diff --git a/utils/Visualization/opendx_AVS/create_OpenDX_files_to_view_a_3D_mesh.f90 b/utils/Visualization/opendx_AVS/create_OpenDX_files_to_view_a_3D_mesh.f90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cf0a70dd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/Visualization/opendx_AVS/create_OpenDX_files_to_view_a_3D_mesh.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+! S p e c f e m 3 D V e r s i o n 3 . 0
+! ---------------------------------------
+! Main historical authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+! CNRS, France
+! and Princeton University, USA
+! (there are currently many more authors!)
+! (c) October 2017
+! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ program create_OpenDX_file_to_view_the_mesh
+! Dimitri Komatitsch, CNRS Marseille, France, September 2018
+ implicit none
+ integer :: nspec,nglob
+ integer :: ispec,iglob
+ integer :: iglob_read,ispec_loop,iformat,NGNOD,ia
+ double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: x,y,z
+ double precision :: xread,yread,zread,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax
+ integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: ibool
+ integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: imaterial
+! read the mesh files in ASCII format (that is the standard case)
+ iformat = 1
+! the mesh contains HEX8 elements
+ NGNOD = 8
+! open SPECFEM3D_Cartesian mesh file to read the points
+ if (iformat == 1) then
+ open(unit=23,file='DATA_3D/nodes_coords_file',status='old',action='read')
+ read(23,*) nglob
+ else
+ open(unit=23,file='DATA_3D/nodes_coords_file.bin',form='unformatted',status='old',action='read')
+ read(23) nglob
+ endif
+ allocate(x(nglob))
+ allocate(y(nglob))
+ allocate(z(nglob))
+ if (iformat == 1) then
+ do iglob = 1,nglob
+ read(23,*) iglob_read,xread,yread,zread
+ x(iglob_read) = xread
+ y(iglob_read) = yread
+ z(iglob_read) = zread
+ enddo
+ else
+ read(23) x
+ read(23) y
+ read(23) z
+ endif
+ close(23)
+! compute the min and max values of each coordinate
+ xmin = minval(x)
+ xmax = maxval(x)
+ ymin = minval(y)
+ ymax = maxval(y)
+ zmin = minval(z)
+ zmax = maxval(z)
+ print *,'Xmin and Xmax of the mesh read = ',xmin,xmax
+ print *,'Ymin and Ymax of the mesh read = ',ymin,ymax
+ print *,'Zmin and Zmax of the mesh read = ',zmin,zmax
+ print *
+! ************* read mesh elements *************
+! open SPECFEM3D_Cartesian topology file to read the mesh elements
+ if (iformat == 1) then
+ open(unit=23,file='DATA_3D/mesh_file',status='old',action='read')
+ read(23,*) nspec
+ else
+ open(unit=23,file='DATA_3D/mesh_file.bin',form='unformatted',status='old',action='read')
+ read(23) nspec
+ endif
+ allocate(ibool(NGNOD,nspec))
+ allocate(imaterial(nspec))
+! loop on the whole mesh
+ if (iformat == 1) then
+ do ispec_loop = 1,nspec
+ read(23,*) ispec,(ibool(ia,ispec), ia = 1,NGNOD)
+ enddo
+ else
+ read(23) ibool
+ endif
+ close(23)
+ print *,'Total number of elements in the mesh read = ',nspec
+ print *
+! read the material property numbers
+ open(unit=23,file='DATA_3D/materials_file',status='old',action='read')
+ do ispec_loop = 1,nspec
+ read(23,*) ispec,imaterial(ispec)
+ enddo
+ close(23)
+!! DK DK create an OpenDX file showing all the elements of the mesh
+ open(unit=11,file='DX_fullmesh.dx',status='unknown')
+ write(11,*) 'object 1 class array type float rank 1 shape 3 items ',nglob,' data follows'
+ do iglob = 1,nglob
+ write(11,"(f10.7,1x,f10.7,1x,f10.7)") x(iglob),y(iglob),z(iglob)
+ enddo
+! ************* generate elements ******************
+ write(11,*) 'object 2 class array type int rank 1 shape 8 items ',nspec,' data follows'
+! read local elements in this slice and output global AVS or DX elements
+ do ispec=1,nspec
+! point order in OpenDX in 2D is 1,4,2,3 *not* 1,2,3,4 as in AVS
+! point order in OpenDX in 3D is 4,1,8,5,3,2,7,6, *not* 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 as in AVS
+! in the case of OpenDX, node numbers start at zero
+ write(11,"(i9,1x,i9,1x,i9,1x,i9,1x,i9,1x,i9,1x,i9,1x,i9)") &
+ ibool(4,ispec)-1, ibool(1,ispec)-1, ibool(8,ispec)-1, ibool(5,ispec)-1, &
+ ibool(3,ispec)-1, ibool(2,ispec)-1, ibool(7,ispec)-1, ibool(6,ispec)-1
+ enddo
+! ************* generate element data values ******************
+! output AVS or DX header for data
+ write(11,*) 'attribute "element type" string "cubes"'
+ write(11,*) 'attribute "ref" string "positions"'
+ write(11,*) 'object 3 class array type float rank 0 items ',nspec,' data follows'
+! read local elements in this slice and output global AVS or DX elements
+ do ispec=1,nspec
+ write(11,*) imaterial(ispec)
+ enddo
+! define OpenDX field
+ write(11,*) 'attribute "dep" string "connections"'
+ write(11,*) 'object "irregular positions irregular connections" class field'
+ write(11,*) 'component "positions" value 1'
+ write(11,*) 'component "connections" value 2'
+ write(11,*) 'component "data" value 3'
+ write(11,*) 'end'
+ close(11)
+ end program create_OpenDX_file_to_view_the_mesh
diff --git a/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/create_OpenDX_files_to_view_the_3D_mesh.f90 b/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/create_OpenDX_files_to_view_the_3D_mesh.f90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cf0a70dd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/create_OpenDX_files_to_view_the_3D_mesh.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+! S p e c f e m 3 D V e r s i o n 3 . 0
+! ---------------------------------------
+! Main historical authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+! CNRS, France
+! and Princeton University, USA
+! (there are currently many more authors!)
+! (c) October 2017
+! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ program create_OpenDX_file_to_view_the_mesh
+! Dimitri Komatitsch, CNRS Marseille, France, September 2018
+ implicit none
+ integer :: nspec,nglob
+ integer :: ispec,iglob
+ integer :: iglob_read,ispec_loop,iformat,NGNOD,ia
+ double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: x,y,z
+ double precision :: xread,yread,zread,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax
+ integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: ibool
+ integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: imaterial
+! read the mesh files in ASCII format (that is the standard case)
+ iformat = 1
+! the mesh contains HEX8 elements
+ NGNOD = 8
+! open SPECFEM3D_Cartesian mesh file to read the points
+ if (iformat == 1) then
+ open(unit=23,file='DATA_3D/nodes_coords_file',status='old',action='read')
+ read(23,*) nglob
+ else
+ open(unit=23,file='DATA_3D/nodes_coords_file.bin',form='unformatted',status='old',action='read')
+ read(23) nglob
+ endif
+ allocate(x(nglob))
+ allocate(y(nglob))
+ allocate(z(nglob))
+ if (iformat == 1) then
+ do iglob = 1,nglob
+ read(23,*) iglob_read,xread,yread,zread
+ x(iglob_read) = xread
+ y(iglob_read) = yread
+ z(iglob_read) = zread
+ enddo
+ else
+ read(23) x
+ read(23) y
+ read(23) z
+ endif
+ close(23)
+! compute the min and max values of each coordinate
+ xmin = minval(x)
+ xmax = maxval(x)
+ ymin = minval(y)
+ ymax = maxval(y)
+ zmin = minval(z)
+ zmax = maxval(z)
+ print *,'Xmin and Xmax of the mesh read = ',xmin,xmax
+ print *,'Ymin and Ymax of the mesh read = ',ymin,ymax
+ print *,'Zmin and Zmax of the mesh read = ',zmin,zmax
+ print *
+! ************* read mesh elements *************
+! open SPECFEM3D_Cartesian topology file to read the mesh elements
+ if (iformat == 1) then
+ open(unit=23,file='DATA_3D/mesh_file',status='old',action='read')
+ read(23,*) nspec
+ else
+ open(unit=23,file='DATA_3D/mesh_file.bin',form='unformatted',status='old',action='read')
+ read(23) nspec
+ endif
+ allocate(ibool(NGNOD,nspec))
+ allocate(imaterial(nspec))
+! loop on the whole mesh
+ if (iformat == 1) then
+ do ispec_loop = 1,nspec
+ read(23,*) ispec,(ibool(ia,ispec), ia = 1,NGNOD)
+ enddo
+ else
+ read(23) ibool
+ endif
+ close(23)
+ print *,'Total number of elements in the mesh read = ',nspec
+ print *
+! read the material property numbers
+ open(unit=23,file='DATA_3D/materials_file',status='old',action='read')
+ do ispec_loop = 1,nspec
+ read(23,*) ispec,imaterial(ispec)
+ enddo
+ close(23)
+!! DK DK create an OpenDX file showing all the elements of the mesh
+ open(unit=11,file='DX_fullmesh.dx',status='unknown')
+ write(11,*) 'object 1 class array type float rank 1 shape 3 items ',nglob,' data follows'
+ do iglob = 1,nglob
+ write(11,"(f10.7,1x,f10.7,1x,f10.7)") x(iglob),y(iglob),z(iglob)
+ enddo
+! ************* generate elements ******************
+ write(11,*) 'object 2 class array type int rank 1 shape 8 items ',nspec,' data follows'
+! read local elements in this slice and output global AVS or DX elements
+ do ispec=1,nspec
+! point order in OpenDX in 2D is 1,4,2,3 *not* 1,2,3,4 as in AVS
+! point order in OpenDX in 3D is 4,1,8,5,3,2,7,6, *not* 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 as in AVS
+! in the case of OpenDX, node numbers start at zero
+ write(11,"(i9,1x,i9,1x,i9,1x,i9,1x,i9,1x,i9,1x,i9,1x,i9)") &
+ ibool(4,ispec)-1, ibool(1,ispec)-1, ibool(8,ispec)-1, ibool(5,ispec)-1, &
+ ibool(3,ispec)-1, ibool(2,ispec)-1, ibool(7,ispec)-1, ibool(6,ispec)-1
+ enddo
+! ************* generate element data values ******************
+! output AVS or DX header for data
+ write(11,*) 'attribute "element type" string "cubes"'
+ write(11,*) 'attribute "ref" string "positions"'
+ write(11,*) 'object 3 class array type float rank 0 items ',nspec,' data follows'
+! read local elements in this slice and output global AVS or DX elements
+ do ispec=1,nspec
+ write(11,*) imaterial(ispec)
+ enddo
+! define OpenDX field
+ write(11,*) 'attribute "dep" string "connections"'
+ write(11,*) 'object "irregular positions irregular connections" class field'
+ write(11,*) 'component "positions" value 1'
+ write(11,*) 'component "connections" value 2'
+ write(11,*) 'component "data" value 3'
+ write(11,*) 'end'
+ close(11)
+ end program create_OpenDX_file_to_view_the_mesh
diff --git a/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/create_database_files_for_external_faces_of_the_3D_mesh.f90 b/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/create_database_files_for_external_faces_of_the_3D_mesh.f90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f082b5fec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/create_database_files_for_external_faces_of_the_3D_mesh.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,1212 @@
+! S p e c f e m 3 D V e r s i o n 3 . 0
+! ---------------------------------------
+! Main historical authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+! CNRS, France
+! and Princeton University, USA
+! (there are currently many more authors!)
+! (c) October 2017
+! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ program create_database_files_for_external_faces_of_the_3D_mesh
+! Dimitri Komatitsch, CNRS Marseille, France, April 2013 and February 2017 and September 2018
+ implicit none
+ integer :: nspec,npoin
+ integer :: ispec,ipoin
+ integer :: ipoin_read,ispec_loop,iformat,NGNOD,ia
+ integer :: i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7,i8,i9,i10,i11,i12,i13,i14,i15,i16,i17,i18,i19,i20,i21,i22,i23,i24,i25,i26,i27
+ integer :: count_faces_found
+ double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: x,y,z
+ double precision :: xread,yread,zread,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax,limit,size_of_model
+ logical :: already_found_a_face
+ integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: ibool
+! to make sure coordinate roundoff problems do not occur, use a tolerance of 0.5%
+ double precision, parameter :: SMALL_PERCENTAGE_TOLERANCE = 1.005d0
+ double precision, parameter :: SMALL_RELATIVE_VALUE = 0.5d-3
+! read the mesh files in ASCII format (that is the standard case)
+ iformat = 1
+! the mesh contains HEX8 elements
+ NGNOD = 8
+! open SPECFEM3D_Cartesian mesh file to read the points
+ if (iformat == 1) then
+ open(unit=23,file='DATA_3D/nodes_coords_file',status='old',action='read')
+ read(23,*) npoin
+ else
+ open(unit=23,file='DATA_3D/nodes_coords_file.bin',form='unformatted',status='old',action='read')
+ read(23) npoin
+ endif
+ allocate(x(npoin))
+ allocate(y(npoin))
+ allocate(z(npoin))
+ if (iformat == 1) then
+ do ipoin = 1,npoin
+ read(23,*) ipoin_read,xread,yread,zread
+ x(ipoin_read) = xread
+ y(ipoin_read) = yread
+ z(ipoin_read) = zread
+ enddo
+ else
+ read(23) x
+ read(23) y
+ read(23) z
+ endif
+ close(23)
+! compute the min and max values of each coordinate
+ xmin = minval(x)
+ xmax = maxval(x)
+ ymin = minval(y)
+ ymax = maxval(y)
+ zmin = minval(z)
+ zmax = maxval(z)
+ print *,'Xmin and Xmax of the mesh read = ',xmin,xmax
+ print *,'Ymin and Ymax of the mesh read = ',ymin,ymax
+ print *,'Zmin and Zmax of the mesh read = ',zmin,zmax
+ print *
+! ************* read mesh elements *************
+! open SPECFEM3D_Cartesian topology file to read the mesh elements
+ if (iformat == 1) then
+ open(unit=23,file='DATA_3D/mesh_file',status='old',action='read')
+ read(23,*) nspec
+ else
+ open(unit=23,file='DATA_3D/mesh_file.bin',form='unformatted',status='old',action='read')
+ read(23) nspec
+ endif
+ allocate(ibool(NGNOD,nspec))
+! loop on the whole mesh
+ if (iformat == 1) then
+ do ispec_loop = 1,nspec
+ read(23,*) ispec,(ibool(ia,ispec), ia = 1,NGNOD)
+ enddo
+ else
+ read(23) ibool
+ endif
+ close(23)
+ print *,'Total number of elements in the mesh read = ',nspec
+ print *
+! ************* generate "absorbing_surface_file_xmin" *************
+! first count the number of faces that are along that edge
+ count_faces_found = 0
+! Xmin
+ size_of_model = xmax - xmin
+ limit = xmin + SMALL_RELATIVE_VALUE*size_of_model
+! loop on the whole mesh
+ do ispec = 1,nspec
+ i1 = ibool(1,ispec)
+ i2 = ibool(2,ispec)
+ i3 = ibool(3,ispec)
+ i4 = ibool(4,ispec)
+ i5 = ibool(5,ispec)
+ i6 = ibool(6,ispec)
+ i7 = ibool(7,ispec)
+ i8 = ibool(8,ispec)
+ if (.true.) then
+ already_found_a_face = .false.
