Web-Based Brainf*** interpreter
Have you ever been unable to sleep because your brain won't turn off? This can help. BF-Web is an interpreter for the esoteric programming language brainfuck which can run in any modern web browser (Supporting Webassembly). Not all that much to it. I like to give myself little puzzles to implement to help me to fall asleep.
- what is the shortest way to generate a particular number?
- How can I read in an ASCII code in decimal and print out the corresponding letter?
Things like that. Brainfuck makes all of that complex enough to distract me from my other thoughts.
BF-Web requires a working installation of Emscripten to compile. With the Emscripten SDK in your $PATH
just run make
in the project directory. You can host the resulting files with any web server. If you have Python installed,
you can quickly serve any directory with python -m http.server
inside that directory. That is pretty much it!