- API Dify API service.
- Worker Worker service, The Celery worker for processing the queue. All the config are same as API, only set MODE variable to "worker" !Important API and Worker service mount to a same place
- Web Frontend web application.
- Weaviate The Weaviate vector store.
- Web & API: http://jenkins.ciandt.cn:8080/job/Others/job/Flow/job/others/job/devtool-apps/ branch: dev, main apps: apps/cit-dify
- Worker: http://jenkins.ciandt.cn:8080/job/Others/job/Flow/job/others/job/devtool-apps/ branch: worker apps: apps/cit-dify-worker
- Weaviate http://jenkins.ciandt.cn:8080/job/Others/job/Flow/job/genaihub/job/devtool-core/ branch: dev apps: apps/genaihub-weaviate