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File metadata and controls

94 lines (65 loc) · 4.15 KB


A Leiningen plugin to create arbitrary assemblies from leiningen projects. Essentially to replace the functionality provided by the maven assembly plugin.

This is a first pass which I wrote to solve a specific use-case. I tried to make it somewhat flexible so it can evolve to support generic uses.

There are definitely a few bugs and un-supported features. Please make suggestions and open bugs!


The plugin is hosted on clojars.

Put [com.chartbeat.cljbeat/lein-assemble "0.1.2"] into the :plugins vector of your :user profile. I have not tested this on lein 1.0

Clojars Project


This plugin was created to generate assemblies for deploying samza code to a yarn cluster in clojure. In the samza world all of the job's configurations are managed in external files and keeping these files in sync between local/dev/prod environments is error prone. One solution is create variables for server names and other constants that can be filtered at assembly time. More complex configs might require choosing a stage specific version of a file.

The Maven Assembly Plugin [] has solved this problem for java projects for years, but generating a pom from lein, maintaining a separate tar.xml describing the deployment and having to run maven for every deployment quickly becomes a pain.

Enter Lein Assemble!

$ lein assemble

Assembly Definition

The following project.clj snippet shows off the functionality.

  • Mustache filtering on filenames and text in the files themselves
  • Project dependencies can be externalized into a directory in the archive
  • The project jar or uberjar can be added to the archive
  • A tar, tgz or zip file can be created from the archive
  • Glob filtering on file inclusions
  • unzipping of support archive files that you need in the assembly


:location /target/assembly - where the archive is populated.

:archive :format :tgz - creates a .tgz, you can specify :tar or :zip instead

:archive :name PROJECT-NAME-VERSION-archive

:assemble {
             :replacements {:stage "prod",
                            :zookeeper-host "zk01"
                            :pingstream-zookeeper "zk02:2181/cb/kafka/stream"
                            :pingstream-bootstrap "stream01:9092"
                            :mykafka-zookeeper "yarnzk01:2181"
                            :mykafka-bootstrap "yarnstream01:9092"

             :filesets {"conf" [["resources/*.properties" :filter true]               ;; run *.properties from resources through mustache and put them in the /conf directory in the archive
                                ["conf/yarn-site-{{stage}}.xml" :as "yarn-site.xml"]] ;; copy the stage specific version i.e. yarn-site-prod.xml and name it yarn-site.xml
                        "lib"  [["resources/log4j-{{stage}}.xml" :as "log4j.xml"]]    ;; ditto
                        "bin" [["bin/samza-shell-0.9.0-dist.tgz" :unzip true]]        ;; unzip this file into the bin directory in the archive
                        ""   [[""]]
             :jar {:dest "lib" :uberjar false}
             :deps {:dest "lib"}
             :archive {:format :tgz :root-dir ""}}   ;; root-dir specifies the root in the tar file, defaults to archive name

 :profiles { :local     {:assemble {
                           :replacements {:stage   "local"
                           :pingstream-zookeeper "localhost:2181/cbdev/stream"
                           :pingstream-bootstrap "localhost:9092"
             :devstream {
                         :assemble {
                           :replacements {:stage   "dev",
                           :pingstream-zookeeper "devzk01:2181/cbdev/stream"
                           :pingstream-bootstrap "devstream01:9092"


  • More documentation and examples
  • Support exclusion file filters


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