The goal of this assignment is to do some financial programming in Haskell, using Monads in the process.
Consider the following gamble.
You can bet some amount of money x. A dreidel is spun, with the following highly nonstandard rules: if the dreidel comes up ג you receive 10⋅x, otherwise you lose your bet of x. Since there is a ¼ chance of a ג, your expected return is ¼⋅10⋅x = 2.5⋅x, so your expected return is to more than double your bet. This is a gamble you have to take!
You start with an amount of money y0. There are ten rounds of
play, each play you bet
If you set p = 1, you are almost certain to lose all your money, since the odds of winning all ten bets is 1 in 1,048,576, worse than one in a million. (Although if you do win all ten bets you'll end up with an awful lot of money!)
If you set p = 0, you won't lose any money, but you also won't win any money.
Your assignment is to:
Use the Dist Monad (see Haskell/Dist.hs) to calculate the distribution of the amount of money you'll have if you start with a pot of y0 and bet a fraction p of what you have, for n rounds.
dreidelDreidelDreidel :: Double -> Double -> Int -> Dist Double dreidelDreidelDreidel y0 p n = ...
* Write a function
mean :: Dist Double -> Double
which calculates the mean value of a distribution of doubles.
Example: ```mean $ Dist [(i,1/7) | i <- [0..6]]``` ↝ ```2.9999999999999996```
* Find (by plotting and trial and error to give a rough value, or by
writing an optimization routine for some extra credit) a value of *p*
which maximizes your expected return after *n=10* rounds of play
starting with a pot of 1000, i.e., find *p* which maximizes
```mean (dreidelDreidelDreidel 1000 p 10)```.
* Let us define
prExceeds :: Double -> Dist Double -> Double
prExceeds target dist = mean $ fmap (fromIntegral . fromEnum . (>= target)) dist
which calculates the probability of a sample from a distribution
of Doubles meeting or exceeding ```target```.
$ ghci
Prelude> :l Dreidel.hs
*Dreidel> prExceeds 2000 $ dreidelDreidelDreidel 1000 0.5 10
Find (again, by an optimization routine for extra credit) a value
of *p* which maximizes the chance of having over 4000 after
ten rounds of play starting with a pot of 1000, i.e., find *p*
which maximizes ```prExceeds 4000 (dreidelDreidelDreidel 1000 p
10))```. What is this value of *p*? What is the probability
of ending up with over 4000 using that value of *p*? What is the
expected (i.e., mean) amount ended up with?
Newly Added Note
For a bit of extra credit, maximize the expected *log* return, and
compare this to the earlier maximization of the expected return.
What to turn in
* a *single* file
* without anything unusual (like spaces or unicode) in the filename
* with extension .hs
* that loads and runs in ghci so I can test it
* that includes ```import Dist```
* that answers the above questions requiring answers in comments, with
commented-out runs showing your work
* **DUE** noon, Thur 17-Dec-2015
Happy Hanukkah!
###### Dreidel
![Dreidel Image]
###### Spin the dreidel for gelt
![Spin the dreidel for gelt Image]
###### [Heart-warming Story](
![Winning at Dreidel Image]
###### Hanukkah Menorah
![Hanukkah Menorah Image]
###### Barack Lighting Hanukkah Candles
![Barack Lighting Hanukkah Candles Image]