Default config, suitable for any JavaScript/TypeScript project.
Refer to setup instructions in README.
π§ Automatically fixable by the
CLI option.
π‘ Manually fixable by editor suggestions.
π§ͺπ« Disabled for test files.
π§ͺβ οΈ Severity lessened to warning for test files.
Plugin | Rule | Options | Autofix | Overrides |
constructor-super Require super() calls in constructors |
eqeqeq Require the use of === and !== |
always, null: never[
"null": "never"
] |
π§ | ||
for-direction Enforce for loop update clause moving the counter in the right direction |
getter-return Enforce return statements in getters |
guard-for-in Require for-in loops to include an if statement |
no-async-promise-executor Disallow using an async function as a Promise executor |
no-case-declarations Disallow lexical declarations in case clauses |
π‘ | |||
no-class-assign Disallow reassigning class members |
no-compare-neg-zero Disallow comparing against -0 |
no-cond-assign Disallow assignment operators in conditional expressions |
no-const-assign Disallow reassigning const variables |
no-constant-binary-expression Disallow expressions where the operation doesn't affect the value |
no-constant-condition Disallow constant expressions in conditions |
no-control-regex Disallow control characters in regular expressions |
no-debugger Disallow the use of debugger |
no-delete-var Disallow deleting variables |
no-dupe-args Disallow duplicate arguments in function definitions |
no-dupe-class-members Disallow duplicate class members |
no-dupe-else-if Disallow duplicate conditions in if-else-if chains |
no-dupe-keys Disallow duplicate keys in object literals |
no-duplicate-case Disallow duplicate case labels |
no-empty Disallow empty block statements |
π‘ | |||
no-empty-character-class Disallow empty character classes in regular expressions |
no-empty-pattern Disallow empty destructuring patterns |
no-eval Disallow the use of eval() |
no-ex-assign Disallow reassigning exceptions in catch clauses |
no-extra-boolean-cast Disallow unnecessary boolean casts |
π§ | |||
no-fallthrough Disallow fallthrough of case statements |
no-func-assign Disallow reassigning function declarations |
no-global-assign Disallow assignments to native objects or read-only global variables |
no-import-assign Disallow assigning to imported bindings |
no-inner-declarations Disallow variable or function declarations in nested blocks |
no-invalid-regexp Disallow invalid regular expression strings in RegExp constructors |
no-irregular-whitespace Disallow irregular whitespace |
no-loss-of-precision Disallow literal numbers that lose precision |
no-misleading-character-class Disallow characters which are made with multiple code points in character class syntax |
π‘ | |||
no-new-native-nonconstructor Disallow new operators with global non-constructor functions |
no-nonoctal-decimal-escape Disallow \8 and \9 escape sequences in string literals |
π‘ | |||
no-obj-calls Disallow calling global object properties as functions |
no-octal Disallow octal literals |
no-param-reassign Disallow reassigning function parameters |
props: true{
"props": true
} |
no-prototype-builtins Disallow calling some Object.prototype methods directly on objects |
π‘ | |||
no-redeclare Disallow variable redeclaration |
no-regex-spaces Disallow multiple spaces in regular expressions |
π§ | |||
no-self-assign Disallow assignments where both sides are exactly the same |
no-sequences Disallow comma operators |
no-setter-return Disallow returning values from setters |
no-shadow-restricted-names Disallow identifiers from shadowing restricted names |
no-sparse-arrays Disallow sparse arrays |
no-template-curly-in-string Disallow template literal placeholder syntax in regular strings |
no-this-before-super Disallow this /super before calling super() in constructors |
no-undef Disallow the use of undeclared variables unless mentioned in /*global */ comments |
no-unexpected-multiline Disallow confusing multiline expressions |
no-unreachable Disallow unreachable code after return , throw , continue , and break statements |
no-unreachable-loop Disallow loops with a body that allows only one iteration |
no-unsafe-finally Disallow control flow statements in finally blocks |
no-unsafe-negation Disallow negating the left operand of relational operators |
π‘ | |||