+! test face 1 (bottom)
+ if (x(i1) < limit .and. x(i2) < limit .and. x(i3) < limit .and. x(i4) < limit) then
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+! test face 2 (top)
+ if (x(i5) < limit .and. x(i6) < limit .and. x(i7) < limit .and. x(i8) < limit) then
+ if (already_found_a_face) stop 'error: element with two faces on the same edge found!'
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+! test face 3 (left)
+ if (x(i1) < limit .and. x(i4) < limit .and. x(i8) < limit .and. x(i5) < limit) then
+ if (already_found_a_face) stop 'error: element with two faces on the same edge found!'
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+! test face 4 (right)
+ if (x(i2) < limit .and. x(i3) < limit .and. x(i7) < limit .and. x(i6) < limit) then
+ if (already_found_a_face) stop 'error: element with two faces on the same edge found!'
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+! test face 5 (front)
+ if (x(i1) < limit .and. x(i2) < limit .and. x(i6) < limit .and. x(i5) < limit) then
+ if (already_found_a_face) stop 'error: element with two faces on the same edge found!'
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+! test face 6 (back)
+ if (x(i4) < limit .and. x(i3) < limit .and. x(i7) < limit .and. x(i8) < limit) then
+ if (already_found_a_face) stop 'error: element with two faces on the same edge found!'
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
+ print *,'found ',count_faces_found,' full faces on face Xmin'
+! open SPECFEM3D_Cartesian topology file to read the mesh elements
+ open(unit=24,file='DATA_3D/absorbing_surface_file_xmin',status='unknown',action='write')
+! write the total number of face elements
+ write(24,*) count_faces_found
+! loop on the whole mesh
+ do ispec = 1,nspec
+ i1 = ibool(1,ispec)
+ i2 = ibool(2,ispec)
+ i3 = ibool(3,ispec)
+ i4 = ibool(4,ispec)
+ i5 = ibool(5,ispec)
+ i6 = ibool(6,ispec)
+ i7 = ibool(7,ispec)
+ i8 = ibool(8,ispec)
+ if (NGNOD == 27) then
+ i9 = ibool(9,ispec)
+ i10 = ibool(10,ispec)
+ i11 = ibool(11,ispec)
+ i12 = ibool(12,ispec)
+ i13 = ibool(13,ispec)
+ i14 = ibool(14,ispec)
+ i15 = ibool(15,ispec)
+ i16 = ibool(16,ispec)
+ i17 = ibool(17,ispec)
+ i18 = ibool(18,ispec)
+ i19 = ibool(19,ispec)
+ i20 = ibool(20,ispec)
+ i21 = ibool(21,ispec)
+ i22 = ibool(22,ispec)
+ i23 = ibool(23,ispec)
+ i24 = ibool(24,ispec)
+ i25 = ibool(25,ispec)
+ i26 = ibool(26,ispec)
+ i27 = ibool(27,ispec)
+ endif
+ if (.true.) then
+! for the six faces below it is important to make sure we write the four points
+! in an order for which the normal to the face points outwards
+! test face 1 (bottom)
+ if (x(i1) < limit .and. x(i2) < limit .and. x(i3) < limit .and. x(i4) < limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i4,i3,i2,i1
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i4,i3,i2,i1,i11,i10,i9,i12,i21
+ endif
+ endif
+! test face 2 (top)
+ if (x(i5) < limit .and. x(i6) < limit .and. x(i7) < limit .and. x(i8) < limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i5,i6,i7,i8
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i5,i6,i7,i8,i17,i18,i19,i20,i26
+ endif
+ endif
+! test face 3 (left)
+ if (x(i1) < limit .and. x(i4) < limit .and. x(i8) < limit .and. x(i5) < limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i1,i5,i8,i4
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i1,i5,i8,i4,i13,i20,i16,i12,i25
+ endif
+ endif
+! test face 4 (right)
+ if (x(i2) < limit .and. x(i3) < limit .and. x(i7) < limit .and. x(i6) < limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i2,i3,i7,i6
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i2,i3,i7,i6,i10,i15,i18,i14,i23
+ endif
+ endif
+! test face 5 (front)
+ if (x(i1) < limit .and. x(i2) < limit .and. x(i6) < limit .and. x(i5) < limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i1,i2,i6,i5
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i1,i2,i6,i5,i9,i14,i17,i13,i22
+ endif
+ endif
+! test face 6 (back)
+ if (x(i4) < limit .and. x(i3) < limit .and. x(i7) < limit .and. x(i8) < limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i3,i4,i8,i7
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i3,i4,i8,i7,i11,i16,i19,i15,i24
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
+ close(24)
+ print *,'File "absorbing_surface_file_xmin" has been successfully created'
+ print *
+! ************* generate "absorbing_surface_file_xmax" *************
+! first count the number of faces that are along that edge
+ count_faces_found = 0
+! Xmax
+ size_of_model = xmax - xmin
+ limit = xmax - SMALL_RELATIVE_VALUE*size_of_model
+! loop on the whole mesh
+ do ispec = 1,nspec
+ i1 = ibool(1,ispec)
+ i2 = ibool(2,ispec)
+ i3 = ibool(3,ispec)
+ i4 = ibool(4,ispec)
+ i5 = ibool(5,ispec)
+ i6 = ibool(6,ispec)
+ i7 = ibool(7,ispec)
+ i8 = ibool(8,ispec)
+ if (.true.) then
+ already_found_a_face = .false.
+! test face 1 (bottom)
+ if (x(i1) > limit .and. x(i2) > limit .and. x(i3) > limit .and. x(i4) > limit) then
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+! test face 2 (top)
+ if (x(i5) > limit .and. x(i6) > limit .and. x(i7) > limit .and. x(i8) > limit) then
+ if (already_found_a_face) stop 'error: element with two faces on the same edge found!'
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+! test face 3 (left)
+ if (x(i1) > limit .and. x(i4) > limit .and. x(i8) > limit .and. x(i5) > limit) then
+ if (already_found_a_face) stop 'error: element with two faces on the same edge found!'
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+! test face 4 (right)
+ if (x(i2) > limit .and. x(i3) > limit .and. x(i7) > limit .and. x(i6) > limit) then
+ if (already_found_a_face) stop 'error: element with two faces on the same edge found!'
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+! test face 5 (front)
+ if (x(i1) > limit .and. x(i2) > limit .and. x(i6) > limit .and. x(i5) > limit) then
+ if (already_found_a_face) stop 'error: element with two faces on the same edge found!'
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+! test face 6 (back)
+ if (x(i4) > limit .and. x(i3) > limit .and. x(i7) > limit .and. x(i8) > limit) then
+ if (already_found_a_face) stop 'error: element with two faces on the same edge found!'
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
+ print *,'found ',count_faces_found,' full faces on face Xmax'
+ open(unit=24,file='DATA_3D/absorbing_surface_file_xmax',status='unknown',action='write')
+! write the total number of face elements
+ write(24,*) count_faces_found
+! loop on the whole mesh
+ do ispec = 1,nspec
+ i1 = ibool(1,ispec)
+ i2 = ibool(2,ispec)
+ i3 = ibool(3,ispec)
+ i4 = ibool(4,ispec)
+ i5 = ibool(5,ispec)
+ i6 = ibool(6,ispec)
+ i7 = ibool(7,ispec)
+ i8 = ibool(8,ispec)
+ if (NGNOD == 27) then
+ i9 = ibool(9,ispec)
+ i10 = ibool(10,ispec)
+ i11 = ibool(11,ispec)
+ i12 = ibool(12,ispec)
+ i13 = ibool(13,ispec)
+ i14 = ibool(14,ispec)
+ i15 = ibool(15,ispec)
+ i16 = ibool(16,ispec)
+ i17 = ibool(17,ispec)
+ i18 = ibool(18,ispec)
+ i19 = ibool(19,ispec)
+ i20 = ibool(20,ispec)
+ i21 = ibool(21,ispec)
+ i22 = ibool(22,ispec)
+ i23 = ibool(23,ispec)
+ i24 = ibool(24,ispec)
+ i25 = ibool(25,ispec)
+ i26 = ibool(26,ispec)
+ i27 = ibool(27,ispec)
+ endif
+ if (.true.) then
+! for the six faces below it is important to make sure we write the four points
+! in an order for which the normal to the face points outwards
+! test face 1 (bottom)
+ if (x(i1) > limit .and. x(i2) > limit .and. x(i3) > limit .and. x(i4) > limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i4,i3,i2,i1
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i4,i3,i2,i1,i11,i10,i9,i12,i21
+ endif
+ endif
+! test face 2 (top)
+ if (x(i5) > limit .and. x(i6) > limit .and. x(i7) > limit .and. x(i8) > limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i5,i6,i7,i8
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i5,i6,i7,i8,i17,i18,i19,i20,i26
+ endif
+ endif
+! test face 3 (left)
+ if (x(i1) > limit .and. x(i4) > limit .and. x(i8) > limit .and. x(i5) > limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i1,i5,i8,i4
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i1,i5,i8,i4,i13,i20,i16,i12,i25
+ endif
+ endif
+! test face 4 (right)
+ if (x(i2) > limit .and. x(i3) > limit .and. x(i7) > limit .and. x(i6) > limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i2,i3,i7,i6
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i2,i3,i7,i6,i10,i15,i18,i14,i23
+ endif
+ endif
+! test face 5 (front)
+ if (x(i1) > limit .and. x(i2) > limit .and. x(i6) > limit .and. x(i5) > limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i1,i2,i6,i5
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i1,i2,i6,i5,i9,i14,i17,i13,i22
+ endif
+ endif
+! test face 6 (back)
+ if (x(i4) > limit .and. x(i3) > limit .and. x(i7) > limit .and. x(i8) > limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i3,i4,i8,i7
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i3,i4,i8,i7,i11,i16,i19,i15,i24
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
+ close(24)
+ print *,'File "absorbing_surface_file_xmax" has been successfully created'
+ print *
+! ************* generate "absorbing_surface_file_ymin" *************
+! first count the number of faces that are along that edge
+ count_faces_found = 0
+! Ymin
+ size_of_model = ymax - ymin
+ limit = ymin + SMALL_RELATIVE_VALUE*size_of_model
+! loop on the whole mesh
+ do ispec = 1,nspec
+ i1 = ibool(1,ispec)
+ i2 = ibool(2,ispec)
+ i3 = ibool(3,ispec)
+ i4 = ibool(4,ispec)
+ i5 = ibool(5,ispec)
+ i6 = ibool(6,ispec)
+ i7 = ibool(7,ispec)
+ i8 = ibool(8,ispec)
+ if (.true.) then
+ already_found_a_face = .false.
+! test face 1 (bottom)
+ if (y(i1) < limit .and. y(i2) < limit .and. y(i3) < limit .and. y(i4) < limit) then
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+! test face 2 (top)
+ if (y(i5) < limit .and. y(i6) < limit .and. y(i7) < limit .and. y(i8) < limit) then
+ if (already_found_a_face) stop 'error: element with two faces on the same edge found!'
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+! test face 3 (left)
+ if (y(i1) < limit .and. y(i4) < limit .and. y(i8) < limit .and. y(i5) < limit) then
+ if (already_found_a_face) stop 'error: element with two faces on the same edge found!'
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+! test face 4 (right)
+ if (y(i2) < limit .and. y(i3) < limit .and. y(i7) < limit .and. y(i6) < limit) then
+ if (already_found_a_face) stop 'error: element with two faces on the same edge found!'
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+! test face 5 (front)
+ if (y(i1) < limit .and. y(i2) < limit .and. y(i6) < limit .and. y(i5) < limit) then
+ if (already_found_a_face) stop 'error: element with two faces on the same edge found!'
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+! test face 6 (back)
+ if (y(i4) < limit .and. y(i3) < limit .and. y(i7) < limit .and. y(i8) < limit) then
+ if (already_found_a_face) stop 'error: element with two faces on the same edge found!'
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
+ print *,'found ',count_faces_found,' full faces on face Ymin'
+ open(unit=24,file='DATA_3D/absorbing_surface_file_ymin',status='unknown',action='write')
+! write the total number of face elements
+ write(24,*) count_faces_found
+! loop on the whole mesh
+ do ispec = 1,nspec
+ i1 = ibool(1,ispec)
+ i2 = ibool(2,ispec)
+ i3 = ibool(3,ispec)
+ i4 = ibool(4,ispec)
+ i5 = ibool(5,ispec)
+ i6 = ibool(6,ispec)
+ i7 = ibool(7,ispec)
+ i8 = ibool(8,ispec)
+ if (NGNOD == 27) then
+ i9 = ibool(9,ispec)
+ i10 = ibool(10,ispec)
+ i11 = ibool(11,ispec)
+ i12 = ibool(12,ispec)
+ i13 = ibool(13,ispec)
+ i14 = ibool(14,ispec)
+ i15 = ibool(15,ispec)
+ i16 = ibool(16,ispec)
+ i17 = ibool(17,ispec)
+ i18 = ibool(18,ispec)
+ i19 = ibool(19,ispec)
+ i20 = ibool(20,ispec)
+ i21 = ibool(21,ispec)
+ i22 = ibool(22,ispec)
+ i23 = ibool(23,ispec)
+ i24 = ibool(24,ispec)
+ i25 = ibool(25,ispec)
+ i26 = ibool(26,ispec)
+ i27 = ibool(27,ispec)
+ endif
+ if (.true.) then
+! for the six faces below it is important to make sure we write the four points
+! in an order for which the normal to the face points outwards
+! test face 1 (bottom)
+ if (y(i1) < limit .and. y(i2) < limit .and. y(i3) < limit .and. y(i4) < limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i4,i3,i2,i1
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i4,i3,i2,i1,i11,i10,i9,i12,i21
+ endif
+ endif
+! test face 2 (top)
+ if (y(i5) < limit .and. y(i6) < limit .and. y(i7) < limit .and. y(i8) < limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i5,i6,i7,i8
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i5,i6,i7,i8,i17,i18,i19,i20,i26
+ endif
+ endif
+! test face 3 (left)
+ if (y(i1) < limit .and. y(i4) < limit .and. y(i8) < limit .and. y(i5) < limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i1,i5,i8,i4
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i1,i5,i8,i4,i13,i20,i16,i12,i25
+ endif
+ endif
+! test face 4 (right)
+ if (y(i2) < limit .and. y(i3) < limit .and. y(i7) < limit .and. y(i6) < limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i2,i3,i7,i6
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i2,i3,i7,i6,i10,i15,i18,i14,i23
+ endif
+ endif
+! test face 5 (front)
+ if (y(i1) < limit .and. y(i2) < limit .and. y(i6) < limit .and. y(i5) < limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i1,i2,i6,i5
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i1,i2,i6,i5,i9,i14,i17,i13,i22
+ endif
+ endif
+! test face 6 (back)
+ if (y(i4) < limit .and. y(i3) < limit .and. y(i7) < limit .and. y(i8) < limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i3,i4,i8,i7
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i3,i4,i8,i7,i11,i16,i19,i15,i24
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
+ close(24)
+ print *,'File "absorbing_surface_file_ymin" has been successfully created'
+ print *
+! ************* generate "absorbing_surface_file_ymax" *************
+! first count the number of faces that are along that edge
+ count_faces_found = 0
+! Ymax
+ size_of_model = ymax - ymin
+ limit = ymax - SMALL_RELATIVE_VALUE*size_of_model
+! loop on the whole mesh
+ do ispec = 1,nspec
+ i1 = ibool(1,ispec)
+ i2 = ibool(2,ispec)
+ i3 = ibool(3,ispec)
+ i4 = ibool(4,ispec)
+ i5 = ibool(5,ispec)
+ i6 = ibool(6,ispec)
+ i7 = ibool(7,ispec)
+ i8 = ibool(8,ispec)
+ if (.true.) then
+ already_found_a_face = .false.
