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File metadata and controls

239 lines (132 loc) · 12.8 KB


Baseline Requirements

  • XAMPP or similar server compatible with PHP
  • node.js
  • bower
    • npm install -g bower
  • grunt
    • npm install -g grunt-cli
  • PHP
    • Note: PHP is included in XAMPP.
    • SQLite3 extension required!

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository to your local computer.

  2. Make a copy all files ending in .example in the /config folder, and remove the .example extension so you have .php config files.

  3. Make sure you point your DocumentRoot at the /public folder. The app is initialized from the index.php file in your /public folder.

  4. Start your server, whether it be XAMPP or Apache or nginx, whatever you please.

  5. npm install

    This makes sure all the node modules necessary to run Grunt are installed.

  6. php composer.phar install

    Run this in the main project folder to update all the required package dependencies for the PHP app.

  7. php composer.phar update

    From time to time, you will need to run this to make sure your packages are up to date. Do it now.

  8. bower install

    Run this before running the app to ensure that all your front-end dependencies are loaded.

  9. Follow instructions for Using Database Migrations below.

  10. Navigate to localhost in your browser and Psalted should load!

Database Migrations

What are database migrations?

One clunky thing about using SQL-based relational databases is that they have fixed schemas. When you decide on a schema for your model and you set your columns/column types/restrictions, it is difficult to change.

Therefore, you need a way to track different versions of schemas you may have - you may have one version of the User table that only has a username and password and may want to add an email field. In order to do that, you would write a migration in the /migrations folder, then apply it by running bin/phpmig migrate. Since each migration will be tracked, all developers on different machines can keep track of their own migrations and update as they are able to.

Note: Sadly, SQLite does not allow you to change column names or remove columns as part of a migration. Just a sad fact of life.

Using Database Migrations

  1. Make sure you have a file migrations/.migrations.log; otherwise, migrations will not work. This file stores what migrations have been already run on your local version of the application. Run touch migrations/.migrations.log from the app folder to generate it.

  2. If this is your first time, you want to begin with a fresh database. Set a path to a new empty file (e.g. psalted.sqlite) in config/database.php, and take a look at the config/database.php.example for help.

  3. Make sure that when you pull in updates for the app, you check that all your database migrations are updated correctly. Run bin/phpmig migrate to ensure this is done correctly.

  4. To revert database changes, run bin/phpmig rollback.

  5. To write your own migration, take a look at the documentation. A note with that is to make sure that migrations do not corrupt pre-existing data. We want to enforce logical data independence.

Developer Documentation


The back-end uses the lightweight Slim Framework on top of PHP and the database is SQLite 3. The ORM used for the database and models is Paris/Idiorm.

The front-end implements JQuery Mobile as the primary framework.

The philosophy is that we want the app to be as minimal and functional as possible so we don't have to deal with as many technical issues and can focus more on features.

Folder Structure

  • /bin

    Contains executables needed for development, namely phpmig which is used for database migrations.

  • /bower_components

    Is in main .gitignore so won't be cloned. Populated by bower install. Contains external plugins downloaded using bower. Packages in here can be referenced in Gruntfile.

  • /config

    Contains local server configuration files. hybridauth.php configures social login, database.php configures what database file is being used, and phpmig.php configures the database migration tool.

  • /db

    Stores the database(s) for the app. Contains a .gitignore file; you should probably add your database's path to that .gitignore so that a massive file isn't pushed to the repository.

  • /migrations

    Contains .migrations.log, a text file which keeps track of what migrations have been run on the local copy of the app. In addition, phpmig migrations are written in this folder.

  • /models

    Contains Paris model files. When you need a new model to be used in the app, you'll need to add a file here, even if it's just an empty class.

  • /node_modules

    In .gitignore. Used to manage node_modules that would be used with Browserify, as well as modules used to help Grunt run.

  • /public

    • /css

      Stores JQuery Mobile CSS file and also our default style.css file. DO NOT directly edit style.css, it is compiled using Less from elsewhere.

    • /hybridauth

      Stores hybridauth endpoint page, probably never needs to be touched.

    • /img

      Store image assets here.

    • /js

      Stores Browserify files. DO NOT directly edit files in here or include files, do it using the Gruntfile and compile it into the main.js or lib.js bundles.

    • index.php

      This is the main app file for Slim. App level configurations can be done here.

  • /public_src

    • /less

      Our styles are written here, compiled later into /public/style.css.

    • /libs

      For either internally developed front-end libraries or external front-end libraries that cannot be downloaded and used through Bower or npm.

    • /main

      Directory structure mirrors /views. Each script will go along with a view according to the script structure.

  • /routes

    Slim routes are written here. They are split up by first-level URLs. e.g. if the URL is /groups or /groups/group_name, then the route should be in groups.php.

  • /vendor

    In .gitignore. Used to manage PHP packages and libraries downloaded from Composer.

  • /views

    Views to be rendered in the routes are stored here. The directory is organized by the relevant model, not the route - if you are dealing with songs, put it in the /songs folder. If you are dealing with setlists, place it in the /setlists folder even though the route that is using it will be groups.php because the URL is /groups/group_name/setlists.

When Developing

  1. Composer, Packagist, and Back-end Package Management

    PHP libraries to be used for Slim and the back-end are from Composer ( Using it is fairly straightforward, composer.json stores packages we need and php composer.phar update makes sure that we have the correct packages.

  2. CoffeeScript

    CoffeeScript is just a more legible syntax for JavaScript. Read about it here. We use this for all our front-end scripts.

  3. Script Structure

    Scripts are linked to their respective views in two ways:

    1. The /public_src/main folder mirrors the /views folder, meaning that a .coffee or .js file written in /public_src/main/songs will correspond to the view in /views/songs.

    2. The script uses JQuery Mobile's pageinit event. Since all the scripts are eventually bundled into one file, we distinguish which script runs on which page using the pageinit event. Here's an example:

      $ = require('jquery')
      $.mobile = require('jquery-mobile')
      $(document).delegate "#admin-groups", "pageinit", ->
        # Your code goes here

      The #admin-groups is the page id, which is formatted #directory-filename. That is, the /public_src/main/songs/ should have a page-id #songs-view.

  4. Grunt, Browserify, and

    Perhaps the most confusing part of development is going to be dealing with Browserify. What it does is that it allows us to use CommonJS-style require calls to manage dependencies on the front-end, so that our code doesn't get cluttered with global variables and libraries that are included with 50 script tags on our pages.

    We essentially just load two scripts, lib.js, which contains external libraries that will be frequently used (like JQuery or JQuery Mobile), and main.js, which contains all our front-end scripts mashed into one file. The philosophy for that is in a blogpost.

    The Browserify configuration is located in It will automatically take care of most things - one thing that you want to do is that when you install an external front-end package, you probably want to link to it under browserify:mains:alias in the config so you can have a convenient shortcut. That is, if your file is in bower_components/my_library/thiscrazyfilename.min.beta-5.19.x.js, you probably want to alias it to simply be my_library so you can easily call require('my_library') when importing it. More details here.

  5. Bower, NPM and Front-end Package Management

    Front-end packages can be downloaded in three ways, but there's a catch so make sure to read the notes on each:

    1. Bower

      If you download a package via Bower, alias the script that you need into the Browserify config in the Gruntfile. Many front-end packages, however, do not include the distributable script (meaning you'd have to manually compile it), so in that case it might be easier just to download the .js file and go with option 3 of manually downloading it into /public_src/libs and then aliasing it in the Gruntfile.

      Even if you do have a script from something installed via Bower, make sure it is CommonJS compatible. If you open up the script and there is something like:

      if (typeof exports === "object" && exports) {
        module.exports = factory;

      That is a good sign. If not, you can either shim it in the Gruntfile's configuration, or you may want to just manually add it in and then go with option 3 again.

    2. NPM

      Same deal as Bower above, pretty much. Some good package authors will make CommonJS compatible packages for both the front-end and back-end, so if that's the case you're in luck if you download your package from npm because you won't even need to alias it, you can just directly require the package name from NPM and Browserify will load it for you!

    3. Manually downloaded into /public_src/libs.

      You want to alias whatever manually downloaded files you have in the Gruntfile. Read the instructions under the Bower section in point 1 because the same things apply about CommonJS.

  6. LESS

    LESS is used to write simpler CSS. We write all our styles into /public_src/less and it will automatically compile into /public/css/style.css when grunt watch is running.

  7. grunt watch

    So after the lengthy explanations above, we need to make sure this is running at all times while developing in a terminal somewhere.

    This makes sure all your front-end scripts compile correctly into their respective bundles for the browser. If you don't do this, pages will load with outdated javascript because you didn't compile! For a one-time bundle or if you are updating the external libraries file, just run grunt browserify.

    This will also watch changes to the LESS file and compile the CSS accordingly.


Corrupt PDFs generated

Upon setup, if PDFs saved from the website are invalid PDFs, try opening them in a text editor and viewing the raw content. If it shows an HTML document, one possible reason could be that permissions are not set up correctly for your web server to access the directories in your repository. For example, on Linux with nginx running with user www-data which belongs to user group www-data, running chgrp -R www-data <repository dir> may help.