no-unsafe-optional-chaining Disallow use of optional chaining in contexts where the undefined value is not allowed |
no-unused-labels Disallow unused labels |
π§ | |||
no-unused-vars Disallow unused variables |
π‘ | |||
no-useless-backreference Disallow useless backreferences in regular expressions |
no-useless-catch Disallow unnecessary catch clauses |
no-useless-escape Disallow unnecessary escape characters |
π‘ | |||
no-var Require let or const instead of var |
π§ | |||
no-with Disallow with statements |
prefer-const Require const declarations for variables that are never reassigned after declared |
π§ | |||
prefer-rest-params Require rest parameters instead of arguments |
prefer-spread Require spread operators instead of .apply() |
require-yield Require generator functions to contain yield |
use-isnan Require calls to isNaN() when checking for NaN |
π‘ | |||
valid-typeof Enforce comparing typeof expressions against valid strings |
π‘ | |||
ban-ts-comment Disallow @ts-<directive> comments or require descriptions after directives |
π‘ | |||
no-array-constructor Disallow generic Array constructors |
π§ | |||
no-duplicate-enum-values Disallow duplicate enum member values |
no-empty-object-type Disallow accidentally using the "empty object" type |
π‘ | |||
no-explicit-any Disallow the any type |
π§, π‘ | π§ͺπ« | ||
no-extra-non-null-assertion Disallow extra non-null assertions |
π§ | |||
no-misused-new Enforce valid definition of new and constructor |
no-namespace Disallow TypeScript namespaces |
no-non-null-asserted-optional-chain Disallow non-null assertions after an optional chain expression |
π‘ | |||
no-require-imports Disallow invocation of require() |
no-this-alias Disallow aliasing this |
no-unnecessary-type-constraint Disallow unnecessary constraints on generic types |
π‘ | |||
no-unsafe-declaration-merging Disallow unsafe declaration merging |
no-unsafe-function-type Disallow using the unsafe built-in Function type |
π§ | |||
no-unused-vars Disallow unused variables |
argsIgnorePattern: ^, dest...{
"argsIgnorePattern": "^",
"destructuredArrayIgnorePattern": "^_",
"ignoreRestSiblings": true
} |
no-wrapper-object-types Disallow using confusing built-in primitive class wrappers |
π§ | |||
prefer-as-const Enforce the use of as const over literal type |
π§, π‘ | |||
triple-slash-reference Disallow certain triple slash directives in favor of ES6-style import declarations |
default Ensure a default export is present, given a default import. |
export Forbid any invalid exports, i.e. re-export of the same name. |
named Ensure named imports correspond to a named export in the remote file. |
namespace Ensure imported namespaces contain dereferenced properties as they are dereferenced. |
no-absolute-path Forbid import of modules using absolute paths. |
π§ | |||
no-amd Forbid AMD require and define calls. |
no-commonjs Forbid CommonJS require calls and module.exports or exports.* . |
no-cycle Forbid a module from importing a module with a dependency path back to itself. |
no-mutable-exports Forbid the use of mutable exports with var or let . |
no-self-import Forbid a module from importing itself. |
no-unresolved Ensure imports point to a file/module that can be resolved. |
always-return Require returning inside each then() to create readable and reusable Promise chains. |
ignoreLastCallback: true{
"ignoreLastCallback": true
} |
catch-or-return Enforce the use of catch() on un-returned promises. |
π§ͺπ« | |||
no-new-statics Disallow calling new on a Promise static method. |
π§ | |||
no-return-wrap Disallow wrapping values in Promise.resolve or Promise.reject when not needed. |
param-names Enforce consistent param names and ordering when creating new promises. |
no-all-duplicated-branches All branches in a conditional structure should not have exactly the same implementation |
no-collection-size-mischeck Collection sizes and array length comparisons should make sense |
π‘ | |||
no-duplicated-branches Two branches in a conditional structure should not have exactly the same implementation |
no-element-overwrite Collection elements should not be replaced unconditionally |
no-empty-collection Empty collections should not be accessed or iterated |
no-extra-arguments Function calls should not pass extra arguments |
no-gratuitous-expressions Boolean expressions should not be gratuitous |
no-identical-conditions Related "if-else-if" and "switch-case" statements should not have the same condition |
