- [feature] added noURLEncode option to not url encode links in the menu for unicode texts
- [fix] Removed old backwards compatability fix to fix in page linking
- [feature] BREAKING: updated the system to work with JSdoc 4.x clenemt#110
- [feature] Added custom classes to h5 headers for customization
- [feature] Added Global into section order
- [feature] Added possibility to exclude package scope/name and version from output path clenemt#78
- [feature] Added type signature specific classes for CSS customization
- [feature] Adjusted layout for namespace clenemt#86
- [feature] Common Navigation HTML generated clenemt#95
- [feature] Collapsible top level menu
- [feature] Shorten types clenemt#104
- [feature] Update CSS for pre clenemt#103
- [fix] Added double quotes to README for consistency clenemt#96
- [fix] Fixed extra scroll bar on large code blocks clenemt#99
- [fix] Fixed regular expression in README.md clenemt#81
- [feature] host fonts locally clenemt#63
- [feature] separate styles for headers inside user markdown clenemt#64
- [feature] hide static/private method depending of the config clenemt#72
- [fix] fix empty source code lines in some browsers
- [fix] improved viewing theme on smaller screens clenemt#62
- [feature] scroll to currently opened method on page load clenemt#60
- [fix] fixed searching in IE11
- [fix] hiding/showing find exact match to open only single relevant section
- [scripts] remove jQuery as dependency clenemt#54
- [feature] allow aliasing event names clenemt#59
- [style] break headers into multiple lines
- [style] break links in descriptions into multiple lines
- [fix] fix ancestor check when there are none, like including tutorials
- [fix] remove unnecessary files from published package
- [fix] stop crashing on incorrect params JSDoc comments
- [feature] add displaying version from package.json when it is provided
- [feature] add support for yield
- [feature] add support for namepsaces that are functions
- [feature] add support for interfaces
- [feature] add support for modifies
- [styles] increase space between custom menu items
- [option] Added
option to wrap long names instead of trimming them - [option] Added
option to control depth level to show in navbar, starting at 0 - [option] Added
option to show/hide @private in navbar
- Allow adding custom menu items
- Remove line-height: 160%
- Add option to add disqus comments to each page
- Add option to filter through navigation items
- Add option to have menus collapsed by default and only open the one for the current page
- Add option to provide custom site title
- Add option to provide meta information for the website
- Add option to provide opengraph information for the website
- Add viewport meta data
- Added global table styles
- Added support for @hidecontainer (jsdoc 3.5.0)
- Added support for useLongnameInNav
- Allow including typedefs in the menu
- Allow inclusion of custom CSS
- Allow injecting external or local copied scripts into HTML
- Allow removing single and double quotes from pathnames
- Fix crash when @example is empty or undefined
- Fix issue with node 8.5
- Fixing copyFile problem on some systems or nodejs versions
- Removes arbitrary width property
- Support ordering of the main navbar sections