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CLI Tool Usage

The Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.CLI library mentioned above is available through a cross platform command line application.


  • .NET Core 3.1 runtime


The tool can be installed as a .NET Core global tool that you can call from the shell / command line

dotnet tool install --global atc-api-gen

or by following the instructions here to install a specific version of the tool.

A successful installation will output something like:

You can invoke the tool using the following command: atc-api
Tool 'atc-api-gen' (version '1.0.104') was successfully installed.`


The tool can also be updated by following command.

dotnet tool update --global atc-api-gen


Since the tool is published as a .NET Core Tool, it can be launched from anywhere using any command line interface by calling atc-api. The help information is displayed using the --help argument to atc-api

$ atc-api --help

Usage: atc-api [command] [options]


Example for --help on the commands 'generate server api'

$ atc-api generate server api --help

Create API project.

Usage: atc-api generate server api [options]

  --validate-strictMode                    Use strictMode
  --validate-operationIdCasingStyle        Set casingStyle for operationId
  --validate-modelNameCasingStyle          Set casingStyle for model name
  --validate-modelPropertyNameCasingStyle  Set casingStyle for model property name
  -p|--projectPrefixName                   Project prefix name (e.g. 'PetStore' becomes 'PetStore.Api.Generated').
  -o|--outputPath                          Path to generated project.
  --useNullableReferenceTypes              Use nullable reference types in .csproj
  --useAuthorization                       Use authorization
  -v|--verboseMode                         Use verboseMode for more debug/trace information
  --optionsPath                            Path to options json-file.
  -s|--specificationPath                   Path to Open API specification (directory, file or url)
  -?|-h|--help                             Show help information

PetStore example:

The following command will generate an API that implements the offcial Pet Store example from Swagger.

atc-api generate server all --validate-strictMode false -s -p PetStore --outputSlnPath <MY-PROJECT-FOLDER> --outputSrcPath <MY-PROJECT-FOLDER>\src --outputTestPath <MY-PROJECT-FOLDER>\test -v true

Replace <MY-PROJECT-FOLDER> with an absolute path where you want to projects created. For example, to put the generated solution in a folder called c:\PetStore, do the following:

atc-api generate server all --validate-strictMode false -s -p PetStore --outputSlnPath c:\PetStore --outputSrcPath c:\PetStore\src --outputTestPath c:\PetStore\test -v true

Running the command above produces the following output:

        ___  ______  _____        ___    ___    ____       _____                              __
       / _ |/_  __/ / ___/ ____  / _ |  / _ \  /  _/      / ___/ ___   ___  ___   ____ ___ _ / /_ ___   ____
      / __ | / /   / /__  /___/ / __ | / ___/ _/ /       / (_ / / -_) / _ \/ -_) / __// _ `// __// _ \ / __/
     /_/ |_|/_/    \___/       /_/ |_|/_/    /___/       \___/  \__/ /_//_/\__/ /_/   \_,_/ \__/ \___//_/