no-identical-expressions Identical expressions should not be used on both sides of a binary operator |
no-identical-functions Functions should not have identical implementations |
no-ignored-return Return values from functions without side effects should not be ignored |
no-one-iteration-loop Loops with at most one iteration should be refactored |
no-unused-collection Collection and array contents should be used |
no-use-of-empty-return-value The output of functions that don't return anything should not be used |
non-existent-operator Non-existent operators "=+", "=-" and "=!" should not be used |
π‘ |
Plugin | Rule | Options | Autofix | Overrides |
arrow-body-style Require braces around arrow function bodies |
as-needed"as-needed" |
π§ | ||
complexity Enforce a maximum cyclomatic complexity allowed in a program |
curly Enforce consistent brace style for all control statements |
π§ | π§ͺπ« | ||
max-depth Enforce a maximum depth that blocks can be nested |
max-lines Enforce a maximum number of lines per file |
skipBlankLines: true, skipC...{
"skipBlankLines": true,
"skipComments": true
} |
π§ͺπ« | ||
max-lines-per-function Enforce a maximum number of lines of code in a function |
skipBlankLines: true, skipC...{
"skipBlankLines": true,
"skipComments": true
} |
π§ͺπ« | ||
max-nested-callbacks Enforce a maximum depth that callbacks can be nested |
max: 3{
"max": 3
} |
no-bitwise Disallow bitwise operators |
no-console Disallow the use of console |
allow: error, warn, info{
"allow": [
} |
π‘ | ||
no-duplicate-imports Disallow duplicate module imports |
no-empty-static-block Disallow empty static blocks |
no-undef-init Disallow initializing variables to undefined |
π§ | |||
no-unused-private-class-members Disallow unused private class members |
no-useless-computed-key Disallow unnecessary computed property keys in objects and classes |
π§ | |||
no-useless-rename Disallow renaming import, export, and destructured assignments to the same name |
π§ | |||
object-shorthand Require or disallow method and property shorthand syntax for object literals |
π§ | |||
prefer-template Require template literals instead of string concatenation |
π§ | |||
radix Enforce the consistent use of the radix argument when using parseInt() |
π‘ | |||
yoda Require or disallow "Yoda" conditions |
π§ | |||
adjacent-overload-signatures Require that function overload signatures be consecutive |
array-type Require consistently using either T[] or Array<T> for arrays |
π§ | |||
ban-tslint-comment Disallow // tslint:<rule-flag> comments |
π§ | |||
class-methods-use-this Enforce that class methods utilize this |
consistent-generic-constructors Enforce specifying generic type arguments on type annotation or constructor name of a constructor call |
π§ | |||
consistent-type-definitions Enforce type definitions to consistently use either interface or type |
type"type" |
π§ | ||
default-param-last Enforce default parameters to be last |
max-params Enforce a maximum number of parameters in function definitions |
max: 4{
"max": 4
} |
method-signature-style Enforce using a particular method signature syntax |
π§ | |||
no-confusing-non-null-assertion Disallow non-null assertion in locations that may be confusing |
π‘ | |||
no-empty-function Disallow empty functions |
allow: private-constructors...{
"allow": [
} |
π§ͺπ« | ||
no-import-type-side-effects Enforce the use of top-level import type qualifier when an import only has specifiers with inline type qualifiers |
π§ | |||
no-magic-numbers Disallow magic numbers |
ignore: -1, 0, 1, 2, 7, 10,...{
"ignore": [
"ignoreClassFieldInitialValues": true,
"ignoreDefaultValues": true,
"ignoreEnums": true,
"ignoreNumericLiteralTypes": true,
"ignoreReadonlyClassProperties": true,
"ignoreTypeIndexes": true,
"enforceConst": true,
"detectObjects": true
} |
π§ͺπ« | ||
no-shadow Disallow variable declarations from shadowing variables declared in the outer scope |
no-unused-expressions Disallow unused expressions |
prefer-function-type Enforce using function types instead of interfaces with call signatures |
π§ | |||
prefer-namespace-keyword Require using namespace keyword over module keyword to declare custom TypeScript modules |
π§ | |||
no-let Disallow mutable variables. |
π§ͺπ« | |||
no-loop-statements Disallow imperative loops. |