+! test face 1 (bottom)
+ if (y(i1) > limit .and. y(i2) > limit .and. y(i3) > limit .and. y(i4) > limit) then
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+! test face 2 (top)
+ if (y(i5) > limit .and. y(i6) > limit .and. y(i7) > limit .and. y(i8) > limit) then
+ if (already_found_a_face) stop 'error: element with two faces on the same edge found!'
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+! test face 3 (left)
+ if (y(i1) > limit .and. y(i4) > limit .and. y(i8) > limit .and. y(i5) > limit) then
+ if (already_found_a_face) stop 'error: element with two faces on the same edge found!'
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+! test face 4 (right)
+ if (y(i2) > limit .and. y(i3) > limit .and. y(i7) > limit .and. y(i6) > limit) then
+ if (already_found_a_face) stop 'error: element with two faces on the same edge found!'
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+! test face 5 (front)
+ if (y(i1) > limit .and. y(i2) > limit .and. y(i6) > limit .and. y(i5) > limit) then
+ if (already_found_a_face) stop 'error: element with two faces on the same edge found!'
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+! test face 6 (back)
+ if (y(i4) > limit .and. y(i3) > limit .and. y(i7) > limit .and. y(i8) > limit) then
+ if (already_found_a_face) stop 'error: element with two faces on the same edge found!'
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
+ print *,'found ',count_faces_found,' full faces on face Ymax'
+ open(unit=24,file='DATA_3D/absorbing_surface_file_ymax',status='unknown',action='write')
+! write the total number of face elements
+ write(24,*) count_faces_found
+! loop on the whole mesh
+ do ispec = 1,nspec
+ i1 = ibool(1,ispec)
+ i2 = ibool(2,ispec)
+ i3 = ibool(3,ispec)
+ i4 = ibool(4,ispec)
+ i5 = ibool(5,ispec)
+ i6 = ibool(6,ispec)
+ i7 = ibool(7,ispec)
+ i8 = ibool(8,ispec)
+ if (NGNOD == 27) then
+ i9 = ibool(9,ispec)
+ i10 = ibool(10,ispec)
+ i11 = ibool(11,ispec)
+ i12 = ibool(12,ispec)
+ i13 = ibool(13,ispec)
+ i14 = ibool(14,ispec)
+ i15 = ibool(15,ispec)
+ i16 = ibool(16,ispec)
+ i17 = ibool(17,ispec)
+ i18 = ibool(18,ispec)
+ i19 = ibool(19,ispec)
+ i20 = ibool(20,ispec)
+ i21 = ibool(21,ispec)
+ i22 = ibool(22,ispec)
+ i23 = ibool(23,ispec)
+ i24 = ibool(24,ispec)
+ i25 = ibool(25,ispec)
+ i26 = ibool(26,ispec)
+ i27 = ibool(27,ispec)
+ endif
+ if (.true.) then
+! for the six faces below it is important to make sure we write the four points
+! in an order for which the normal to the face points outwards
+! test face 1 (bottom)
+ if (y(i1) > limit .and. y(i2) > limit .and. y(i3) > limit .and. y(i4) > limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i4,i3,i2,i1
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i4,i3,i2,i1,i11,i10,i9,i12,i21
+ endif
+ endif
+! test face 2 (top)
+ if (y(i5) > limit .and. y(i6) > limit .and. y(i7) > limit .and. y(i8) > limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i5,i6,i7,i8
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i5,i6,i7,i8,i17,i18,i19,i20,i26
+ endif
+ endif
+! test face 3 (left)
+ if (y(i1) > limit .and. y(i4) > limit .and. y(i8) > limit .and. y(i5) > limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i1,i5,i8,i4
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i1,i5,i8,i4,i13,i20,i16,i12,i25
+ endif
+ endif
+! test face 4 (right)
+ if (y(i2) > limit .and. y(i3) > limit .and. y(i7) > limit .and. y(i6) > limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i2,i3,i7,i6
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i2,i3,i7,i6,i10,i15,i18,i14,i23
+ endif
+ endif
+! test face 5 (front)
+ if (y(i1) > limit .and. y(i2) > limit .and. y(i6) > limit .and. y(i5) > limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i1,i2,i6,i5
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i1,i2,i6,i5,i9,i14,i17,i13,i22
+ endif
+ endif
+! test face 6 (back)
+ if (y(i4) > limit .and. y(i3) > limit .and. y(i7) > limit .and. y(i8) > limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i3,i4,i8,i7
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i3,i4,i8,i7,i11,i16,i19,i15,i24
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
+ close(24)
+ print *,'File "absorbing_surface_file_ymax" has been successfully created'
+ print *
+! ************* generate "absorbing_surface_file_bottom" *************
+! first count the number of faces that are along that edge
+ count_faces_found = 0
+! Zmin
+ size_of_model = zmax - zmin
+ limit = zmin + SMALL_RELATIVE_VALUE*size_of_model
+! loop on the whole mesh
+ do ispec = 1,nspec
+ i1 = ibool(1,ispec)
+ i2 = ibool(2,ispec)
+ i3 = ibool(3,ispec)
+ i4 = ibool(4,ispec)
+ i5 = ibool(5,ispec)
+ i6 = ibool(6,ispec)
+ i7 = ibool(7,ispec)
+ i8 = ibool(8,ispec)
+ if (.true.) then
+ already_found_a_face = .false.
+! test face 1 (bottom)
+ if (z(i1) < limit .and. z(i2) < limit .and. z(i3) < limit .and. z(i4) < limit) then
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+! test face 2 (top)
+ if (z(i5) < limit .and. z(i6) < limit .and. z(i7) < limit .and. z(i8) < limit) then
+ if (already_found_a_face) stop 'error: element with two faces on the same edge found!'
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+! test face 3 (left)
+ if (z(i1) < limit .and. z(i4) < limit .and. z(i8) < limit .and. z(i5) < limit) then
+ if (already_found_a_face) stop 'error: element with two faces on the same edge found!'
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+! test face 4 (right)
+ if (z(i2) < limit .and. z(i3) < limit .and. z(i7) < limit .and. z(i6) < limit) then
+ if (already_found_a_face) stop 'error: element with two faces on the same edge found!'
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+! test face 5 (front)
+ if (z(i1) < limit .and. z(i2) < limit .and. z(i6) < limit .and. z(i5) < limit) then
+ if (already_found_a_face) stop 'error: element with two faces on the same edge found!'
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+! test face 6 (back)
+ if (z(i4) < limit .and. z(i3) < limit .and. z(i7) < limit .and. z(i8) < limit) then
+ if (already_found_a_face) stop 'error: element with two faces on the same edge found!'
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
+ print *,'found ',count_faces_found,' full faces on face Zmin'
+ open(unit=24,file='DATA_3D/absorbing_surface_file_bottom',status='unknown',action='write')
+! write the total number of face elements
+ write(24,*) count_faces_found
+! loop on the whole mesh
+ do ispec = 1,nspec
+ i1 = ibool(1,ispec)
+ i2 = ibool(2,ispec)
+ i3 = ibool(3,ispec)
+ i4 = ibool(4,ispec)
+ i5 = ibool(5,ispec)
+ i6 = ibool(6,ispec)
+ i7 = ibool(7,ispec)
+ i8 = ibool(8,ispec)
+ if (NGNOD == 27) then
+ i9 = ibool(9,ispec)
+ i10 = ibool(10,ispec)
+ i11 = ibool(11,ispec)
+ i12 = ibool(12,ispec)
+ i13 = ibool(13,ispec)
+ i14 = ibool(14,ispec)
+ i15 = ibool(15,ispec)
+ i16 = ibool(16,ispec)
+ i17 = ibool(17,ispec)
+ i18 = ibool(18,ispec)
+ i19 = ibool(19,ispec)
+ i20 = ibool(20,ispec)
+ i21 = ibool(21,ispec)
+ i22 = ibool(22,ispec)
+ i23 = ibool(23,ispec)
+ i24 = ibool(24,ispec)
+ i25 = ibool(25,ispec)
+ i26 = ibool(26,ispec)
+ i27 = ibool(27,ispec)
+ endif
+ if (.true.) then
+! for the six faces below it is important to make sure we write the four points
+! in an order for which the normal to the face points outwards
+! test face 1 (bottom)
+ if (z(i1) < limit .and. z(i2) < limit .and. z(i3) < limit .and. z(i4) < limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i4,i3,i2,i1
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i4,i3,i2,i1,i11,i10,i9,i12,i21
+ endif
+ endif
+! test face 2 (top)
+ if (z(i5) < limit .and. z(i6) < limit .and. z(i7) < limit .and. z(i8) < limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i5,i6,i7,i8
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i5,i6,i7,i8,i17,i18,i19,i20,i26
+ endif
+ endif
+! test face 3 (left)
+ if (z(i1) < limit .and. z(i4) < limit .and. z(i8) < limit .and. z(i5) < limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i1,i5,i8,i4
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i1,i5,i8,i4,i13,i20,i16,i12,i25
+ endif
+ endif
+! test face 4 (right)
+ if (z(i2) < limit .and. z(i3) < limit .and. z(i7) < limit .and. z(i6) < limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i2,i3,i7,i6
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i2,i3,i7,i6,i10,i15,i18,i14,i23
+ endif
+ endif
+! test face 5 (front)
+ if (z(i1) < limit .and. z(i2) < limit .and. z(i6) < limit .and. z(i5) < limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i1,i2,i6,i5
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i1,i2,i6,i5,i9,i14,i17,i13,i22
+ endif
+ endif
+! test face 6 (back)
+ if (z(i4) < limit .and. z(i3) < limit .and. z(i7) < limit .and. z(i8) < limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i3,i4,i8,i7
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i3,i4,i8,i7,i11,i16,i19,i15,i24
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
+ close(24)
+ print *,'File "absorbing_surface_file_bottom" has been successfully created'
+ print *
+! ************* generate "free_or_absorbing_surface_file_zmax" *************
+! first count the number of faces that are along that edge
+ count_faces_found = 0
+! Zmax
+ size_of_model = zmax - zmin
+ limit = zmax - SMALL_RELATIVE_VALUE*size_of_model
+! loop on the whole mesh
+ do ispec = 1,nspec
+ i1 = ibool(1,ispec)
+ i2 = ibool(2,ispec)
+ i3 = ibool(3,ispec)
+ i4 = ibool(4,ispec)
+ i5 = ibool(5,ispec)
+ i6 = ibool(6,ispec)
+ i7 = ibool(7,ispec)
+ i8 = ibool(8,ispec)
+ already_found_a_face = .false.
+! test face 1 (bottom)
+ if (z(i1) > limit .and. z(i2) > limit .and. z(i3) > limit .and. z(i4) > limit) then
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+! test face 2 (top)
+ if (z(i5) > limit .and. z(i6) > limit .and. z(i7) > limit .and. z(i8) > limit) then
+ if (already_found_a_face) stop 'error: element with two faces on the same edge found!'
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+! test face 3 (left)
+ if (z(i1) > limit .and. z(i4) > limit .and. z(i8) > limit .and. z(i5) > limit) then
+ if (already_found_a_face) stop 'error: element with two faces on the same edge found!'
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+! test face 4 (right)
+ if (z(i2) > limit .and. z(i3) > limit .and. z(i7) > limit .and. z(i6) > limit) then
+ if (already_found_a_face) stop 'error: element with two faces on the same edge found!'
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+! test face 5 (front)
+ if (z(i1) > limit .and. z(i2) > limit .and. z(i6) > limit .and. z(i5) > limit) then
+ if (already_found_a_face) stop 'error: element with two faces on the same edge found!'
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+! test face 6 (back)
+ if (z(i4) > limit .and. z(i3) > limit .and. z(i7) > limit .and. z(i8) > limit) then
+ if (already_found_a_face) stop 'error: element with two faces on the same edge found!'
+ count_faces_found = count_faces_found + 1
+ already_found_a_face = .true.
+ endif
+ enddo
+ print *,'found ',count_faces_found,' full faces on face Zmax'
+ open(unit=24,file='DATA_3D/free_or_absorbing_surface_file_zmax',status='unknown',action='write')
+! write the total number of face elements
+ write(24,*) count_faces_found
+! loop on the whole mesh
+ do ispec = 1,nspec
+ i1 = ibool(1,ispec)
+ i2 = ibool(2,ispec)
+ i3 = ibool(3,ispec)
+ i4 = ibool(4,ispec)
+ i5 = ibool(5,ispec)
+ i6 = ibool(6,ispec)
+ i7 = ibool(7,ispec)
+ i8 = ibool(8,ispec)
+ if (NGNOD == 27) then
+ i9 = ibool(9,ispec)
+ i10 = ibool(10,ispec)
+ i11 = ibool(11,ispec)
+ i12 = ibool(12,ispec)
+ i13 = ibool(13,ispec)
+ i14 = ibool(14,ispec)
+ i15 = ibool(15,ispec)
+ i16 = ibool(16,ispec)
+ i17 = ibool(17,ispec)
+ i18 = ibool(18,ispec)
+ i19 = ibool(19,ispec)
+ i20 = ibool(20,ispec)
+ i21 = ibool(21,ispec)
+ i22 = ibool(22,ispec)
+ i23 = ibool(23,ispec)
+ i24 = ibool(24,ispec)
+ i25 = ibool(25,ispec)
+ i26 = ibool(26,ispec)
+ i27 = ibool(27,ispec)
+ endif
+! for the six faces below it is important to make sure we write the four points
+! in an order for which the normal to the face points outwards
+! test face 1 (bottom)
+ if (z(i1) > limit .and. z(i2) > limit .and. z(i3) > limit .and. z(i4) > limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i4,i3,i2,i1
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i4,i3,i2,i1,i11,i10,i9,i12,i21
+ endif
+ endif
+! test face 2 (top)
+ if (z(i5) > limit .and. z(i6) > limit .and. z(i7) > limit .and. z(i8) > limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i5,i6,i7,i8
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i5,i6,i7,i8,i17,i18,i19,i20,i26
+ endif
+ endif
+! test face 3 (left)
+ if (z(i1) > limit .and. z(i4) > limit .and. z(i8) > limit .and. z(i5) > limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i1,i5,i8,i4
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i1,i5,i8,i4,i13,i20,i16,i12,i25
+ endif
+ endif
+! test face 4 (right)
+ if (z(i2) > limit .and. z(i3) > limit .and. z(i7) > limit .and. z(i6) > limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i2,i3,i7,i6
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i2,i3,i7,i6,i10,i15,i18,i14,i23
+ endif
+ endif
+! test face 5 (front)
+ if (z(i1) > limit .and. z(i2) > limit .and. z(i6) > limit .and. z(i5) > limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i1,i2,i6,i5
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i1,i2,i6,i5,i9,i14,i17,i13,i22
+ endif
+ endif
+! test face 6 (back)
+ if (z(i4) > limit .and. z(i3) > limit .and. z(i7) > limit .and. z(i8) > limit) then
+ if (NGNOD == 8) then
+ write(24,*) ispec,i3,i4,i8,i7
+ else
+ write(24,"(10(i9,1x))") ispec,i3,i4,i8,i7,i11,i16,i19,i15,i24
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
+ close(24)
+ print *,'File "free_or_absorbing_surface_file_zmax" has been successfully created'
+ print *
+ end program create_database_files_for_external_faces_of_the_3D_mesh
diff --git a/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/create_pressure_plane_wave_with_Hamming_window_00deg_for_crack.f90 b/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/create_pressure_plane_wave_with_Hamming_window_00deg_for_crack.f90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6c62971d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/create_pressure_plane_wave_with_Hamming_window_00deg_for_crack.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ program create_Hamming_window
+ implicit none
+ integer, parameter :: NSOURCES = 1000
+ double precision, parameter :: xs_min = 0.020d0
+ double precision, parameter :: xs_size = 0.010d0
+ double precision, parameter :: factor_max = 1.d10
+! pi
+ double precision, parameter :: PI = 3.141592653589793d0
+ integer :: isource
+ double precision :: x,hamming
+ do isource = 1,NSOURCES
+! Hamming apodization window
+! see e.g. http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.hamming.html
+! and http://www.mathworks.fr/fr/help/signal/ref/hamming.html
+ x = dble(isource - 1) / dble(NSOURCES - 1)
+ hamming = 0.54d0 - 0.46d0*cos(2*PI*x)
+ write(*,*) '# source ',isource
+ write(*,*) 'source_surf = .false.'
