- Added SetStrokeFeather() and SetNoStrokeFeather. Not yet working for Line and Polyline.
- Added FillTextureBlend.Replace for ignoring fill color when drawing a texture.
- Fixed "undeclared identifier 'i'" shader compile error appearing in Unity6.
- Fixed DrawText() drawFieldDebugRect issue.
- Added DrawCirlce() and DrawCirlceNow() without arguments to draw a circle with diameter 1.0 at position (0,0).
- Fixed null pointer in Polygon and Polyline.
- (hopefully) Fixed blend and antialiasing modes not consistent for DrawXNow().
- Fixed Blend.TransparentAdditive not blending correctly.
- Changed all components and examples to draw in LateUpdate to make them more Timeline friendly.
- Fixed fill texture not being drawn when fillColor is zero.
- Various minor example updates.
- Fix wrong argument naming for DrawPie() and DrawPieNow().
- Fix wrong naming for DrawPolylineNow().
- Added PlotLogo component.
- Added SpaceColonisationTree example.
- Added AppendPoint, PrependPoint, InsertPoint, and RemovePoint for Polyline and Polygon.
- Added independent capacity and point count for Polyline and Polygon.
- Fixed SetFillColor not initialising Plot.
- Added BrownianMotionTrails example.
- Fixed DrawArcNow paramete names still using endAngle instead of deltaAngle.
- Fixed DonutChart sample still using endAngle instead of deltaAngle.
- Fixed uv rect initiation issue causing come sample scenes to fail.
- Changed DrawArc endAngle to deltaAngle.
- Added dependency to Unity.UI. Used in sample scenes.
- Fixed stroke color being forgotten when stroke width is set to zero.
- Fixed pivot aligning to outside instead of edge.
- Added PushCanvasAndStyle() and PopCanvasAndStyle().
- Added NoiseTrails example.
- Added multi submission per update support for Text.
- Moved Text.font to Plot.SetTextFont().
- Added GameOfLife example.
- Added Image and Text examples.
- Updated how polylines, polygons, and text is created and drawn.
- Removed an example.
- Refactored Plot partial scripts.
- Added scripting reference.
- Changed name of SetNoStroke and SetNoFill to SetNoStrokeColor and SetNoFillColor.
- Added DestroyImmediateOrRuntime.
- Updated to Unity 2022.3.
- Moved project to custom package.
- Updated to Unity 2022.1.
- Fixed Polygon not rendering stroke.
- Split the Plot class into partial classes and separated out TextMeshPro.
- Added DrawToRenderTexture example.
- Added J. Tarbells Substrate as example.
- Added warning when using Draw() method after calling BeginDrawNowToTexture().
- Added missing TMP define checks in arc diagram example.
- Fixed edge color bug when no stroke.
- Arc angles now follows trigonometry (right is zero, increasing anti-clockwise) rather than mimicking a clock.
- Updated all plot components.
- Added Plot.SetLayer() supporting layers
- Added RotateCanvas() overrides for 3-axus euler and quaternion.
- Added PlotRect and PlotRing components.
- Labels are now hidden in hierarchy by default.
- Fixed vertical pivot for DrawRect.
- Fixed long standing issue with arc anti-aliasing.
- Added Arc argument constrainAngleSpanToRoundness.
- Added field size argument for DrawText().
- Fixed missing default UV rect for the fill texture.
- Updated SetNoFill() to now also forgets current fill texture.
- Added more argument options for SetFillTextureTint().
- Renamed LineRenderer to LinePRenderer to avoid name collision.
- Added SetFillTexture support (except for Polygon).
- Added SetStrokeCornerProfile.
- Added useGemetricRoundness to Arc and Pie.
- Added cutoff to Arc.
- Implemented min size presevation and fade out for all shapes.
- Added ShiffmansRecurveTree example.
- Optimised matrix operations.
- Added support for changing Polygon and Polyline while drawing.
- Added Polygon.SetAsStar and SetAsNGon methods.
- Added DrawXNow, BeginDrawNowToTexture() and EndDrawNowToTexture() methods.
- Added PushStyle() and PopStyle().
- Renamed the library from Draw to Plot.
- Added Square shape, drawn using Rect shape.
- Implemented shape size preservation when antialised.
- Fixed Polygon stroke not aligning correctly.
- Fixed transformations with strokes not scaling correctly.
- Fixed SetNoFill issue.
- Added checks for unnecessary matrix operations.
- Implemented antialiasing for polygons without stroke.
- Optimised polygon triangulation.
- Fixed NoStroke issue.
- Added DrawRing.
- Corrected size of rects when antialiased, so they align perfectly, as expected.
- Removed CapAlignment and changed Cap modes. Alignment now depends on the mode.
- Moved DrawLinePoints, DrawPolylinePoints and DrawPolygonLinePoints into a static DrawDebug class.
- Added SetAntialiasing option.
- Implemented caps and CapAlignment for Polyline.
- Reduced SetPivot methods to a single method and fixed pivot transformations.
- Added DrawLinePoints, DrawPolygonPoints and DrawPolylinePoints.
- Improved the Earcut triangulation for Unity.
- First version, for educational use only.