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This submodule of MQT QUBOMaker is responsible for the QUBO formulation of pathfinding problems.


Constructing QUBO formulation for pathfinding problems requires a PathfindingQUBOGenerator instance with the corresponding settings:

  • encoding_type: An element of the EncodingTypes enum that represents the variable encoding scheme to be used. One of ONE_HOT, DOMAIN_WALL, or BINARY.
  • n_paths: The number of paths to be found. For most problem instances, this value will be 1.
  • max_path_length: The maximum number of vertices a found path can consist of. Required to determine the number of binary variables that have to be used for the QUBO formulation.
  • loops: Determines, whether the path represents a loop, i.e., the final vertex in its sequence is connected back to the starting vertex.

An example settings instance can be constructed as follows:

import mqt.qubomaker.pathfinder as pf

settings = pf.PathFindingQUBOGeneratorSettings(
    encoding_type=pf.EncodingType.ONE_HOT, n_paths=1, max_path_length=4, loops=True


The PathFindingQUBOGenerator class represents the main QUBO factory for pathfinding problems. It can be set up with predefined settings and populated with problem-specific constraints.

To create a PathFindingQUBOGenerator, a Graph instance further has to be provided, representing the graph to be investigated for the problem instance.


qubo_generator = pf.PathFindingQUBOGenerator(
    objective_function=None, graph=my_graph, settings=settings

When creating a PathFindingQUBOGenerator instance, an objective function, as discussed below, can be added to add an optimization criterion.

Cost Functions

The pathfinder module provides cost functions representing various constraints related to pathfinding problems. The following constraints are supported:

  • PathIsValid: Checks, whether the encoding represents a valid path. Should be included in most cases.
  • PathPositionIs: Enforces that one of a set of vertices is located at a given position of a graph.
  • PathStartsAt: Enforces that one of a set of vertices is located at the start of a graph.
  • PathEndsAt: Enforces that one of a set of vertices is located the the end of a graph.
  • PathContainsVerticesExactlyOnce: Enforces that each element of a given set of vertices appears exactly once in a path.
  • PathContainsVerticesAtLeastOnce: Enforces that each element of a given set of vertices appears at least once in a path.
  • PathContainsVerticesAtMostOnce: Enforces that each element of a given set of vertices appears at most once in a path.
  • PathContainsEdgesExactlyOnce: Enforces that each element of a given set of edges appears exactly once in a path.
  • PathContainsEdgesAtLeastOnce: Enforces that each element of a given set of edges appears at least once in a path.
  • PathContainsEdgesAtMostOnce: Enforces that each element of a given set of edges appears at most once in a path.
  • PrecedenceConstraint: Enforces, that a given vertex does not appear in a path that didn't visit another given vertex first.
  • PathsShareNoVertices: Enforces, that two provided paths do not share any vertices.
  • PathsShareNoEdges: Enforces, that two provided paths do not share any edges.

Furthermore, the pathfinder module also provides two objective functions:

  • MinimizePathLength: Adds a cost to the total cost function that penalizes paths with a higher total weight.
  • MaximizePathLength: Adds a cost to the total cost function that penalizes paths with a lower total weight.

These constraints are represented by classes, and instances of the classes can be created to define the specific constraint and added to the QUBOGenerator.


contains_all_vertices = pf.PathContainsVerticesExactlyOnce(
    vertex_ids=graph.all_vertices, path_ids=[1]
starts_at_1 = pf.PathStartsAt(vertex_ids=[1], path=1)
