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How to Publish a Repo

Tom Hicks edited this page May 26, 2016 · 43 revisions

How to Publish Locally

If you want to publish the changed version of a project locally, on your machine, use this command: sbt publish-local

Note: The following instructions are for repository administrators only!

Publishing to Maven Central (via Sonatype)

For external public releases, remote publishing is required.

Step #1: Sign Up with Sonatype

Sonatype is the company that provides support and tools for Maven central. Crucially, they provide the access point for making projects available in the Maven Central Repository. You need to create a free account at Sonatype's JIRA issue management system:

At this JIRA site, the "Community Support - Open Source Project Reposity Hosting (OSSRH)" project is where we can file an issue to request help, such as connecting a new Sonatype account to the our repositories.

Once you have a Sonatype account and it is linked to the CLU Lab repositories, Sonatype's online Nexus Repository Manager is used to manage the publishing lifecycle.

Step #2: Install the sbt-pgp plugin

This plugin does the artifact signing work for us. Install it by following the simple instructions here:

Summary: create a plugin file: ~/.sbt/0.13/plugins/gpg.sbt containing this line: addSbtPlugin("com.jsuereth" % "sbt-pgp" % "1.0.0")

Next, create a file to hold your Sonatype credentials: ~/.sbt/0.13/plugins/sonatype.sbt

Add the credentials from the Sonatype account you created in Step 1 to the credentials file:

credentials += Credentials("Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager",

Step #3: Create and Publish PGP keys

All artifacts, within a project which is released to Maven, must be signed. The Nexus Repository Manager will verify the signing signature against a public key server. If you have not already published a public key, you will need to create and publish one for use by Sonatype.

You can do this using the either the SBT GPG plugin or the GnuPG program. Both programs seem about the same level of difficulty and are quite compatible: the SBT GPG plugin will look for and use your key rings at the same default location where GnuPG creates them, for example.

Instructions for using the GPG plugin are here: and instructions for installing and using the GnuPGP program are here:

Publish to the Sonatype server

  • Make sure the version numbers match the version you plan to release in build.sbt, CHANGES, README.
  • git tag to create a tag with this version number.
  • Type sbt publishSigned in the project you plan to release to upload it to a "staging repository" on the Sonatype server.

Close then Release the project at Sonatype

  • Go to and login with the account you created in the first step.
  • After login you should see a page with the available staging repositories that looks like this: Sonatype
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page to find your staging repository (the name should start with org.clulab).
  • Select the project. Then Close it (using the button in the top bar of the window). Wait a few seconds, then click Refresh.
  • The Release button should now be active. Click it, and answer Yes to the question if the repository should be dropped (this just means it will be removed from Sonatype's list of staging repositories).

This is it. The repository has now been pushed to Maven, and it should be publicly available in 3-4 hours.

Advance the version number of the project

Advance the version number of the project, e.g., if you just released 5.8.1 the next version should be 5.8.2-SNAPSHOT. Commit and push the new number.

Rules for CLULab administrators:

  • Please do not release a repository without Mihai's approval.
  • Please do not create private repositories without Mihai's approval (we have a limited number of these).
  • Please do not change any permissions of the teams in the CLULab organization without Mihai's approval.

For remote publishing, please follow the instructions from this page: These instructions work well, with a few observations: