#Is Coffee Done
Have you ever found yourself getting up to check the coffee pot, wasting precious seconds? Waste no more! Mr. Coffee the Coffee Bot will tell you and your team when it's time to caffeinate!
##You Will Need
- Raspberry Pi
- Breadboard
- Ribbon(?)
- Breaker Board
- Temperature Sensors (DS18B20)
- Slack
- Coffee pot
- more things...
##Raspberry Pi and Temperature Sensor Configuration Configure according to Adafruit's Raspberry Pi and DS18B20 tutorial.
##Slackbot Configuration Make a custom Slack bot
##Installation You need Python vx.x.x and pip
brew install python
Install Virtualenv
pip install virtualenv
Initialize a virtual environment
virtualenv [Your Directory Name]
Navigate to your directory
cd [Your Directory Name]
Use the correct Python instance
source bin/activate
Do which python
Your Python instance should look like
/path/to/[Your Directory Name]/bin/python
Now clone the repo into [Your Directory Name]
Your tree should look like
Navigate into the repo directory
cd is-coffee-done
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Make your changes to main.py
and .env
to configure your Slack bot
Run main.py