All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.1.2 (2019-09-20)
- find_jump_analyzer: skip files that have a single time sample. (b8d0367)
- flag_rfi_analyzer: fixes typo log --> logger. (#117) (569e2ee)
- sensitivity: export correct value in sensitivity metric (45d98d3)
- Don't import dias in (180573a), closes #111
- script: print dias version string (#120) (0219d91), closes #106
- sensitivity_analyzer: change cadence to 2h
[SensitivityAnalyzer] Add sensitivity metric
- Sensitivity Analyzer
- [task] Add metric dias_task_no_data_total
- RFI Flagging Analyzer
- create dias.version with versioneer
- Findjump Analyzer
- [CI] run scrips/dias configtest
- [task] convert period to seconds in random start delay calculation
- Use pyyaml.safe_load to avoid a warning
- [utils] replace non-ASCII character