max-dependencies Enforce the maximum number of dependencies a module can have. |
ignoreTypeImports: true{
"ignoreTypeImports": true
} |
no-anonymous-default-export Forbid anonymous values as default exports. |
no-duplicates Forbid repeated import of the same module in multiple places. |
π§ | |||
no-named-as-default Forbid use of exported name as identifier of default export. |
no-named-as-default-member Forbid use of exported name as property of default export. |
no-named-default Forbid named default exports. |
no-unassigned-import Forbid unassigned imports |
no-useless-path-segments Forbid unnecessary path segments in import and require statements. |
π§ | |||
no-callback-in-promise Disallow calling cb() inside of a then() (use [util.callbackify][] instead). |
exceptions: next{
"exceptions": [
} |
no-nesting Disallow nested then() or catch() statements. |
no-promise-in-callback Disallow using promises inside of callbacks. |
no-return-in-finally Disallow return statements in finally() . |
valid-params Enforces the proper number of arguments are passed to Promise functions. |
max-switch-cases "switch" statements should not have too many "case" clauses |
no-collapsible-if Collapsible "if" statements should be merged |
no-duplicate-string String literals should not be duplicated |
π§ͺπ« | |||
no-inverted-boolean-check Boolean checks should not be inverted |
π§, π‘ | |||
no-nested-switch "switch" statements should not be nested |
no-nested-template-literals Template literals should not be nested |
no-redundant-boolean Boolean literals should not be redundant |
no-redundant-jump Jump statements should not be redundant |
π‘ | |||
no-same-line-conditional Conditionals should start on new lines |
π‘ | |||
no-small-switch "switch" statements should have at least 3 "case" clauses |
no-useless-catch "catch" clauses should do more than rethrow |
prefer-immediate-return Local variables should not be declared and then immediately returned or thrown |
π§ | |||
prefer-object-literal Object literal syntax should be used |
prefer-single-boolean-return Return of boolean expressions should not be wrapped into an "if-then-else" statement |
π‘ | |||
prefer-while A "while" loop should be used instead of a "for" loop |
π§ | |||
better-regex Improve regexes by making them shorter, consistent, and safer. |
sortCharacterClasses: false{
"sortCharacterClasses": false
} |
π§ | ||
catch-error-name Enforce a specific parameter name in catch clauses. |
π§ | |||
consistent-empty-array-spread Prefer consistent types when spreading a ternary in an array literal. |
π§ | |||
consistent-existence-index-check Enforce consistent style for element existence checks with indexOf() , lastIndexOf() , findIndex() , and findLastIndex() . |
π§ | |||
consistent-function-scoping Move function definitions to the highest possible scope. |
checkArrowFunctions: false{
"checkArrowFunctions": false
} |
π§ͺπ« | ||
empty-brace-spaces Enforce no spaces between braces. |
π§ | |||
error-message Enforce passing a message value when creating a built-in error. |
escape-case Require escape sequences to use uppercase values. |
π§ | |||
expiring-todo-comments Add expiration conditions to TODO comments. |
explicit-length-check Enforce explicitly comparing the length or size property of a value. |
π§, π‘ | |||
filename-case Enforce a case style for filenames. |
import-style Enforce specific import styles per module. |
new-for-builtins Enforce the use of new for all builtins, except String , Number , Boolean , Symbol and BigInt . |
π§ | |||
no-abusive-eslint-disable Enforce specifying rules to disable in eslint-disable comments. |
no-anonymous-default-export Disallow anonymous functions and classes as the default export. |
π‘ | |||
no-array-callback-reference Prevent passing a function reference directly to iterator methods. |
π‘ | |||
no-array-for-each Prefer forβ¦of over the forEach method. |
π§, π‘ | |||
no-array-method-this-argument Disallow using the this argument in array methods. |
π§, π‘ | |||
no-array-push-push Enforce combining multiple Array#push() into one call. |
π§, π‘ | |||
no-array-reduce Disallow Array#reduce() and Array#reduceRight() . |
no-await-expression-member Disallow member access from await expression. |
π§ | |||
no-await-in-promise-methods Disallow using await in Promise method parameters. |
π‘ | |||
no-console-spaces Do not use leading/trailing space between console.log parameters. |
π§ | |||
no-document-cookie Do not use document.cookie directly. |
no-empty-file Disallow empty files. |
no-for-loop Do not use a for loop that can be replaced with a for-of loop. |
π§, π‘ | |||
no-hex-escape Enforce the use of Unicode escapes instead of hexadecimal escapes. |
π§ | |||
no-instanceof-array Require Array.isArray() instead of instanceof Array . |
π§ | |||
no-invalid-fetch-options Disallow invalid options in fetch() and new Request() . |
no-invalid-remove-event-listener Prevent calling EventTarget#removeEventListener() with the result of an expression. |
no-length-as-slice-end Disallow using .length as the end argument of {Array,String,TypedArray}#slice() . |
π§ | |||
no-lonely-if Disallow if statements as the only statement in if blocks without else . |
π§ | |||
no-magic-array-flat-depth Disallow a magic number as the depth argument in Array#flat(β¦). |
no-negated-condition Disallow negated conditions. |
π§ | |||
no-negation-in-equality-check Disallow negated expression in equality check. |
π‘ | |||
no-nested-ternary Disallow nested ternary expressions. |
π§ | |||
no-new-array Disallow new Array() . |
π§, π‘ | |||
no-new-buffer Enforce the use of Buffer.from() and Buffer.alloc() instead of the deprecated new Buffer() . |
π§, π‘ | |||
no-null Disallow the use of the null literal. |
π§, π‘ | |||
no-object-as-default-parameter Disallow the use of objects as default parameters. |
no-process-exit Disallow process.exit() . |
no-single-promise-in-promise-methods Disallow passing single-element arrays to Promise methods. |
π§, π‘ | |||
no-static-only-class Disallow classes that only have static members. |
π§ | |||
no-thenable Disallow then property. |
no-this-assignment Disallow assigning this to a variable. |
no-typeof-undefined Disallow comparing undefined using typeof . |
π§, π‘ | |||
no-unnecessary-await Disallow awaiting non-promise values. |
π§ | |||
no-unnecessary-polyfills Enforce the use of built-in methods instead of unnecessary polyfills. |
no-unreadable-array-destructuring Disallow unreadable array destructuring. |
π§ | |||
no-unreadable-iife Disallow unreadable IIFEs. |
no-useless-fallback-in-spread Disallow useless fallback when spreading in object literals. |
π§ | |||
no-useless-length-check Disallow useless array length check. |
π§ | |||
no-useless-promise-resolve-reject Disallow returning/yielding Promise.resolve/reject() in async functions or promise callbacks |
π§ | |||
no-useless-spread Disallow unnecessary spread. |
π§ | |||
no-useless-switch-case Disallow useless case in switch statements. |
π‘ | |||
no-useless-undefined Disallow useless undefined . |
checkArguments: false{
"checkArguments": false
} |
π§ | ||
no-zero-fractions Disallow number literals with zero fractions or dangling dots. |
π§ | |||
number-literal-case Enforce proper case for numeric literals. |
π§ | |||
numeric-separators-style Enforce the style of numeric separators by correctly grouping digits. |
π§ | |||
prefer-add-event-listener Prefer .addEventListener() and .removeEventListener() over on -functions. |
π§ | |||
prefer-array-find Prefer .find(β¦) and .findLast(β¦) over the first or last element from .filter(β¦) . |
π§, π‘ | |||
prefer-array-flat Prefer Array#flat() over legacy techniques to flatten arrays. |
π§ | |||
prefer-array-flat-map Prefer .flatMap(β¦) over .map(β¦).flat() . |
π§ | |||
prefer-array-index-of Prefer Array#{indexOf,lastIndexOf}() over Array#{findIndex,findLastIndex}() when looking for the index of an item. |
π§, π‘ | |||
prefer-array-some Prefer .some(β¦) over .filter(β¦).length check and .{find,findLast,findIndex,findLastIndex}(β¦) . |
π§, π‘ | |||
prefer-at Prefer .at() method for index access and String#charAt() . |
π§, π‘ | |||
prefer-blob-reading-methods Prefer Blob#arrayBuffer() over FileReader#readAsArrayBuffer(β¦) and Blob#text() over FileReader#readAsText(β¦) . |
prefer-code-point Prefer String#codePointAt(β¦) over String#charCodeAt(β¦) and String.fromCodePoint(β¦) over String.fromCharCode(β¦) . |
π‘ | |||
prefer-date-now Prefer to get the number of milliseconds since the Unix Epoch. |
π§ | |||
prefer-default-parameters Prefer default parameters over reassignment. |
π§, π‘ | |||
prefer-dom-node-append Prefer Node#append() over Node#appendChild() . |
π§ | |||
prefer-dom-node-dataset Prefer using .dataset on DOM elements over calling attribute methods. |