+ write(*,*) 'xs = ',xs_min + x * xs_size
+ write(*,*) 'zs = 0.075'
+ write(*,*) 'source_type = 1'
+ write(*,*) 'time_function_type = 1'
+ write(*,*) 'name_of_source_file = YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY'
+ write(*,*) 'burst_band_width = 0.'
+ write(*,*) 'f0 = 0.5d6'
+ write(*,*) 'tshift = 0.d0'
+ write(*,*) 'angleforce = 0.0'
+ write(*,*) 'Mxx = 1.'
+ write(*,*) 'Mzz = 1.'
+ write(*,*) 'Mxz = 0.'
+ write(*,*) 'factor = ',factor_max * hamming
+ enddo
+ end program create_Hamming_window
diff --git a/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/maillage_crack_water_20_mm_thick_et_maille_par_25_elements_donc_element_size_=_0.02_sur_25_=_0.00080_=_0.8_mm.txt b/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/maillage_crack_water_20_mm_thick_et_maille_par_25_elements_donc_element_size_=_0.02_sur_25_=_0.00080_=_0.8_mm.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0d5233a94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/maillage_crack_water_20_mm_thick_et_maille_par_25_elements_donc_element_size_=_0.02_sur_25_=_0.00080_=_0.8_mm.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+- cluster CPU
+- email SolTechnic
+- maillage crack (water 20 mm thick et maille par 25 elements, donc element size = 0.02 sur 25 = 0.00080 = 0.8 mm)
+-relecture articles Sharham et Alexis
diff --git a/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/maillage_du_crack_newer_upwards_OK_avec_petit_mailleur_ecrit_par_Dimitri.pdf b/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/maillage_du_crack_newer_upwards_OK_avec_petit_mailleur_ecrit_par_Dimitri.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9bfbd185c
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/maillage_du_crack_newer_upwards_OK_avec_petit_mailleur_ecrit_par_Dimitri.pdf differ
diff --git a/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/maillage_du_crack_older_downwards_OK_avec_petit_mailleur_ecrit_par_Dimitri.pdf b/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/maillage_du_crack_older_downwards_OK_avec_petit_mailleur_ecrit_par_Dimitri.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c79601f37
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/maillage_du_crack_older_downwards_OK_avec_petit_mailleur_ecrit_par_Dimitri.pdf differ
diff --git a/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/make_all_and_run_all_for_Y_shaped_crack_mesher.bash b/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/make_all_and_run_all_for_Y_shaped_crack_mesher.bash
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..970269d80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/make_all_and_run_all_for_Y_shaped_crack_mesher.bash
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+rm -f xtutu1 xtutu2 xtutu3 *__genmod.*
+ifort -std08 -implicitnone -warn all -check all -debug -g -O0 -fp-stack-check -traceback -ftrapuv -o xtutu1 mesh_a_Y_shaped_crack_oriented_upwards.f90
+ifort -std08 -implicitnone -warn all -check all -debug -g -O0 -fp-stack-check -traceback -ftrapuv -o xtutu2 create_database_files_for_external_faces_of_the_3D_mesh.f90
+ifort -std08 -implicitnone -warn all -check all -debug -g -O0 -fp-stack-check -traceback -ftrapuv -o xtutu3 create_OpenDX_files_to_view_the_3D_mesh.f90
+rm -f *__genmod.*
+mkdir -p DATA
+mkdir -p DATA_3D
+# run the two codes to create the 2D mesh, the 3D mesh, and the database files for SPECFEM3D_Cartesian
+echo "creating the database files for the outer faces of the 3D..."
+echo "Done."
+echo " "
+echo "Now creating an OpenDX file to check the 3D mesh created..."
+echo "Done."
diff --git a/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/mesh_a_Y_shaped_crack_oriented_downwards.f90 b/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/mesh_a_Y_shaped_crack_oriented_downwards.f90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..72c9533b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/mesh_a_Y_shaped_crack_oriented_downwards.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+ program mesh_a_Y_shaped_crack
+ implicit none
+! points defining the different regions to mesh
+ double precision, dimension(31) :: xnpgeo,znpgeo
+ integer :: ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,ier
+ xnpgeo(01) = 0.d0
+ znpgeo(01) = 0.d0
+ xnpgeo(02) = 18.6
+ znpgeo(02) = 0.d0
+ xnpgeo(03) = 50
+ znpgeo(03) = 0.d0
+ xnpgeo(04) = 0.d0
+ znpgeo(04) = 15.d0
+ xnpgeo(05) = 18.6
+ znpgeo(05) = 15.d0
+ xnpgeo(06) = 50
+ znpgeo(06) = 15.d0
+ xnpgeo(07) = 0.d0
+ znpgeo(07) = 19.87
+ xnpgeo(08) = 18.6
+ znpgeo(08) = 19.87
+ xnpgeo(09) = 50
+ znpgeo(09) = 19.87
+ xnpgeo(10) = 0
+ znpgeo(10) = 25.37
+ xnpgeo(11) = 18.6
+ znpgeo(11) = 25.37
+ xnpgeo(12) = 23.36
+ znpgeo(12) = 23.53
+ xnpgeo(13) = 50
+ znpgeo(13) = 23.53
+ xnpgeo(14) = 0
+ znpgeo(14) = 29.46
+ xnpgeo(15) = 23.95
+ znpgeo(15) = 29.46
+ xnpgeo(16) = 50
+ znpgeo(16) = 29.46
+ xnpgeo(17) = 0
+ znpgeo(17) = 35
+ xnpgeo(18) = 26.697
+ znpgeo(18) = 35
+ xnpgeo(19) = 50
+ znpgeo(19) = 35
+ xnpgeo(20) = 0
+ znpgeo(20) = 43
+ xnpgeo(21) = 30.85
+ znpgeo(21) = 43
+ xnpgeo(22) = 50
+ znpgeo(22) = 43
+ xnpgeo(23) = 0
+ znpgeo(23) = 50
+ xnpgeo(24) = 30.85
+ znpgeo(24) = 50
+ xnpgeo(25) = 50
+ znpgeo(25) = 50
+ xnpgeo(26) = 0
+ znpgeo(26) = 65
+ xnpgeo(27) = 30.85
+ znpgeo(27) = 65
+ xnpgeo(28) = 50
+ znpgeo(28) = 65
+ xnpgeo(29) = 0
+ znpgeo(29) = 85
+ xnpgeo(30) = 30.85
+ znpgeo(30) = 85
+ xnpgeo(31) = 50
+ znpgeo(31) = 85
+! convert to millimiters
+ xnpgeo(:) = xnpgeo(:) / 1000.d0
+ znpgeo(:) = znpgeo(:) / 1000.d0
+ ! user output
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,*) 'Saving the mesh in Gnuplot format...'
+ write(*,*)
+ open(unit=20,file='gridfile.gnu',status='unknown',iostat=ier)
+ if (ier /= 0 ) stop 'Error opening gnuplot file for writing: gridfile.gnu'
+! generate the mesh for all the regions
+ ispec = 0
+! region 01
+ ip1 = 1
+ ip2 = 2
+ ip3 = 5
+ ip4 = 4
+ nx = 32
+ nz = 19
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,xnpgeo,znpgeo)
+! region 02
+ ip1 = 2
+ ip2 = 3
+ ip3 = 6
+ ip4 = 5
+ nx = 32
+ nz = 19
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,xnpgeo,znpgeo)
+! region 03
+ ip1 = 4
+ ip2 = 5
+ ip3 = 8
+ ip4 = 7
+ nx = 32
+ nz = 7
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,xnpgeo,znpgeo)
+! region 04
+ ip1 = 5
+ ip2 = 6
+ ip3 = 9
+ ip4 = 8
+ nx = 32
+ nz = 7
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,xnpgeo,znpgeo)
+! region 05
+ ip1 = 7
+ ip2 = 8
+ ip3 = 11
+ ip4 = 10
+ nx = 32
+ nz = 7
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,xnpgeo,znpgeo)
+! region 06
+ ip1 = 8
+ ip2 = 9
+ ip3 = 13
+ ip4 = 12
+ nx = 32
+ nz = 6
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,xnpgeo,znpgeo)
+! region 07
+ ip1 = 8
+ ip2 = 12
+ ip3 = 15
+ ip4 = 11
+ nx = 6
+ nz = 7
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,xnpgeo,znpgeo)
+! region 08
+ ip1 = 10
+ ip2 = 11
+ ip3 = 15
+ ip4 = 14
+ nx = 32
+ nz = 6
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,xnpgeo,znpgeo)
+! region 09
+ ip1 = 12
+ ip2 = 13
+ ip3 = 16
+ ip4 = 15
+ nx = 32
+ nz = 7
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,xnpgeo,znpgeo)
+! region 10
+ ip1 = 14
+ ip2 = 15
+ ip3 = 18
+ ip4 = 17
+ nx = 32
+ nz = 6
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,xnpgeo,znpgeo)
+! region 11
+ ip1 = 15
+ ip2 = 16
+ ip3 = 19
+ ip4 = 18
+ nx = 32
+ nz = 6
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,xnpgeo,znpgeo)
+! region 12
+ ip1 = 17
+ ip2 = 18
+ ip3 = 21
+ ip4 = 20
+ nx = 32
+ nz = 10
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,xnpgeo,znpgeo)
+! region 13
+ ip1 = 18
+ ip2 = 19
+ ip3 = 22
+ ip4 = 21
+ nx = 32
+ nz = 10
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,xnpgeo,znpgeo)
+! region 14
+ ip1 = 20
+ ip2 = 21
+ ip3 = 24
+ ip4 = 23
+ nx = 32
+ nz = 9
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,xnpgeo,znpgeo)
+! region 15
+ ip1 = 21
+ ip2 = 22
+ ip3 = 25
+ ip4 = 24
+ nx = 32
+ nz = 9
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,xnpgeo,znpgeo)
+! region 16
+ ip1 = 23
+ ip2 = 24
+ ip3 = 27
+ ip4 = 26
+ nx = 32
+ nz = 19
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,xnpgeo,znpgeo)
+! region 17
+ ip1 = 24
+ ip2 = 25
+ ip3 = 28
+ ip4 = 27
+ nx = 32
+ nz = 19
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,xnpgeo,znpgeo)
+! region 18
+ ip1 = 26
+ ip2 = 27
+ ip3 = 30
+ ip4 = 29
+ nx = 32
+ nz = 26
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,xnpgeo,znpgeo)
+! region 19
+ ip1 = 27
+ ip2 = 28
+ ip3 = 31
+ ip4 = 30
+ nx = 32
+ nz = 26
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,xnpgeo,znpgeo)
+ print *,'total number of mesh elements generated = ',ispec
+ if (ispec /= (32 + 32) * (26*2 + 19*3) + 6*7) stop 'error in total number of mesh elements created'
+ close(20)
+ ! create a Gnuplot script to display the grid
+ open(unit=20,file='plot_gridfile.gnu',status='unknown',iostat=ier)
+ if (ier /= 0 ) stop 'Error saving plotgnu file'
+ write(20,*) '#set term wxt'
+ write(20,*)
+ write(20,*) 'set term postscript portrait color solid "Helvetica" 22'
+ write(20,*) 'set output "maillage_du_crack_OK_avec_petit_mailleur_ecrit_par_Dimitri.ps"'
+ write(20,*)
+ ! use same unit length on both X and Y axes
+ write(20,*) 'set size ratio -1'
+ ! size of our model
+ write(20,*) 'set xrange [0:0.050]'
+ write(20,*) 'set yrange [0:0.085]'
+ ! draw rectangles showing the water and steel layers
+ write(20,*) 'set object 1 rect from 0,0.065 to 0.050,0.085 fc rgb "#99FFFF" back'
+ write(20,*) 'set object 2 rect from 0,0.035 to 0.050,0.050 fc rgb "#888888" back'
+ write(20,*) 'set object 3 rect from 0,0 to 0.050,0.015 fc rgb "#888888" back'
+ write(20,*) 'plot "gridfile.gnu" title "" w l lc black'
+ write(20,*) 'pause -1 "Hit any key..."'
+ close(20)
+ write(*,*) 'Mesh saved in Gnuplot format...'
+ write(*,*)
+ end program mesh_a_Y_shaped_crack
+ subroutine generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,xnpgeo,znpgeo)
+ implicit none
+ integer :: ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec
+! points defining the different regions to mesh
+ double precision, dimension(31) :: xnpgeo,znpgeo
+ double precision :: ratio_ix,ratio_iz,ratio_ixplus1,ratio_izplus1
+ double precision :: x1,z1,x2,z2,x3,z3,x4,z4
+ integer :: ix,iz
+ double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: x,z
+ allocate(x(0:nx,0:nz))
+ allocate(z(0:nx,0:nz))
+ do iz = 0,nz-1
+ do ix = 0,nx-1
+! generate one more mesh element
+ ispec = ispec + 1
+ ratio_ix = ix / dble(nx)
+ ratio_iz = iz / dble(nz)
+ ratio_ixplus1 = (ix+1) / dble(nx)
+ ratio_izplus1 = (iz+1) / dble(nz)
+! point 1
+ call interpolate_bilinear(x1,z1,ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,xnpgeo,znpgeo,ratio_ix,ratio_iz)
+! point 2
+ call interpolate_bilinear(x2,z2,ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,xnpgeo,znpgeo,ratio_ixplus1,ratio_iz)
+! point 3
+ call interpolate_bilinear(x3,z3,ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,xnpgeo,znpgeo,ratio_ixplus1,ratio_izplus1)
+! point 4
+ call interpolate_bilinear(x4,z4,ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,xnpgeo,znpgeo,ratio_ix,ratio_izplus1)
+! save the points created
+ x(ix,iz) = x1
+ z(ix,iz) = z1
+ x(ix+1,iz) = x2
+ z(ix+1,iz) = z2
+ x(ix+1,iz+1) = x3
+ z(ix+1,iz+1) = z3
+ x(ix,iz+1) = x4
+ z(ix,iz+1) = z4
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ call save_gnuplot_file(nx,nz,x,z)
+ deallocate(x)
+ deallocate(z)
+ end subroutine generate_region
+ subroutine interpolate_bilinear(x,z,ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,xnpgeo,znpgeo,gamma_interp_x,gamma_interp_z)
+ implicit none
+ integer :: ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4
+! points defining the different regions to mesh
+ double precision, dimension(31) :: xnpgeo,znpgeo
+ double precision :: gamma_interp_x,gamma_interp_z
+ double precision :: x,z
+ double precision :: val1,val2,val3,val4
+ ! interpolation rule
+ val1 = xnpgeo(ip1)
+ val2 = xnpgeo(ip2)
+ val3 = xnpgeo(ip3)
+ val4 = xnpgeo(ip4)
+ x = val1 * (1.d0-gamma_interp_x) * (1.d0-gamma_interp_z) + &
+ val2 * gamma_interp_x * (1.d0-gamma_interp_z) + &
+ val3 * gamma_interp_x * gamma_interp_z + &
+ val4 * (1.d0-gamma_interp_x) * gamma_interp_z
+ val1 = znpgeo(ip1)
+ val2 = znpgeo(ip2)
+ val3 = znpgeo(ip3)
+ val4 = znpgeo(ip4)
+ z = val1 * (1.d0-gamma_interp_x) * (1.d0-gamma_interp_z) + &
+ val2 * gamma_interp_x * (1.d0-gamma_interp_z) + &
+ val3 * gamma_interp_x * gamma_interp_z + &
+ val4 * (1.d0-gamma_interp_x) * gamma_interp_z
+ end subroutine interpolate_bilinear
+!!! this is src/meshfem2D/save_gnuplot_file.f90 from SPECFEM2D to display the mesh in Gnuplot format
+ subroutine save_gnuplot_file(nx,nz,x,z)
+! creates a Gnuplot file that displays the grid
+ implicit none
+ integer :: nx,nz
+ double precision, dimension(0:nx,0:nz) :: x,z
+ ! local parameters
+ integer :: ier,ili,icol
+ ! draw horizontal lines of the grid
+ do ili=0,nz
+ do icol=0,nx-1
+ write(20,*) sngl(x(icol,ili)),sngl(z(icol,ili))
+ write(20,*) sngl(x(icol+1,ili)),sngl(z(icol+1,ili))
+ write(20,10)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ ! draw vertical lines of the grid
+ do icol=0,nx
+ do ili=0,nz-1
+ write(20,*) sngl(x(icol,ili)),sngl(z(icol,ili))
+ write(20,*) sngl(x(icol,ili+1)),sngl(z(icol,ili+1))
+ write(20,10)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+10 format('')
+ end subroutine save_gnuplot_file
diff --git a/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/mesh_a_Y_shaped_crack_oriented_upwards.f90 b/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/mesh_a_Y_shaped_crack_oriented_upwards.f90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7b4bcf6a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/mesh_a_Y_shaped_crack_oriented_upwards.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,1120 @@
+ program mesh_a_Y_shaped_crack
+ implicit none
+! spatial dimension of the mesh
+ integer, parameter :: NDIM = 2
+! total number of spectral elements to create
+!! DK DK half of the elements in the NX direction
+ integer, parameter :: nx_base = 48 ! 32 ! DK DK I have densified by 1.5
+!! DK DK number of elements in the vertical direction in the water layer
+ integer, parameter :: nz_water = 39 ! 26 ! DK DK I have densified by 1.5
+ integer, parameter :: ngnod = 4
+ integer, parameter :: nspec = (nx_base + nx_base) * (19 + 19 + 7 + 6 + 7 + 6 + 3 + 19 + nz_water) + 6*7
+ integer, parameter :: NGLOB_MAX = nspec * ngnod
+! number of mesh elements in the third direction of the mesh
+! (direction in which we extend the mesh identical to itself to convert it from 2D to 3D)
+ integer, parameter :: ny = nx_base + nx_base
+ double precision, parameter :: Ymin = 0.d0, Ymax = 0.050d0
+ double precision, parameter :: deltaY = (Ymax - Ymin) / dble(ny)
+! points defining the different regions to mesh
+ double precision, dimension(31) :: xnpgeo,znpgeo
+! introduce split nodes on the crack or not (if not, the crack becomes invisible i.e. it does not exist any more
+! and the layers that contain it become homogeneous and continuous; this is useful to provide a reference solution to compare to)
+ logical, parameter :: INTRODUCE_SPLIT_NODES_ON_THE_CRACK_CLEAN = .false.
+ double precision, dimension(NGLOB_MAX) :: x,z
+ integer, dimension(nspec) :: imat
+ integer, dimension(ngnod,nspec) :: ibool
+ integer :: ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,ipoin,material_number,region_number,ipoin3D,ispec3D,iy
+!!!!!!!!!!!! integer :: ispec_free_surface_found
+ integer :: ispec_absorbing_surface_found
+ double precision :: y
+ double precision :: geomtol
+ double precision :: big_X_offset
+ double precision :: angle_crack_to_horizontal,x1,z1,x2,z2,x3,z3
+! additional arrays needed to sort the mesh points and remove the multiples
+ integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: locval,ind,ninseg,iglob,iwork
+ logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: ifseg
+ double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: xp,yp,work
+ integer :: nseg,ioff,iseg,ig,i,j,nglob,ia
+ integer :: ieoff,ilocnum
+ double precision :: xmaxval,xminval,ymaxval,yminval,xtol,xtypdist
+! flags for Stacey absorbing boundaries
+ integer, parameter :: IBOTTOM = 1
+ integer, parameter :: IRIGHT = 2
+ integer, parameter :: ITOP = 3
+ integer, parameter :: ILEFT = 4
+! very large value
+ double precision, parameter :: HUGEVAL = 1.d+30
+! relative mesh tolerance for fast global numbering
+ double precision, parameter :: SMALLVALTOL = 1.d-10
+ double precision, parameter :: PI = 3.141592653589793d0
+ xnpgeo(01) = 0.d0
+ znpgeo(01) = 0.d0
+ xnpgeo(02) = 21.28
+ znpgeo(02) = 0.d0
+ xnpgeo(03) = 50
+ znpgeo(03) = 0.d0
+ xnpgeo(04) = 0.d0
+ znpgeo(04) = 15.d0
+ xnpgeo(05) = 21.28
+ znpgeo(05) = 15.d0
+ xnpgeo(06) = 50
+ znpgeo(06) = 15.d0
+ xnpgeo(07) = 0.d0
+ znpgeo(07) = 28.53
+ xnpgeo(08) = 21.28
+ znpgeo(08) = 28.53
+ xnpgeo(09) = 50
+ znpgeo(09) = 28.53
+ xnpgeo(10) = 0
+ znpgeo(10) = 35.
+ xnpgeo(11) = 24.75
+ znpgeo(11) = 35.
+ xnpgeo(12) = 50.
+ znpgeo(12) = 35.
+ xnpgeo(13) = 0
+ znpgeo(13) = 38.82
+ xnpgeo(14) = 27.09
+ znpgeo(14) = 38.82
+ xnpgeo(15) = 50.
+ znpgeo(15) = 38.82
+ xnpgeo(16) = 0
+ znpgeo(16) = 44.7
+ xnpgeo(17) = 27.7
+ znpgeo(17) = 44.7
+ xnpgeo(18) = 31.87
+ znpgeo(18) = 42.75
+ xnpgeo(19) = 50
+ znpgeo(19) = 42.75
+ xnpgeo(20) = 0
+ znpgeo(20) = 47.89
+ xnpgeo(21) = 30.35
+ znpgeo(21) = 47.89
+ xnpgeo(22) = 50
+ znpgeo(22) = 47.89
+ xnpgeo(23) = 0
+ znpgeo(23) = 50
+ xnpgeo(24) = 30.35
+ znpgeo(24) = 50
+ xnpgeo(25) = 50
+ znpgeo(25) = 50
+ xnpgeo(26) = 0
+ znpgeo(26) = 65
+ xnpgeo(27) = 30.35
+ znpgeo(27) = 65
+ xnpgeo(28) = 50
+ znpgeo(28) = 65
+ xnpgeo(29) = 0
+ znpgeo(29) = 85
+ xnpgeo(30) = 30.35
+ znpgeo(30) = 85
+ xnpgeo(31) = 50
+ znpgeo(31) = 85
+! convert to millimiters
+ xnpgeo(:) = xnpgeo(:) / 1000.d0
+ znpgeo(:) = znpgeo(:) / 1000.d0
+! generate the mesh for all the regions
+ ispec = 0
+ ipoin = 0
+! define a huge offset that is larger than the (Xmax - Xmin) horizontal size of the model
+! in order to very easily create split nodes for the crack using a trick
+! (the trick is that I shift the X coordinate of one side of the crack by a huge value,
+! then perform the sorting of the mesh coordinates, and thus the two points are kept because one
+! one is shifted from the other, and after sorting I shift the second point back to its original location).
+! By doing so I automatically get split nodes for the two sides of the crack
+ big_X_offset = 1000.d0 * (maxval(xnpgeo) - minval(xnpgeo))
+ else
+ big_X_offset = 0.d0
+ endif
+ print *
+ x1 = xnpgeo(9)
+ z1 = znpgeo(9)
+ x2 = xnpgeo(14)
+ z2 = znpgeo(14)
+ x3 = xnpgeo(8)
+ z3 = znpgeo(8)
+ angle_crack_to_horizontal = acos(( (x1-x3)*(x2-x3) + (z1-z3)*(z2-z3) ) / &
+ ( sqrt((x1-x3)**2 + (z1-z3)**2) * sqrt((x2-x3)**2 + (z2-z3)**2) )) * 180.d0 / PI
+ print *,'The crack makes an angle of ',angle_crack_to_horizontal,' degrees with respect to the horizontal'
+ print *,'The crack makes an angle of ',90.d0 - angle_crack_to_horizontal,' degrees with respect to the vertical'
+ print *
+ x1 = xnpgeo(8)
+ z1 = znpgeo(8)
+ x2 = (xnpgeo(17) + xnpgeo(18)) / 2.d0
+ z2 = (znpgeo(17) + znpgeo(18)) / 2.d0
+ print *,'The crack has an approximate total length of ',sqrt((x1-x2)**2 + (z1-z2)**2),' m'
+ print *
+!!!!!!!!!! this is the bottom layer (labeled Layer 4 in the InkScape figure)
+ material_number = 5
+! region 01
+ region_number = 1
+ ip1 = 1
+ ip2 = 2
+ ip3 = 5
+ ip4 = 4
+ nx = nx_base
+ nz = 19
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,ipoin,xnpgeo,znpgeo,material_number,x,z,imat,nspec,NGLOB_MAX, &
+ region_number,big_X_offset)
+! region 02
+ region_number = 2
+ ip1 = 2
+ ip2 = 3
+ ip3 = 6
+ ip4 = 5
+ nx = nx_base
+ nz = 19
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,ipoin,xnpgeo,znpgeo,material_number,x,z,imat,nspec,NGLOB_MAX, &
+ region_number,big_X_offset)
+!!!!!!!!!! this is Layer 3 in the InkScape figure
+ material_number = 4
+! region 03
+ region_number = 3
+ ip1 = 4
+ ip2 = 5
+ ip3 = 8
+ ip4 = 7
+ nx = nx_base
+ nz = 19
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,ipoin,xnpgeo,znpgeo,material_number,x,z,imat,nspec,NGLOB_MAX, &
+ region_number,big_X_offset)
+! region 04
+ region_number = 4
+ ip1 = 5
+ ip2 = 6
+ ip3 = 9
+ ip4 = 8
+ nx = nx_base
+ nz = 19
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,ipoin,xnpgeo,znpgeo,material_number,x,z,imat,nspec,NGLOB_MAX, &
+ region_number,big_X_offset)
+! region 05
+ region_number = 5
+ ip1 = 7
+ ip2 = 8
+ ip3 = 11
+ ip4 = 10
+ nx = nx_base
+ nz = 7
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,ipoin,xnpgeo,znpgeo,material_number,x,z,imat,nspec,NGLOB_MAX, &
+ region_number,big_X_offset)
+! region 06
+ region_number = 6
+ ip1 = 8
+ ip2 = 9
+ ip3 = 12
+ ip4 = 11
+ nx = nx_base
+ nz = 7
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,ipoin,xnpgeo,znpgeo,material_number,x,z,imat,nspec,NGLOB_MAX, &
+ region_number,big_X_offset)
+!!!!!!!!!! this is Layer 2 in the InkScape figure
+ material_number = 3
+! region 07
+ region_number = 7
+ ip1 = 10
+ ip2 = 11
+ ip3 = 14
+ ip4 = 13
+ nx = nx_base
+ nz = 6
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,ipoin,xnpgeo,znpgeo,material_number,x,z,imat,nspec,NGLOB_MAX, &
+ region_number,big_X_offset)
+! region 08
+ region_number = 8
+ ip1 = 11
+ ip2 = 12
+ ip3 = 15
+ ip4 = 14
+ nx = nx_base
+ nz = 6
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,ipoin,xnpgeo,znpgeo,material_number,x,z,imat,nspec,NGLOB_MAX, &
+ region_number,big_X_offset)
+! region 09
+ region_number = 9
+ ip1 = 13
+ ip2 = 14
+ ip3 = 17
+ ip4 = 16
+ nx = nx_base
+ nz = 7
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,ipoin,xnpgeo,znpgeo,material_number,x,z,imat,nspec,NGLOB_MAX, &
+ region_number,big_X_offset)
+! region 10
+ region_number = 10
+ ip1 = 14
+ ip2 = 18
+ ip3 = 21
+ ip4 = 17
+ nx = 6
+ nz = 7
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,ipoin,xnpgeo,znpgeo,material_number,x,z,imat,nspec,NGLOB_MAX, &
+ region_number,big_X_offset)
+! region 11
+ region_number = 11
+ ip1 = 14
+ ip2 = 15
+ ip3 = 19
+ ip4 = 18
+ nx = nx_base
+ nz = 6
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,ipoin,xnpgeo,znpgeo,material_number,x,z,imat,nspec,NGLOB_MAX, &
+ region_number,big_X_offset)
+! region 12
+ region_number = 12
+ ip1 = 16
+ ip2 = 17
+ ip3 = 21
+ ip4 = 20
+ nx = nx_base
+ nz = 6
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,ipoin,xnpgeo,znpgeo,material_number,x,z,imat,nspec,NGLOB_MAX, &
+ region_number,big_X_offset)
+! region 13
+ region_number = 13
+ ip1 = 18
+ ip2 = 19
+ ip3 = 22
+ ip4 = 21
+ nx = nx_base
+ nz = 7
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,ipoin,xnpgeo,znpgeo,material_number,x,z,imat,nspec,NGLOB_MAX, &
+ region_number,big_X_offset)
+! region 14
+ region_number = 14
+ ip1 = 20
+ ip2 = 21
+ ip3 = 24
+ ip4 = 23
+ nx = nx_base
+ nz = 3
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,ipoin,xnpgeo,znpgeo,material_number,x,z,imat,nspec,NGLOB_MAX, &
+ region_number,big_X_offset)
+! region 15
+ region_number = 15
+ ip1 = 21
+ ip2 = 22
+ ip3 = 25
+ ip4 = 24
+ nx = nx_base
+ nz = 3
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,ipoin,xnpgeo,znpgeo,material_number,x,z,imat,nspec,NGLOB_MAX, &
+ region_number,big_X_offset)
+!!!!!!!!!! this is Layer 1 in the InkScape figure
+ material_number = 2
+! region 16
+ region_number = 16
+ ip1 = 23
+ ip2 = 24
+ ip3 = 27
+ ip4 = 26
+ nx = nx_base
+ nz = 19
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,ipoin,xnpgeo,znpgeo,material_number,x,z,imat,nspec,NGLOB_MAX, &
+ region_number,big_X_offset)
+! region 17
+ region_number = 17
+ ip1 = 24
+ ip2 = 25
+ ip3 = 28
+ ip4 = 27
+ nx = nx_base
+ nz = 19
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,ipoin,xnpgeo,znpgeo,material_number,x,z,imat,nspec,NGLOB_MAX, &
+ region_number,big_X_offset)
+!!!!!!!!!! this is the top layer (the water layer)
+ material_number = 1
+! region 18
+ region_number = 18
+ ip1 = 26
+ ip2 = 27
+ ip3 = 30
+ ip4 = 29
+ nx = nx_base
+ nz = nz_water
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,ipoin,xnpgeo,znpgeo,material_number,x,z,imat,nspec,NGLOB_MAX, &
+ region_number,big_X_offset)
+! region 19
+ region_number = 19
+ ip1 = 27
+ ip2 = 28
+ ip3 = 31
+ ip4 = 30
+ nx = nx_base
+ nz = nz_water
+ call generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,ipoin,xnpgeo,znpgeo,material_number,x,z,imat,nspec,NGLOB_MAX, &
+ region_number,big_X_offset)
+ print *,'total number of mesh elements generated = ',ispec
+ if (ispec /= nspec) stop 'error in total number of mesh elements created'
+!---- create global mesh numbering, removing the multiples
+ allocate(locval(NGLOB_MAX))
+ allocate(ind(NGLOB_MAX))
+ allocate(ninseg(NGLOB_MAX))
+ allocate(iglob(NGLOB_MAX))
+ allocate(ifseg(NGLOB_MAX))
+ allocate(xp(NGLOB_MAX))
+ allocate(yp(NGLOB_MAX))
+ allocate(work(NGLOB_MAX))
+ allocate(iwork(NGLOB_MAX))
+! copy coordinates of the grid points (since sorting will destroy the array order, and we will need to access the original)
+ xp(:) = x(:)
+ yp(:) = z(:)
+! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+! Establish initial pointers
+ do ispec = 1,nspec
+ ieoff = ngnod*(ispec -1)
+ do ia = 1,ngnod
+ locval (ia+ieoff) = ia+ieoff
+ enddo
+ enddo
+! set up a local geometric tolerance
+ xtypdist = +HUGEVAL
+ do ispec = 1,nspec
+ xminval = +HUGEVAL
+ yminval = +HUGEVAL
+ xmaxval = -HUGEVAL
+ ymaxval = -HUGEVAL
+ ieoff = ngnod*(ispec-1)
+ do ilocnum = 1,ngnod
+ xmaxval = max(xp(ieoff+ilocnum),xmaxval)
+ xminval = min(xp(ieoff+ilocnum),xminval)
+ ymaxval = max(yp(ieoff+ilocnum),ymaxval)
+ yminval = min(yp(ieoff+ilocnum),yminval)
+ enddo
+! compute the minimum typical "size" of an element in the mesh
+ xtypdist = min(xtypdist,xmaxval-xminval)
+ xtypdist = min(xtypdist,ymaxval-yminval)
+ enddo
+! define a tolerance, small with respect to the minimum size
+ xtol = SMALLVALTOL * xtypdist
+! print *,'DK DK xtol = ',xtol
+ ifseg(:) = .false.
+ nseg = 1
+ ifseg(1) = .true.
+ ninseg(1) = NGLOB_MAX
+ do j = 1,NDIM
+! Sort within each segment
+ ioff = 1
+ do iseg = 1,nseg
+ if (j == 1) then
+ call rank (xp(ioff),ind,ninseg(iseg))
+ else
+ call rank (yp(ioff),ind,ninseg(iseg))
+ endif
+ call swap(xp(ioff),work,ind,ninseg(iseg))
+ call swap(yp(ioff),work,ind,ninseg(iseg))
+ call iswap(locval(ioff),iwork,ind,ninseg(iseg))
+ ioff = ioff + ninseg(iseg)
+ enddo
+! Check for jumps in current coordinate
+ if (j == 1) then
+ do i = 2,NGLOB_MAX
+ if (abs(xp(i)-xp(i-1)) > xtol) ifseg(i) = .true.
+ enddo
+ else
+ do i = 2,NGLOB_MAX
+ if (abs(yp(i)-yp(i-1)) > xtol) ifseg(i) = .true.
+ enddo
+ endif
+! Count up number of different segments
+ nseg = 0
+ do i = 1,NGLOB_MAX
+ if (ifseg(i)) then
+ nseg = nseg + 1
+ ninseg(nseg) = 1
+ else
+ ninseg(nseg) = ninseg(nseg) + 1
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+! Assign global node numbers (now sorted lexicographically!)
+ ig = 0
+ do i = 1,NGLOB_MAX
+ if (ifseg(i)) then
+ ig = ig+1
+!! DK DK sep 2018: added this to save the list of grid points without multiples
+ x(ig) = xp(i)
+ z(ig) = yp(i)
+!! DK DK sep 2018: added this to save the list of grid points without multiples
+!! DK DK restore the correct physical location of the split nodes, i.e. remove the shift in X that I have introduced
+!! DK DK purposely in order to create split nodes automatically in the mesh point sorting routine and point multiple removal
+ if (x(ig) < -SMALLVALTOL) x(ig) = x(ig) + big_X_offset
+ if (x(ig) > big_X_offset) x(ig) = x(ig) - big_X_offset
+ endif
+ endif
+ iglob(locval(i)) = ig
+ enddo
+ nglob = ig
+! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+! get result in my format
+ do ispec = 1,nspec
+ ieoff = ngnod*(ispec - 1)
+ ilocnum = 0
+ do ia = 1,ngnod
+ ilocnum = ilocnum + 1
+ ibool(ia,ispec) = iglob(ilocnum + ieoff)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ deallocate(locval)
+ deallocate(ind)
+ deallocate(ninseg)
+ deallocate(iglob)
+ deallocate(ifseg)
+ deallocate(xp)
+ deallocate(yp)
+ deallocate(work)
+ deallocate(iwork)
+! check the numbering obtained
+ if (minval(ibool) /= 1 .or. maxval(ibool) /= nglob) stop 'Error while generating global numbering'
+ print *,'total number of unique mesh points generated = ',nglob
+ if (nglob > NGLOB_MAX) stop 'error in total number of unique mesh points created'
+! save the mesh files in the format needed by SPECFEM2D for external meshes
+ open(unit=20,file='DATA/mesh_file',status='unknown')
+ write(20,*) nspec
+ do ispec = 1,nspec
+ write(20,*) (ibool(ia,ispec),ia=1,ngnod)
+ enddo
+ close(20)
+ open(unit=20,file='DATA/nodes_coords_file',status='unknown')
+ write(20,*) nglob
+ do ipoin = 1,nglob
+ write(20,*) x(ipoin),z(ipoin)
+ enddo
+ close(20)
+ open(unit=20,file='DATA/materials_file',status='unknown')
+ do ispec = 1,nspec
+ write(20,*) imat(ispec)
+ enddo
+ close(20)
+! geometrical tolerance to detect the edges of the model (1/1000th of the total model size)
+ geomtol = 0.085d0 / 1000.d0
+ open(unit=20,file='DATA/free_surface_file',status='unknown')
+ write(20,*) '0' ! create an empty file (file listing zero elements)
+! write(20,*) nx_base + nx_base ! elements at the top free surface
+! ispec_free_surface_found = 0
+! do ispec = 1,nspec
+! check if the element is located in the water
+! and if the top edge of this element belongs to the acoustic free surface, which is located at Z = 0.085
+! if (imat(ispec) == 1 .and. z(ibool(3,ispec)) > 0.085d0 - geomtol .and. z(ibool(4,ispec)) > 0.085d0 - geomtol) then
+! ispec_free_surface_found = ispec_free_surface_found + 1
+! ! 'acoustic_surface' contains 1/ element number, 2/ number of nodes that form the free surface,
+! ! 3/ first node on the free surface, 4/ second node on the free surface, if relevant (if 2/ is equal to 2)
+! write(20,*) ispec,' 2 ',ibool(3,ispec),ibool(4,ispec)
+! endif
+! enddo
+! if (ispec_free_surface_found /= nx_base + nx_base) stop 'error in detecting acoustic free surface'
+ close(20)
+ open(unit=20,file='DATA/axial_elements_file',status='unknown')
+ write(20,*) '0' ! create an empty file (file listing zero elements)
+ close(20)
+ open(unit=20,file='DATA/absorbing_surface_file',status='unknown')
+! write(20,*) '0' ! create an empty file (file listing zero elements)
+! count the number of absorbing edges
+ ispec_absorbing_surface_found = 0
+ do ispec = 1,nspec
+ if (x(ibool(1,ispec)) < geomtol .and. x(ibool(4,ispec)) < geomtol) &
+ ispec_absorbing_surface_found = ispec_absorbing_surface_found + 1
+ if (x(ibool(2,ispec)) > 0.050d0 - geomtol .and. x(ibool(3,ispec)) > 0.050d0 - geomtol) &
+ ispec_absorbing_surface_found = ispec_absorbing_surface_found + 1
+ if (z(ibool(1,ispec)) < geomtol .and. z(ibool(2,ispec)) < geomtol) &
+ ispec_absorbing_surface_found = ispec_absorbing_surface_found + 1
+ if (z(ibool(3,ispec)) > 0.085d0 - geomtol .and. z(ibool(4,ispec)) > 0.085d0 - geomtol) &
+ ispec_absorbing_surface_found = ispec_absorbing_surface_found + 1
+ enddo
+ write(20,*) ispec_absorbing_surface_found
+! write the absorbing edges
+! ! 'absorbing_surface' contains 1/ element number, 2/ number of nodes that form the free surface,
+! ! 3/ first node on the free surface, 4/ second node on the free surface, if relevant (if 2/ is equal to 2)
+ do ispec = 1,nspec
+ if (x(ibool(1,ispec)) < geomtol .and. x(ibool(4,ispec)) < geomtol) then
+ write(20,*) ispec,' 2 ',ibool(1,ispec),ibool(4,ispec),ILEFT
+ endif
+ if (x(ibool(2,ispec)) > 0.050d0 - geomtol .and. x(ibool(3,ispec)) > 0.050d0 - geomtol) then
+ write(20,*) ispec,' 2 ',ibool(2,ispec),ibool(3,ispec),IRIGHT
+ endif
+ if (z(ibool(1,ispec)) < geomtol .and. z(ibool(2,ispec)) < geomtol) then
+ write(20,*) ispec,' 2 ',ibool(1,ispec),ibool(2,ispec),IBOTTOM
+ endif
+ if (z(ibool(3,ispec)) > 0.085d0 - geomtol .and. z(ibool(4,ispec)) > 0.085d0 - geomtol) then
+ write(20,*) ispec,' 2 ',ibool(3,ispec),ibool(4,ispec),ITOP
+ endif
+ enddo
+ close(20)
+ open(unit=20,file='DATA/Surf_acforcing_Bottom_enforcing_mesh',status='unknown')
+ write(20,*) '0' ! create an empty file (file listing zero elements)
+ close(20)
+ open(unit=20,file='DATA/absorbing_cpml_file',status='unknown')
+ write(20,*) '0' ! create an empty file (file listing zero elements)
+ close(20)
+ open(unit=20,file='DATA/courbe_eros_nodes',status='unknown')
+ write(20,*) '0' ! create an empty file (file listing zero elements)
+ close(20)
+! save the mesh in Gnuplot format for verification
+ call save_gnuplot_file(x,z,nglob,ibool,ngnod,nspec)
+ print *,'done creating and saving the 2D mesh'
+!! DK DK
+!! DK DK also save a 3D mesh, by extending the mesh identical to itself in the third direction
+!! DK DK
+ print *,'creating and saving the 3D mesh...'
+ print *,'the 3D mesh contains ',nglob * (ny + 1),' unique points, and ',nspec * ny,' elements'
+! create SPECFEM3D_Cartesian mesh file for the points
+ open(unit=20,file='DATA_3D/nodes_coords_file',status='unknown',action='write')
+ write(20,*) nglob * (ny + 1)
+ ipoin3D = 0
+ do iy = 1,ny + 1
+ y = (iy - 1) * deltaY
+ do ipoin = 1,nglob
+ ipoin3D = ipoin3D + 1
+ write(20,*) ipoin3D,x(ipoin),y,z(ipoin)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ close(20)
+ open(unit=20,file='DATA_3D/mesh_file',status='unknown')
+ write(20,*) nspec * ny
+ ispec3D = 0
+ do iy = 1,ny
+ do ispec = 1,nspec
+ ispec3D = ispec3D + 1
+! the 3D element is created by using the 2D element, and the 2D element of the next plane in the Y direction,
+! which is nglob grid points further in the list of points, due to the fact that to create the 3D mesh
+! we extend of the 2D mesh (which contains nglob points) identical to itself in the third direction.
+! To get the point order right, see file numbering_convention_8_nodes.png
+ write(20,*) ispec3D,ibool(1,ispec) + (iy-1) * nglob,ibool(2,ispec) + (iy-1) * nglob, &
+ ibool(2,ispec) + iy * nglob,ibool(1,ispec) + iy * nglob, &
+ ibool(4,ispec) + (iy-1) * nglob,ibool(3,ispec) + (iy-1) * nglob, &
+ ibool(3,ispec) + iy * nglob,ibool(4,ispec) + iy * nglob
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ close(20)
+ open(unit=20,file='DATA_3D/materials_file',status='unknown')
+ ispec3D = 0
+ do iy = 1,ny
+ do ispec = 1,nspec
+ ispec3D = ispec3D + 1
+ write(20,*) ispec3D,imat(ispec)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ close(20)
+ print *,'done creating and saving the 3D mesh'
+ end program mesh_a_Y_shaped_crack
+ subroutine generate_region(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,ipoin,xnpgeo,znpgeo,material_number,x,z,imat,nspec,NGLOB_MAX, &
+ region_number,big_X_offset)
+ implicit none
+ integer :: ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,nx,nz,ispec,ipoin,material_number,region_number
+ double precision :: big_X_offset
+! points defining the different regions to mesh
+ double precision, dimension(31) :: xnpgeo,znpgeo
+ double precision :: ratio_ix,ratio_iz,ratio_ixplus1,ratio_izplus1
+ double precision :: x1,z1,x2,z2,x3,z3,x4,z4
+ double precision :: xbackup1,zbackup1
+ double precision :: xbackup2
+ double precision :: big_offset_local
+ integer :: ix,iz
+ integer :: nspec,NGLOB_MAX
+ double precision, dimension(NGLOB_MAX) :: x,z
+ integer, dimension(nspec) :: imat
+! introduce split nodes on the crack or not (if not, the crack becomes invisible i.e. it does not exist any more
+! and the layers that contain it become homogeneous and continuous; this is useful to provide a reference solution to compare to)
+ logical, parameter :: INTRODUCE_SPLIT_NODES_ON_THE_CRACK_UGLY = .true.
