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SFTP Examples
SFTP is a protocol for managing files on a server over SSH.
This example downloads a file over SFTP. For extended features like reading file metadata refer to the SFTPStream class:
Dim session As SSH.Session = SSH.Connect("ssh://user:[email protected]/")
Dim sftp As New SSH.SFTPSession(session)
Dim reader As SSHStream = sftp.Get("file.txt")
Dim writer As BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Create(SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child("file.txt"))
Do Until reader.EOF
This example uploads a file over SFTP. For extended features like appending to an existing file refer to the SFTPStream class:
Dim session As SSH.Session = SSH.Connect("ssh://user:[email protected]/")
Dim sftp As New SSH.SFTPSession(session)
Dim writer As SSHStream = sftp.Put("file.txt")
Dim reader As BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Open(SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child("file.txt"))
Do Until reader.EOF
This example uses the SFTPDirectory class to get the names of files/subdirectories in a remote directory using SFTP:
Dim session As SSH.Session = SSH.Connect("ssh://user:[email protected]/")
Dim sftp As New SSH.SFTPSession(session)
Dim names() As String
Dim lister As SSH.SFTPDirectory = sftp.ListDirectory("/path/to/dir/")
Loop Until Not lister.ReadNextEntry()
This example uses the SFTPTransferQueue class to manage simultaneous downloads while recursively downloading a remote directory tree.
Sub DownloadDirectory(Session As SSH.SFTPSession, Queue As SSH.SFTPTransferQueue, DirectoryPath As String, LocalDirectory As FolderItem, Optional RelativeRoot As String)
' normalize the DirectoryPath
If Right(DirectoryPath, 1) <> "/" Then DirectoryPath = DirectoryPath + "/"
If RelativeRoot = "" Then RelativeRoot = DirectoryPath
Dim relativepath As String = Replace(DirectoryPath, RelativeRoot, "")
' locate or create the corresponding local directory
Dim thisdir As FolderItem = LocalDirectory
Dim path() As String = relativepath.Split("/")
For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(path)
If path(i).Trim = "" Then Continue
thisdir = thisdir.Child(path(i))
If thisdir.Directory Then Continue
If thisdir.Exists Then Raise New IOException ' file exists with the name of a directory we need
Dim startcount As Integer = Queue.Count
' begin listing the contents of DirectoryPath
Dim lister As SSH.SFTPDirectory = Session.ListDirectory(DirectoryPath)
Select Case lister.CurrentType
Case SSH.SFTPEntryType.Unknown
' skip. Either a weird custom type or the directory is empty
Case SSH.SFTPEntryType.Directory
' recurse into the subdirectory
DownloadDirectory(Session, Queue, DirectoryPath + lister.CurrentName, LocalDirectory, RelativeRoot)
' prepare the download
Dim download As SSH.SFTPStream = lister.OpenFile()
Dim file As FolderItem = thisdir.Child(lister.CurrentName)
Dim output As BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Create(file)
' run the queue for a bit if needed
Do Until Queue.Count < Queue.MaxCount
If Not Queue.PerformOnce() Then Exit Do
' add the download to the queue
Queue.AddDownload(download, output)
End Select
Loop Until Not lister.ReadNextEntry()
' run the queue until there are fewer downloads remaining than we started with
Do Until Queue.Count <= startcount
If Not Queue.PerformOnce() Then Exit Do
End Sub
Usage example:
Dim session As SSH.Session = SSH.Connect("ssh://user:[email protected]/")
Dim sftp As New SSH.SFTPSession(session)
Dim queue As New SSH.SFTPTransferQueue
Dim localroot As FolderItem = SelectFolder()
DownloadDirectory(sftp, queue, "/home/username/example/", localroot)
This example uses the SFTPTransferQueue class to manage simultaneous uploads while recursively uploading a local directory tree.
Sub UploadDirectory(Session As SSH.SFTPSession, Queue As SSH.SFTPTransferQueue, DirectoryPath As String, LocalDirectory As FolderItem)
' Normalize the DirectoryPath and create the remote directory if needed
If Right(DirectoryPath, 1) <> "/" Then DirectoryPath = DirectoryPath + "/"
If Not Session.PathExists(DirectoryPath) Then
End If
Dim startcount As Integer = Queue.Count
' begin listing the contents of LocalDirectory
Dim c As Integer = LocalDirectory.Count
For i As Integer = 1 To c
Dim item As FolderItem = LocalDirectory.Item(i)
If item.Directory Then
' recurse into the subdirectory
UploadDirectory(Session, Queue, DirectoryPath + item.Name, item)
' prepare the upload
Dim reader As BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Open(item)
Dim writer As SSH.SFTPStream = Session.Put(DirectoryPath + item.Name)
' run the queue for a bit if needed
Do Until Queue.Count < Queue.MaxCount
If Not Queue.PerformOnce() Then Exit Do
' add the upload to the queue
Queue.AddUpload(writer, reader)
End If
' run the queue until there are fewer uploads remaining than we started with
Do Until Queue.Count <= startcount
If Not Queue.PerformOnce() Then Exit Do
End Sub
Usage example:
Dim session As SSH.Session = SSH.Connect("ssh://user:[email protected]/")
Dim sftp As New SSH.SFTPSession(session)
Dim queue As New SSH.SFTPTransferQueue
Dim localroot As FolderItem = SelectFolder()
UploadDirectory(sftp, queue, "/home/user/Desktop/example/", localroot)
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