π§ | |||
prefer-dom-node-remove Prefer childNode.remove() over parentNode.removeChild(childNode) . |
π§, π‘ | |||
prefer-dom-node-text-content Prefer .textContent over .innerText . |
π‘ | |||
prefer-event-target Prefer EventTarget over EventEmitter . |
prefer-export-from Prefer exportβ¦from when re-exporting. |
π§, π‘ | |||
prefer-global-this Prefer globalThis over window , self , and global . |
π§ | |||
prefer-includes Prefer .includes() over .indexOf() , .lastIndexOf() , and Array#some() when checking for existence or non-existence. |
π§, π‘ | |||
prefer-keyboard-event-key Prefer KeyboardEvent#key over KeyboardEvent#keyCode . |
π§ | |||
prefer-logical-operator-over-ternary Prefer using a logical operator over a ternary. |
π‘ | |||
prefer-math-min-max Prefer Math.min() and Math.max() over ternaries for simple comparisons. |
π§ | |||
prefer-math-trunc Enforce the use of Math.trunc instead of bitwise operators. |
π§, π‘ | |||
prefer-modern-dom-apis Prefer .before() over .insertBefore() , .replaceWith() over .replaceChild() , prefer one of .before() , .after() , .append() or .prepend() over insertAdjacentText() and insertAdjacentElement() . |
π§ | |||
prefer-modern-math-apis Prefer modern Math APIs over legacy patterns. |
π§ | |||
prefer-module Prefer JavaScript modules (ESM) over CommonJS. |
π§, π‘ | |||
prefer-native-coercion-functions Prefer using String , Number , BigInt , Boolean , and Symbol directly. |
π§ | |||
prefer-negative-index Prefer negative index over .length - index when possible. |
π§ | |||
prefer-node-protocol Prefer using the node: protocol when importing Node.js builtin modules. |
π§ | |||
prefer-number-properties Prefer Number static properties over global ones. |
π§, π‘ | |||
prefer-object-from-entries Prefer using Object.fromEntries(β¦) to transform a list of key-value pairs into an object. |
π§ | |||
prefer-optional-catch-binding Prefer omitting the catch binding parameter. |
π§ | |||
prefer-prototype-methods Prefer borrowing methods from the prototype instead of the instance. |
π§ | |||
prefer-query-selector Prefer .querySelector() over .getElementById() , .querySelectorAll() over .getElementsByClassName() and .getElementsByTagName() and .getElementsByName() . |
π§ | |||
prefer-reflect-apply Prefer Reflect.apply() over Function#apply() . |
π§ | |||
prefer-regexp-test Prefer RegExp#test() over String#match() and RegExp#exec() . |
π§, π‘ | |||
prefer-set-has Prefer Set#has() over Array#includes() when checking for existence or non-existence. |
π§, π‘ | |||
prefer-set-size Prefer using Set#size instead of Array#length . |
π§ | |||
prefer-spread Prefer the spread operator over Array.from(β¦) , Array#concat(β¦) , Array#{slice,toSpliced}() and String#split('') . |
π§, π‘ | |||
prefer-string-raw Prefer using the String.raw tag to avoid escaping \ . |
π§ | |||
prefer-string-replace-all Prefer String#replaceAll() over regex searches with the global flag. |
π§ | |||
prefer-string-slice Prefer String#slice() over String#substr() and String#substring() . |
π§ | |||
prefer-string-starts-ends-with Prefer String#startsWith() & String#endsWith() over RegExp#test() . |
π§, π‘ | |||
prefer-string-trim-start-end Prefer String#trimStart() / String#trimEnd() over String#trimLeft() / String#trimRight() . |
π§ | |||
prefer-structured-clone Prefer using structuredClone to create a deep clone. |
π‘ | |||
prefer-switch Prefer switch over multiple else-if . |
π§ | |||
prefer-ternary Prefer ternary expressions over simple if-else statements. |
π§ | |||
prefer-top-level-await Prefer top-level await over top-level promises and async function calls. |
π‘ | |||
prefer-type-error Enforce throwing TypeError in type checking conditions. |
π§ | |||
prevent-abbreviations Prevent abbreviations. |
π§ | |||
relative-url-style Enforce consistent relative URL style. |
π§, π‘ | |||
require-array-join-separator Enforce using the separator argument with Array#join() . |
π§ | |||
require-number-to-fixed-digits-argument Enforce using the digits argument with Number#toFixed() . |
π§ | |||
switch-case-braces Enforce consistent brace style for case clauses. |
avoid"avoid" |
π§ | ||
template-indent Fix whitespace-insensitive template indentation. |
π§ | |||
text-encoding-identifier-case Enforce consistent case for text encoding identifiers. |
π§, π‘ | |||
throw-new-error Require new when creating an error. |
π§ |