Unifying the code style is important for git merges; otherwise, unnecessary conflicts are introduced. The process invloves importing a profile for code formatting (which would be applied when the "Source > Format" command is invoked), importing the profile for code cleanup (which would be applied when the "Source > Clean Up" command is invoked), and finally setting the correct Save Actions which would be applied whenever a source file is edited and saved.
In Eclipse: Window > Preferences > Java > Code Style > Formatter > Click on "Import..." > Navigate to the file "container/docs/codestyle/IAAS_CodeStyle.xml" and open it > Click on "Apply and Close"
As mentioned before, you can use code styling by selecting one or more code files / projects in the Package Explorer and then "Right click > Source > Format", or when a code file is open through the key shortcut "ctrl + shift + f".
In Eclipse: Window > Preferences > Java > Code Style > Clean Up > Click on "Import..." > Navigate to the file "container/docs/codestyle/IAAS_CleanUp.xml" and open it > Click on "Apply and Close"
As mentioned before, you can use code styling by selecting one or more code files / projects in the Package Explorer and then "Right click > Source > Clean Up"
In Eclipse, open: Window > Preferences > Java > Editor > Save Actions and then follow these steps:
Now click on "Configure..." and continue with the following steps:
Then click on "OK" then on "Apply and Save"