+! big_offset_local = 0.03d0 * (50.d0/1000.d0/64.d0) !! 3% of average size of an element
+ big_offset_local = 0.0003d0 * (50.d0/1000.d0/64.d0) !! 0.03% of average size of an element
+ else
+ big_offset_local = 0.d0
+ endif
+ if (region_number == 5) then
+ xbackup1 = xnpgeo(ip3)
+ xnpgeo(ip3) = xnpgeo(ip3) - big_offset_local
+ endif
+ if (region_number == 7) then
+ xbackup1 = xnpgeo(ip2)
+ xnpgeo(ip2) = xnpgeo(ip2) - big_offset_local
+ xbackup2 = xnpgeo(ip3)
+ xnpgeo(ip3) = xnpgeo(ip3) - big_offset_local
+ endif
+ if (region_number == 9) then
+ xbackup1 = xnpgeo(ip2)
+ xnpgeo(ip2) = xnpgeo(ip2) - big_offset_local
+ endif
+ if (region_number == 10) then
+ xbackup1 = xnpgeo(ip1)
+ zbackup1 = znpgeo(ip1)
+ xnpgeo(ip1) = xnpgeo(ip1) + big_offset_local
+ znpgeo(ip1) = znpgeo(ip1) + big_offset_local
+ endif
+ endif
+ do iz = 0,nz-1
+ do ix = 0,nx-1
+! generate one more mesh element
+ ispec = ispec + 1
+! store the material number
+ imat(ispec) = material_number
+ ratio_ix = ix / dble(nx)
+ ratio_iz = iz / dble(nz)
+ ratio_ixplus1 = (ix+1) / dble(nx)
+ ratio_izplus1 = (iz+1) / dble(nz)
+! point 1
+ call interpolate_bilinear(x1,z1,ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,xnpgeo,znpgeo,ratio_ix,ratio_iz)
+! point 2
+ call interpolate_bilinear(x2,z2,ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,xnpgeo,znpgeo,ratio_ixplus1,ratio_iz)
+! point 3
+ call interpolate_bilinear(x3,z3,ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,xnpgeo,znpgeo,ratio_ixplus1,ratio_izplus1)
+! point 4
+ call interpolate_bilinear(x4,z4,ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,xnpgeo,znpgeo,ratio_ix,ratio_izplus1)
+! shift the points to introduce split nodes automatically if needed
+ if (region_number == 5 .or. region_number == 7 .or. region_number == 9) then
+ ! right edge of the region left of the crack, shift the two points that are on the IRIGHT edge of the element,
+ ! which corresponds to the crack
+ if (ix == nx-1) then
+ x2 = x2 + big_X_offset
+ x3 = x3 + big_X_offset
+ endif
+ endif
+ if (region_number == 11) then
+ ! left edge of the region right of the crack, shift the two points that are on the ILEFT edge of the element,
+ ! which corresponds to the crack
+ if (ix == 0) then
+ ! use a negative sign this time, because the center point of the Y of the crack needs to be split twice,
+ ! once to the right and the second time to the left, since that particular point is shared between three branches
+ ! of the crack instead of shared between only two side
+ x1 = x1 - big_X_offset
+ x4 = x4 - big_X_offset
+ endif
+ endif
+! save the points created
+ x(ipoin+1) = x1
+ z(ipoin+1) = z1
+ x(ipoin+2) = x2
+ z(ipoin+2) = z2
+ x(ipoin+3) = x3
+ z(ipoin+3) = z3
+ x(ipoin+4) = x4
+ z(ipoin+4) = z4
+ ipoin = ipoin + 4
+ enddo
+ enddo
+! restore the right geometrical position of the nodes, after having introduced the splitting above
+ if (region_number == 5) then
+ xnpgeo(ip3) = xbackup1
+ endif
+ if (region_number == 7) then
+ xnpgeo(ip2) = xbackup1
+ xnpgeo(ip3) = xbackup2
+ endif
+ if (region_number == 9) then
+ xnpgeo(ip2) = xbackup1
+ endif
+ if (region_number == 10) then
+ xnpgeo(ip1) = xbackup1
+ znpgeo(ip1) = zbackup1
+ endif
+ endif
+ end subroutine generate_region
+ subroutine interpolate_bilinear(x,z,ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,xnpgeo,znpgeo,gamma_interp_x,gamma_interp_z)
+ implicit none
+ integer :: ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4
+! points defining the different regions to mesh
+ double precision, dimension(31) :: xnpgeo,znpgeo
+ double precision :: gamma_interp_x,gamma_interp_z
+ double precision :: x,z
+ double precision :: val1,val2,val3,val4
+ ! interpolation rule
+ val1 = xnpgeo(ip1)
+ val2 = xnpgeo(ip2)
+ val3 = xnpgeo(ip3)
+ val4 = xnpgeo(ip4)
+ x = val1 * (1.d0-gamma_interp_x) * (1.d0-gamma_interp_z) + &
+ val2 * gamma_interp_x * (1.d0-gamma_interp_z) + &
+ val3 * gamma_interp_x * gamma_interp_z + &
+ val4 * (1.d0-gamma_interp_x) * gamma_interp_z
+ val1 = znpgeo(ip1)
+ val2 = znpgeo(ip2)
+ val3 = znpgeo(ip3)
+ val4 = znpgeo(ip4)
+ z = val1 * (1.d0-gamma_interp_x) * (1.d0-gamma_interp_z) + &
+ val2 * gamma_interp_x * (1.d0-gamma_interp_z) + &
+ val3 * gamma_interp_x * gamma_interp_z + &
+ val4 * (1.d0-gamma_interp_x) * gamma_interp_z
+ end subroutine interpolate_bilinear
+!!! this is adapted from src/meshfem2D/save_gnuplot_file.f90 of SPECFEM2D to display the mesh in Gnuplot format
+ subroutine save_gnuplot_file(x,z,nglob,ibool,ngnod,nspec)
+! creates a Gnuplot file that displays the grid
+ implicit none
+ integer :: ngnod,nspec,nglob
+ integer, dimension(ngnod,nspec) :: ibool
+ double precision, dimension(nglob) :: x,z
+ ! local parameters
+ integer :: ispec,ier
+ open(unit=20,file='gridfile.gnu',status='unknown',iostat=ier)
+ if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error opening gnuplot file for writing: gridfile.gnu'
+ do ispec = 1,nspec
+ ! draw horizontal lines of the grid
+ write(20,*) sngl(x(ibool(1,ispec))),sngl(z(ibool(1,ispec)))
+ write(20,*) sngl(x(ibool(2,ispec))),sngl(z(ibool(2,ispec)))
+ write(20,10)
+ write(20,*) sngl(x(ibool(3,ispec))),sngl(z(ibool(3,ispec)))
+ write(20,*) sngl(x(ibool(4,ispec))),sngl(z(ibool(4,ispec)))
+ write(20,10)
+ ! draw vertical lines of the grid
+ write(20,*) sngl(x(ibool(1,ispec))),sngl(z(ibool(1,ispec)))
+ write(20,*) sngl(x(ibool(4,ispec))),sngl(z(ibool(4,ispec)))
+ write(20,10)
+ write(20,*) sngl(x(ibool(2,ispec))),sngl(z(ibool(2,ispec)))
+ write(20,*) sngl(x(ibool(3,ispec))),sngl(z(ibool(3,ispec)))
+ write(20,10)
+ enddo
+ close(20)
+ 10 format('')
+ ! create a Gnuplot script to display the grid
+ open(unit=20,file='plot_gridfile.gnu',status='unknown',iostat=ier)
+ if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error saving plot_gridfile.gnu file'
+ write(20,*) '#set term wxt'
+ write(20,*) 'set term x11'
+ write(20,*) 'set term qt'
+ write(20,*)
+ write(20,*) '#set term postscript portrait color solid "Helvetica" 22'
+ write(20,100) '#set output "maillage_du_crack_newer_upwards_OK_avec_petit_mailleur_ecrit_par_Dimitri.ps"'
+ write(20,*)
+ ! use same unit length on both X and Y axes
+ write(20,*) 'set size ratio -1'
+ ! size of our model
+ write(20,*) 'set xrange [0:0.050]'
+ write(20,*) 'set yrange [0:0.085]'
+ ! draw rectangles showing the water and steel layers
+ write(20,*) 'set object 1 rect from 0,0.065 to 0.050,0.085 fc rgb "#99FFFF" back'
+ write(20,*) 'set object 2 rect from 0,0.035 to 0.050,0.050 fc rgb "#888888" back'
+ write(20,*) 'set object 3 rect from 0,0 to 0.050,0.015 fc rgb "#888888" back'
+ write(20,*) 'plot "gridfile.gnu" title "" w l lc black'
+ write(20,*) 'pause -1 "Hit any key..."'
+ close(20)
+ 100 format(a200)
+ end subroutine save_gnuplot_file
+ subroutine rank(A,IND,N)
+! Use Heap Sort (p 233 Numerical Recipes)
+ implicit none
+ integer N
+ double precision A(N)
+ integer IND(N)
+ integer i,j,l,ir,indx
+ double precision q
+ do j = 1,N
+ IND(j)=j
+ enddo
+ if (n == 1) return
+ L=n/2+1
+ ir=n
+ 100 continue
+ if (l > 1) then
+ l=l-1
+ indx=ind(l)
+ q=a(indx)
+ indx=ind(ir)
+ q=a(indx)
+ ind(ir)=ind(1)
+ ir=ir-1
+ if (ir == 1) then
+ ind(1)=indx
+ return
+ endif
+ endif
+ i=l
+ j=l+l
+ 200 continue
+ if (J <= IR) then
+ if (J < IR) then
+ if (A(IND(j)) < A(IND(j+1))) j=j+1
+ endif
+ if (q < A(IND(j))) then
+ I=J
+ J=J+J
+ J=IR+1
+ endif
+ goto 200
+ endif
+ goto 100
+ end subroutine rank
+ subroutine swap(a,w,ind,n)
+! Use IND to sort array A (p 233 Numerical Recipes)
+ implicit none
+ integer n
+ double precision A(N),W(N)
+ integer IND(N)
+ integer j
+ W(:) = A(:)
+ do j = 1,N
+ A(j) = W(ind(j))
+ enddo
+ end subroutine swap
+ subroutine iswap(a,w,ind,n)
+! Use IND to sort array A
+ implicit none
+ integer n
+ integer A(N),W(N),IND(N)
+ integer j
+ W(:) = A(:)
+ do j = 1,N
+ A(j) = W(ind(j))
+ enddo
+ end subroutine iswap
diff --git a/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/setting_2D_crack_to_extend_to_3D_oriented_downwards.svg b/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/setting_2D_crack_to_extend_to_3D_oriented_downwards.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fca63072e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/setting_2D_crack_to_extend_to_3D_oriented_downwards.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
diff --git a/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/setting_2D_crack_to_extend_to_3D_oriented_downwards_with_19_regions.png b/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/setting_2D_crack_to_extend_to_3D_oriented_downwards_with_19_regions.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8842b9bc9
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/setting_2D_crack_to_extend_to_3D_oriented_downwards_with_19_regions.png differ
diff --git a/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/setting_2D_crack_to_extend_to_3D_oriented_upwards.svg b/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/setting_2D_crack_to_extend_to_3D_oriented_upwards.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e40df799c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/setting_2D_crack_to_extend_to_3D_oriented_upwards.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
diff --git a/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/setting_2D_crack_to_extend_to_3D_oriented_upwards_with_19_regions_better.png b/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/setting_2D_crack_to_extend_to_3D_oriented_upwards_with_19_regions_better.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..821a7aa28
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/setting_2D_crack_to_extend_to_3D_oriented_upwards_with_19_regions_better.png differ
diff --git a/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/setting_2D_crack_to_extend_to_3D_oriented_upwards_with_19_regions_even_better_final_chosen.png b/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/setting_2D_crack_to_extend_to_3D_oriented_upwards_with_19_regions_even_better_final_chosen.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b151804c3
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/setting_2D_crack_to_extend_to_3D_oriented_upwards_with_19_regions_even_better_final_chosen.png differ
diff --git a/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/setting_2D_crack_to_extend_to_3D_oriented_upwards_with_21_regions_a_bit_too_complex.png b/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/setting_2D_crack_to_extend_to_3D_oriented_upwards_with_21_regions_a_bit_too_complex.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..03d7f186c
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/setting_2D_crack_to_extend_to_3D_oriented_upwards_with_21_regions_a_bit_too_complex.png differ
diff --git a/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/visualize_mesh_DX.cfg b/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/visualize_mesh_DX.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..26afbdf71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/visualize_mesh_DX.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// time: Fri Sep 21 02:12:54 2018
+// version: 3.2.0 (format), 4.4.4 (DX)
+// panel[0]: position = (0.0750,0.6981), size = 0.2781x0.1611, startup = 1, devstyle = 1
+// title: value = Control Panel
+// workspace: width = 500, height = 500
+// layout: snap = 0, width = 50, height = 50, align = NN
+// panel[2]: position = (0.3609,0.6981), size = 0.2776x0.1611, startup = 1, devstyle = 1
+// title: value = Control Panel
+// workspace: width = 500, height = 500
+// layout: snap = 0, width = 50, height = 50, align = NN
+// node Image[2]:
+// depth: value = 24
+// window: position = (0.1562,0.0426), size = 0.6641x0.8815
+// input[1]: defaulting = 0, value = "Image_2"
+// input[4]: defaulting = 0, value = 1
+// input[5]: defaulting = 0, value = [0.025 0.025 0.0425]
+// input[6]: defaulting = 0, value = [0.0943607 -0.252846 0.0756326]
+// input[7]: defaulting = 0, value = 0.154491
+// input[8]: defaulting = 0, value = 1261
+// input[9]: defaulting = 0, value = 0.722839
+// input[10]: defaulting = 0, value = [0.0387653 0.127856 0.991035]
+// input[11]: defaulting = 1, value = 30.0001
+// input[12]: defaulting = 0, value = 0
+// input[14]: defaulting = 0, value = 1
+// input[15]: defaulting = 0, value = "none"
+// input[16]: defaulting = 0, value = "none"
+// input[17]: defaulting = 0, value = 1
+// input[18]: defaulting = 0, value = 1
+// input[19]: defaulting = 0, value = 1
+// input[22]: defaulting = 0, value = "black"
+// input[25]: defaulting = 0, value = "/home/latychev/boo"
+// input[26]: defaulting = 0, value = "eps gray dpi=86 orient=portrait"
+// input[29]: defaulting = 0, value = 0
+// input[33]: defaulting = 0, value = 1
+// input[36]: defaulting = 0, value = 1
+// input[41]: defaulting = 0, value = "rotate"
+// internal caching: 1
diff --git a/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/visualize_mesh_DX.net b/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/visualize_mesh_DX.net
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9cd10ae65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/mesher_analytical_Dimitri_for_2D_and_3D_cracks/visualize_mesh_DX.net
@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
+// time: Fri Sep 21 02:12:54 2018
+// version: 3.2.0 (format), 4.4.4 (DX)
+// MODULE main
+// workspace: width = 393, height = 599
+// layout: snap = 0, width = 50, height = 50, align = NN
+macro main(
+) -> (
+) {
+ //
+ // node AmbientLight[1]: x = 303, y = 277, inputs = 1, label = AmbientLight
+ //
+main_AmbientLight_1_out_1 =
+ AmbientLight(
+ main_AmbientLight_1_in_1
+ ) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+ //
+ // node Import[2]: x = 193, y = 42, inputs = 6, label = Import
+ // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "DX_fullmesh.dx"
+ // input[3]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "dx"
+ //
+main_Import_2_out_1 =
+ Import(
+ main_Import_2_in_1,
+ main_Import_2_in_2,
+ main_Import_2_in_3,
+ main_Import_2_in_4,