CR0103 # Warning: Schema - Missing title on object type '#/components/schemas/Pet'.
CR0101 # Warning: Schema - Missing title on array type '#/components/schemas/Pets'.
CR0103 # Warning: Schema - Missing title on object type '#/components/schemas/Error'.
CR0203 # Warning: Operation - OperationId should start with the prefix 'Get' or 'List' for operation 'ShowPetById'.
CR0214 # Warning: Operation - Missing NotFound response type for operation 'ShowPetById', required by url parameter.
CR0801 # Information: ProjectApiGenerated - Old project don't exist.
FileCreate # Debug: c:\PetStore\src\PetStore.Api.Generated\PetStore.Api.Generated.csproj
FileCreate # Debug: c:\PetStore\test\PetStore.Api.Generated.Tests\PetStore.Api.Generated.Tests.csproj
FileCreate # Debug: c:\PetStore\src\PetStore.Api.Generated\Contracts\Pets\Models\Error.cs
FileCreate # Debug: c:\PetStore\src\PetStore.Api.Generated\Contracts\Pets\Models\Pet.cs
FileCreate # Debug: c:\PetStore\src\PetStore.Api.Generated\Contracts\Pets\Models\Pets.cs
FileCreate # Debug: c:\PetStore\src\PetStore.Api.Generated\Contracts\Pets\Parameters\ListPetsParameters.cs
FileCreate # Debug: c:\PetStore\src\PetStore.Api.Generated\Contracts\Pets\Parameters\ShowPetByIdParameters.cs
FileCreate # Debug: c:\PetStore\src\PetStore.Api.Generated\Contracts\Pets\Results\ListPetsResult.cs
FileCreate # Debug: c:\PetStore\src\PetStore.Api.Generated\Contracts\Pets\Results\CreatePetsResult.cs
FileCreate # Debug: c:\PetStore\src\PetStore.Api.Generated\Contracts\Pets\Results\ShowPetByIdResult.cs
FileCreate # Debug: c:\PetStore\src\PetStore.Api.Generated\Contracts\Pets\Interfaces\IListPetsHandler.cs
FileCreate # Debug: c:\PetStore\src\PetStore.Api.Generated\Contracts\Pets\Interfaces\ICreatePetsHandler.cs
FileCreate # Debug: c:\PetStore\src\PetStore.Api.Generated\Contracts\Pets\Interfaces\IShowPetByIdHandler.cs
FileCreate # Debug: c:\PetStore\src\PetStore.Api.Generated\Endpoints\PetsController.cs
FileCreate # Debug: c:\PetStore\src\PetStore.Domain\PetStore.Domain.csproj
FileCreate # Debug: c:\PetStore\test\PetStore.Domain.Tests\PetStore.Domain.Tests.csproj
FileCreate # Debug: c:\PetStore\src\PetStore.Domain\Handlers\Pets\ListPetsHandler.cs
FileCreate # Debug: c:\PetStore\src\PetStore.Domain\Handlers\Pets\CreatePetsHandler.cs
FileCreate # Debug: c:\PetStore\src\PetStore.Domain\Handlers\Pets\ShowPetByIdHandler.cs
FileCreate # Debug: c:\PetStore\test\PetStore.Domain.Tests\Handlers\Pets\Generated\ListPetsHandlerGeneratedTests.cs
FileCreate # Debug: c:\PetStore\test\PetStore.Domain.Tests\Handlers\Pets\ListPetsHandlerTests.cs
FileCreate # Debug: c:\PetStore\test\PetStore.Domain.Tests\Handlers\Pets\Generated\CreatePetsHandlerGeneratedTests.cs
FileCreate # Debug: c:\PetStore\test\PetStore.Domain.Tests\Handlers\Pets\CreatePetsHandlerTests.cs
FileCreate # Debug: c:\PetStore\test\PetStore.Domain.Tests\Handlers\Pets\Generated\ShowPetByIdHandlerGeneratedTests.cs
FileCreate # Debug: c:\PetStore\test\PetStore.Domain.Tests\Handlers\Pets\ShowPetByIdHandlerTests.cs
FileCreate # Debug: c:\PetStore\src\PetStore.Api\PetStore.Api.csproj
FileCreate # Debug: c:\PetStore\src\PetStore.Api\Properties\launchSettings.json
FileCreate # Debug: c:\PetStore\src\PetStore.Api\Program.cs
FileCreate # Debug: c:\PetStore\src\PetStore.Api\Startup.cs
FileCreate # Debug: c:\PetStore\test\PetStore.Api.Tests\PetStore.Api.Tests.csproj
FileCreate # Debug: c:\PetStore\PetStore.sln

Server-API-Domain-Host is OK.

After the generator is finished running, you can start the API by running the following command:

dotnet run --project c:\PetStore\src\PetStore.Api

And then open a browser with url: https://localhost:5001/swagger