documentation
- Display spinner while Solargraph is initializing
- solargraph._openDocumentUrl escapes special characters
- Show error message when solargraph gem is not installed
- Fixed FileSystemWatcher glob pattern
- Dispose "Rebuilding all gem documentation" status notification
- Language client watches a more specific file pattern
- Log level configuration
- Folding ranges configuration
- Environment command
- Upgrade to Webview API
- Updated solargraph-utils
- Package updates
- Status bar notifications for gem documentation
- Transport and externalServer configuration
- Updated solargraph-utils
- Include visibility in method document pages
- Package updates
- Error message for gems missing the
command - Dynamic registration for symbols, definitions, rename, and references
- solargraph.downloadCore command
- Updated README
- Missing solargraph.config command
- Improved messages for solargraph executable failures
- Use original gem version check
- Dynamic registration options
- Commands for building gem documentation
default is false- Updated solargraph-utils
- Removed rebornix.Ruby integration checks
- Enabled gem notifications
- Fixed server start after gem updates.
- First version of language server
- Allow commandPath and bundlerPath in workspace configuration
- bundlerPath configuration option
- Disabled installation notification
- Go to/peek definition support
- Update solargraph-utils for improved shell detection
- Handle undefined workspace folders
- Updated solargraph-utils to fix shell argument bug
- Invoke explicit bash shell on darwin and linux
- Check Ruby extension's code completion setting
- First version of download core command
- Documentation page tweaks
- Method parameters in document pages
- Fixed bug in completion of symbols with leading underscores
- Fixed document page links
- Always display suggestion paths
- Multi-root workspace support
- Use suggestion's has_doc property to determine whether to resolve documentation
- Fix document links in expanded documentation
- README explains the Runtime plugin and how to update the core documentation
- Reload inline documents to keep them in sync with the workspace
- Minor path resolution bugs
- Do not repeat paths in hovers.
- First version of Rails and stdlib support
- Update vscode engine
- Support document links in CompletionItem documentation
- Resolve completion item detail separately
- Update to solargraph-utils 0.3.3
- Provide completion items for global variables
- Update solargraph-utils
- Quick file updates (single file vs. entire workspace)
- Eliminated local yardoc dependency
- Show @ characters in class/instance variable labels.
- Prepare workspace on server restart.
- Use MarkdownString for trusted command links.
- solargraph.checkGemVersion setting
- solargraph.checkGemVersion command
- Constant completion item kind.
- Detect class variables and infer types.
- Detect yield parameters in method blocks.
- Display error message when gem test fails.
- Updated solargraph-utils version.
- Restart the server when the configuration changes.
- Message actions for installing and updating the gem.
- Display param tag info in method documentation.
- Config file command.
- Use solargraph-utils for Solargraph gem integration.
- Additional HTML to plain text conversions.
- Use html2plaintext to convert documentation.
- Do not prepare workspace (i.e., run yardoc update) if root path is undefined.
- Restart server command.
- Commands activate extension.
- Removed useServer configuration (extension always requires server for now).
- Completion items display arguments, return value, path, and documentation.
- Convert HTML to plain text in documentation.
- Field and Property completion item kinds.
- Fixed instance variable completion bug.
- Only set CompletionItem.insertText to SnippetString if suggestion kind is Snippet.
- Arguments removed from CompletionItem labels.
- Signature help for method arguments.
- The extension requires the Solargraph server for the time being. Running processes for queries is too cumbersome.
- Display popup documentation on hover with links to documentation.
- Code completion detail includes arguments for methods.
- Code analysis notifications in status bar.
- Setting to choose whether the gem includes snippets in suggestions. Defaults to false.
- Solargraph server manages the workspace yardoc.
- Trigger workspace refresh on file saves. (This eliminates the need for the server's constant_updates thread.)
- Documentation for the @type tag
- Kill Solargraph server process on deactivation
- Minor documentation updates
- Check for Solargraph gem updates
- Use server instead of command line for better performance
- Serial files are no longer used
- Updated README and package metadata (author, keywords, etc.)
- Added icon
- Reduced console output
- Initial release