+ main_Import_2_in_5,
+ main_Import_2_in_6
+ ) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+ //
+ // node AutoColor[1]: x = 178, y = 167, inputs = 10, label = AutoColor
+ //
+main_AutoColor_1_out_2 =
+ AutoColor(
+ main_Import_2_out_1,
+ main_AutoColor_1_in_2,
+ main_AutoColor_1_in_3,
+ main_AutoColor_1_in_4,
+ main_AutoColor_1_in_5,
+ main_AutoColor_1_in_6,
+ main_AutoColor_1_in_7,
+ main_AutoColor_1_in_8,
+ main_AutoColor_1_in_9,
+ main_AutoColor_1_in_10
+ ) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+ //
+ // node ShowConnections[1]: x = 49, y = 315, inputs = 1, label = ShowConnections
+ //
+main_ShowConnections_1_out_1 =
+ ShowConnections(
+ main_AutoColor_1_out_1
+ ) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+ //
+ // node Collect[1]: x = 167, y = 429, inputs = 4, label = Collect
+ //
+main_Collect_1_out_1 =
+ Collect(
+ main_ShowConnections_1_out_1,
+ main_AutoColor_1_out_1,
+ main_AmbientLight_1_out_1,
+ main_Collect_1_in_4
+ ) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+ //
+ // node Image[2]: x = 192, y = 540, inputs = 49, label = Image
+ // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 67108863, value = "Image_2"
+ // input[4]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 1
+ // input[5]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 8, value = [0.025 0.025 0.0425]
+ // input[6]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 8, value = [0.0943607 -0.252846 0.0756326]
+ // input[7]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 0.154491
+ // input[8]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 1261
+ // input[9]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 0.722839
+ // input[10]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 8, value = [0.0387653 0.127856 0.991035]
+ // input[11]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 30.0001
+ // input[12]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 0
+ // input[14]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 1
+ // input[15]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "none"
+ // input[16]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "none"
+ // input[17]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 1
+ // input[18]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 1
+ // input[19]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 1
+ // input[22]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "black"
+ // input[25]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "/home/latychev/boo"
+ // input[26]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "eps gray dpi=86 orient=portrait"
+ // input[29]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 3, value = 0
+ // input[33]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 3, value = 1
+ // input[36]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 3, value = 1
+ // input[41]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "rotate"
+ // depth: value = 24
+ // window: position = (0.1562,0.0426), size = 0.6641x0.8815
+ // internal caching: 1
+ //
+main_Image_2_out_3 =
+ Image(
+ main_Image_2_in_1,
+ main_Collect_1_out_1,
+ main_Image_2_in_3,
+ main_Image_2_in_4,
+ main_Image_2_in_5,
+ main_Image_2_in_6,
+ main_Image_2_in_7,
+ main_Image_2_in_8,
+ main_Image_2_in_9,
+ main_Image_2_in_10,
+ main_Image_2_in_11,
+ main_Image_2_in_12,
+ main_Image_2_in_13,
+ main_Image_2_in_14,
+ main_Image_2_in_15,
+ main_Image_2_in_16,
+ main_Image_2_in_17,
+ main_Image_2_in_18,
+ main_Image_2_in_19,
+ main_Image_2_in_20,
+ main_Image_2_in_21,
+ main_Image_2_in_22,
+ main_Image_2_in_23,
+ main_Image_2_in_24,
+ main_Image_2_in_25,
+ main_Image_2_in_26,
+ main_Image_2_in_27,
+ main_Image_2_in_28,
+ main_Image_2_in_29,
+ main_Image_2_in_30,
+ main_Image_2_in_31,
+ main_Image_2_in_32,
+ main_Image_2_in_33,
+ main_Image_2_in_34,
+ main_Image_2_in_35,
+ main_Image_2_in_36,
+ main_Image_2_in_37,
+ main_Image_2_in_38,
+ main_Image_2_in_39,
+ main_Image_2_in_40,
+ main_Image_2_in_41,
+ main_Image_2_in_42,
+ main_Image_2_in_43,
+ main_Image_2_in_44,
+ main_Image_2_in_45,
+ main_Image_2_in_46,
+ main_Image_2_in_47,
+ main_Image_2_in_48,
+ main_Image_2_in_49
+ ) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+// network: end of macro body
+CacheScene(main_Image_2_in_1, main_Image_2_out_1, main_Image_2_out_2);
+main_AmbientLight_1_in_1 = NULL;
+main_AmbientLight_1_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Import_2_in_1 = "DX_fullmesh.dx";
+main_Import_2_in_2 = NULL;
+main_Import_2_in_3 = "dx";
+main_Import_2_in_4 = NULL;
+main_Import_2_in_5 = NULL;
+main_Import_2_in_6 = NULL;
+main_Import_2_out_1 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_1_in_2 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_1_in_3 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_1_in_4 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_1_in_5 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_1_in_6 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_1_in_7 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_1_in_8 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_1_in_9 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_1_in_10 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_1_out_1 = NULL;
+main_ShowConnections_1_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Collect_1_in_4 = NULL;
+main_Collect_1_out_1 = NULL;
+macro Image(
+ id,
+ object,
+ where,
+ useVector,
+ to,
+ from,
+ width,
+ resolution,
+ aspect,
+ up,
+ viewAngle,
+ perspective,
+ options,
+ buttonState = 1,
+ buttonUpApprox = "none",
+ buttonDownApprox = "none",
+ buttonUpDensity = 1,
+ buttonDownDensity = 1,
+ renderMode = 0,
+ defaultCamera,
+ reset,
+ backgroundColor,
+ throttle,
+ RECenable = 0,
+ RECfile,
+ RECformat,
+ RECresolution,
+ RECaspect,
+ AAenable = 0,
+ AAlabels,
+ AAticks,
+ AAcorners,
+ AAframe,
+ AAadjust,
+ AAcursor,
+ AAgrid,
+ AAcolors,
+ AAannotation,
+ AAlabelscale,
+ AAfont,
+ interactionMode,
+ title,
+ AAxTickLocs,
+ AAyTickLocs,
+ AAzTickLocs,
+ AAxTickLabels,
+ AAyTickLabels,
+ AAzTickLabels,
+ webOptions) -> (
+ object,
+ camera,
+ where)
+ ImageMessage(
+ id,
+ backgroundColor,
+ throttle,
+ RECenable,
+ RECfile,
+ RECformat,
+ RECresolution,
+ RECaspect,
+ AAenable,
+ AAlabels,
+ AAticks,
+ AAcorners,
+ AAframe,
+ AAadjust,
+ AAcursor,
+ AAgrid,
+ AAcolors,
+ AAannotation,
+ AAlabelscale,
+ AAfont,
+ AAxTickLocs,
+ AAyTickLocs,
+ AAzTickLocs,
+ AAxTickLabels,
+ AAyTickLabels,
+ AAzTickLabels,
+ interactionMode,
+ title,
+ renderMode,
+ buttonUpApprox,
+ buttonDownApprox,
+ buttonUpDensity,
+ buttonDownDensity) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+ autoCamera =
+ AutoCamera(
+ object,
+ "front",
+ object,
+ resolution,
+ aspect,
+ [0,1,0],
+ perspective,
+ viewAngle,
+ backgroundColor) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+ realCamera =
+ Camera(
+ to,
+ from,
+ width,
+ resolution,
+ aspect,
+ up,
+ perspective,
+ viewAngle,
+ backgroundColor) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+ coloredDefaultCamera =
+ UpdateCamera(defaultCamera,
+ background=backgroundColor) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+ nullDefaultCamera =
+ Inquire(defaultCamera,
+ "is null + 1") [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+ resetCamera =
+ Switch(
+ nullDefaultCamera,
+ coloredDefaultCamera,
+ autoCamera) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+ resetNull =
+ Inquire(
+ reset,
+ "is null + 1") [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+ reset =
+ Switch(
+ resetNull,
+ reset,
+ 0) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+ whichCamera =
+ Compute(
+ "($0 != 0 || $1 == 0) ? 1 : 2",
+ reset,
+ useVector) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+ camera = Switch(
+ whichCamera,
+ resetCamera,
+ realCamera) [instance: 3, cache: 1];
+ AAobject =
+ AutoAxes(
+ object,
+ camera,
+ AAlabels,
+ AAticks,
+ AAcorners,
+ AAframe,
+ AAadjust,
+ AAcursor,
+ AAgrid,
+ AAcolors,
+ AAannotation,
+ AAlabelscale,
+ AAfont,
+ AAxTickLocs,
+ AAyTickLocs,
+ AAzTickLocs,
+ AAxTickLabels,
+ AAyTickLabels,
+ AAzTickLabels) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+ switchAAenable = Compute("$0+1",
+ AAenable) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+ object = Switch(
+ switchAAenable,
+ object,
+ AAobject) [instance:4, cache: 1];
+ SWapproximation_options =
+ Switch(
+ buttonState,
+ buttonUpApprox,
+ buttonDownApprox) [instance: 5, cache: 1];
+ SWdensity_options =
+ Switch(
+ buttonState,
+ buttonUpDensity,
+ buttonDownDensity) [instance: 6, cache: 1];
+ HWapproximation_options =
+ Format(
+ "%s,%s",
+ buttonDownApprox,
+ buttonUpApprox) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+ HWdensity_options =
+ Format(
+ "%d,%d",
+ buttonDownDensity,
+ buttonUpDensity) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+ switchRenderMode = Compute(
+ "$0+1",
+ renderMode) [instance: 3, cache: 1];
+ approximation_options = Switch(
+ switchRenderMode,
+ SWapproximation_options,
+ HWapproximation_options) [instance: 7, cache: 1];
+ density_options = Switch(
+ switchRenderMode,
+ SWdensity_options,
+ HWdensity_options) [instance: 8, cache: 1];
+ renderModeString = Switch(
+ switchRenderMode,
+ "software",
+ "hardware")[instance: 9, cache: 1];
+ object_tag = Inquire(
+ object,
+ "object tag")[instance: 3, cache: 1];
+ annoted_object =
+ Options(
+ object,
+ "send boxes",
+ 0,
+ "cache",
+ 1,
+ "object tag",
+ object_tag,
+ "ddcamera",
+ whichCamera,
+ "rendering approximation",
+ approximation_options,
+ "render every",
+ density_options,
+ "button state",
+ buttonState,
+ "rendering mode",
+ renderModeString) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+ RECresNull =
+ Inquire(
+ RECresolution,
+ "is null + 1") [instance: 4, cache: 1];
+ ImageResolution =
+ Inquire(
+ camera,
+ "camera resolution") [instance: 5, cache: 1];
+ RECresolution =
+ Switch(
+ RECresNull,
+ RECresolution,
+ ImageResolution) [instance: 10, cache: 1];
+ RECaspectNull =
+ Inquire(
+ RECaspect,
+ "is null + 1") [instance: 6, cache: 1];
+ ImageAspect =
+ Inquire(
+ camera,
+ "camera aspect") [instance: 7, cache: 1];
+ RECaspect =
+ Switch(
+ RECaspectNull,
+ RECaspect,
+ ImageAspect) [instance: 11, cache: 1];
+ switchRECenable = Compute(
+ "$0 == 0 ? 1 : (($2 == $3) && ($4 == $5)) ? ($1 == 1 ? 2 : 3) : 4",
+ RECenable,
+ switchRenderMode,
+ RECresolution,
+ ImageResolution,
+ RECaspect,
+ ImageAspect) [instance: 4, cache: 1];
+ NoRECobject, RECNoRerenderObject, RECNoRerHW, RECRerenderObject = Route(switchRECenable, annoted_object);
+ Display(
+ NoRECobject,
+ camera,
+ where,
+ throttle) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+ image =
+ Render(
+ RECNoRerenderObject,
+ camera) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+ Display(
+ image,
+ where,
+ throttle) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+ WriteImage(
+ image,
+ RECfile,
+ RECformat) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+ rec_where = Display(
+ camera,
+ where,
+ throttle) [instance: 1, cache: 0];
+ rec_image = ReadImageWindow(
+ rec_where) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+ WriteImage(
+ rec_image,
+ RECfile,
+ RECformat) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+ RECupdateCamera =
+ UpdateCamera(
+ camera,
+ resolution=RECresolution,
+ aspect=RECaspect) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+ Display(
+ RECRerenderObject,
+ camera,
+ where,
+ throttle) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+ RECRerenderObject =
+ ScaleScreen(
+ RECRerenderObject,
+ RECresolution,
+ camera) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+ image =
+ Render(
+ RECRerenderObject,
+ RECupdateCamera) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+ WriteImage(
+ image,
+ RECfile,
+ RECformat) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+main_Image_2_in_1 = "Image_2";
+main_Image_2_in_3 = "X24,,";
+main_Image_2_in_4 = 1;
+main_Image_2_in_5 = [0.025 0.025 0.0425];
+main_Image_2_in_6 = [0.0943607 -0.252846 0.0756326];
+main_Image_2_in_7 = 0.154491;
+main_Image_2_in_8 = 1261;
+main_Image_2_in_9 = 0.722839;
+main_Image_2_in_10 = [0.0387653 0.127856 0.991035];
+main_Image_2_in_11 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_12 = 0;
+main_Image_2_in_13 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_14 = 1;
+main_Image_2_in_15 = "none";
+main_Image_2_in_16 = "none";
+main_Image_2_in_17 = 1;
+main_Image_2_in_18 = 1;
+main_Image_2_in_19 = 1;
+main_Image_2_in_20 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_21 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_22 = "black";
+main_Image_2_in_23 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_25 = "/home/latychev/boo";
+main_Image_2_in_26 = "eps gray dpi=86 orient=portrait";
+main_Image_2_in_27 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_28 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_29 = 0;
+main_Image_2_in_30 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_31 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_32 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_33 = 1;
+main_Image_2_in_34 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_35 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_36 = 1;
+main_Image_2_in_37 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_38 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_39 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_40 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_41 = "rotate";
+main_Image_2_in_42 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_43 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_44 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_45 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_46 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_47 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_48 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_49 = NULL;
+Executive("product version 4 4 4");