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File metadata and controls

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Hadoop 3, Hbase, Spark and Hive
Please download required packages before docker building:

  • hadoop-3.1.2.tar.gz
  • hbase-1.4.9-bin.tar.gz
  • spark-2.4.1-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz
  • hue-4.3.0.tgz
  • apache-hive-2.3.4-bin.tar.gz

Build image:

  • docker build -t hadoop3hbase-spark-hive .

Note the hive-metastore-db image can be built at the directory Dockerfile-mysql, where mysql is used as the hive metastore DB.

Pull image from dockerhub

  • docker pull sdwangntu/hive-metastore-db
  • docker pull sdwangntu/hadoop3hbase-spark-hive

Create an attachable overlay network called for example "my-attachable-network"

  • docker network create -d overlay --attachable my-attachable-network

Launch cluster: (note the "hadoop-master" hostname is required as it is, the "hadoop-worker" hostname can be renamed to others; the "mysql" hostname is used in the hive setting - hive-site.xml)

  • docker run --hostname=mysql --name mysql --network my-attachable-network -d sdwangntu/hive-metastore-db
  • docker run --hostname=hadoop-master --name hadoop-master --network my-attachable-network -d sdwangntu/hadoop3hbase-spark-hive
  • docker run --hostname=hadoop-worker --name hadoop-worker --network my-attachable-network -d sdwangntu/hadoop3hbase-spark-hive

Note the container exection order. And also check the startup routine "" to see the roles played by each container.

Launch a development container (this is a hadoop development container and is used for development and job submission) the "hadoop-dev" hostname is required as it is

  • docker run --hostname=hadoop-dev --name hadoop-dev -v $(pwd):/home --network my-attachable-network -d sdwangntu/hadoop3hbase-spark-hive

Note that bind current working directory, $(pwd), as a persistent work space to keep your developing projects.

Check the cluster status in the development container "hadoop-dev"

  • hdfs dfsadmin -report

Check the cluster node list in the development container "hadoop-dev"

  • yarn node -list

Test a mapreduce program such as pi in the development container "hadoop-dev" -- change the test parameter 10000 -> 1000000 to see the execution time

  • yarn jar /opt/hadoop/share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-3.1.2.jar pi 4 10000