- Front-end development practices
We are reaching the end of our journey... Training can't teach you everything - you'll have to get your hands dirty to learn about front-end development. That being said, in this session we will try to look at all the moving pieces that are necessary to be dangerous in modern front-end development.
See TypeScript
- npm
- yarn
- jest
- prettier
- eslint
- XSS prevention
- Redux (and redux-thunk, redux-saga, redux-observables). Also: General | Redux
- Mobx
- GraphQL and Apollo
- redux-saga et al.
- Hooks for API handling
- Error boundaries
- CSS-in-JS
- styled-components
- Emotion
- Material UI
- Tailwind CSS
- CSS-first (no JS components) vs other frameworks
- Storybook
- Debugging with the React extension
- Performance and profiling
- webpack
- parcel
- rollup
- babel
- SSR vs. CSR vs. SSG
- Sentry
- Lighthouse
- Devtools
- Web Sockets
- Service Workers
- Payments
See references in README.md, in particular: