Releases: chrisj42/miniventure
Version 1.3 Official
Alright, here's the official release! Miniventure 1.3, the multiplayer update! Not much to say, really, other than enjoy. :3
Version 1.3, Pre-Release 9
Alright, this is a good one! The chat system actually looks quite good now. In fact, I'm rather proud of it. Along with some misc bug fixes, that's most of the news. Oh, and the player will now start to take damage when the hunger bar drops to zero.
Version 1.3, Pre-Release 8
With this comes a much better chat system, more commands, a few new sprites, and time-of-day sync (bug fix). Enjoy!
Version 1.3, Pre-Release 7
I fixed a number of bugs in this release, namely doors, respawning, and water flowing. I also made grass not get dropped anymore, and grass will also slowly spread to adjacent dirt tiles. Enjoy!
Version 1.3, Pre-Release 6
Alright guys, next release! This one has... drumroll... commands! No many, mind you, but the system has been put in place. Certain commands are only accessable if you are on the same computer as the server, or are using the server command prompt itself. So, random people cannot just stop the server, lol. Anyway, enjoy!
Version 1.3, Pre-Release 5
Wow... Well I did not expect to get this far this fast, but I have managed to implement a VERY simple and not very good looking, but apparently functional chat system. Here you go!
Version 1.3, Pre-Release 4
So I have fixed a lot of bugs in general in this release; and I mean a lot of bugs. There is one bug that makes the player jump back a bit whenever you walk into a mob that is walking towards you, but that will hopefully be fixed in the next release. One last thing, I updated some of the sprites, such as MobAis so you can tell who is a player, until I have actual mob sprites... anyway, enjoy, and report bugs!
Version 1.3, Pre-Release 3
Added an error screen, and fixed things relating to running the server from startup, with no GUI
Version 1.3, Pre-Release 2
Alright guys! This is what you have all been waiting for! Multiplayer is now functional! I cannot guarantee it is without bugs, but I have tried my best. Tell me what you think! This is still very basic in terms of functionality, there will be more soon, such as chat. But this is the start!
Version 1.3, Pre-Release 1
Alright, so this release seems to break a lot of features... And it does, sort of. But it is only temporary. This release starts a server locally, and connects you to it. It then loads the first few chunks, which you can walk around in. That is all it does. No entities, and things do not update. However, this took a lot of effort to make so far, and I think it represents a really important milestone; also, I am going to remake the entity system after this release, so it all just seemed to fit. You are better off with 1.2 for now.