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File metadata and controls

105 lines (95 loc) · 3.52 KB

Data Structures

Ways of organizing information with optimal Runtime Complexity for adding or removing records. JavaScript natively implements several data structures. You will still be asked about inferior data structures.


This type of data structured follows the First In First Out principal. The best example is waiting in line for a ticket.

Queue Array Equivalent
Add to queue array.unshift()
Remove from queue array.pop()

Create a queue data structure. The queue should be a class with methods 'add' and 'remove'. Adding to the queue should store an element until.

class Queue {
      // Init Base Array as Queue
      constructor() { 
            this.q = [];
      // Using unshift to add item to begin / index 0 of Array
      add(item) {
      // Using pop to remove the last item / Array.length - 1
      remove() {
            return this.q.pop();
      // Accessing/Getter the next item in the Queue
      peek() {
            return this.q[this.q.length - 1];


This type of data structured follows the First In Last Out principal. The best example is adding or removing cards from a deck.

class Stack {
      // Init with Base Array
      constructor() {
            this.s = [];
      // Adding new item to top of Stack
      add(item) {
            // Only difference between Stack and Queue
      // Removing and returning top item in Stack
      remove() {
            return this.s.pop();
      // Acessing/Getter of top item in Stack
      peek() {
            return this.s[this.s.length - 1];

Linked List

Node[data]=> Node[data] => Node[data] => null

See LinkedList & Node classes on github.


Node class should accept an argument that gets assigned to the data property and initialize an empty array for storing children. Tree class should initialize a 'root' property to null. Iterate function that gets called with each element in the tree.

See Tree & Node classes on github.


Create an eventing library out of the Events class. The Events class should have methods on(), trigger()', and off().

class Events {
      constructor() {
            // Init events storage/reference
   = {}; 
	  // Register an event handler
      on(eventName, callback) {
            // If exist push to list of callbacks
            if ([eventName]) {
            // If not add eventName as key with array of callback
            } else {
        [eventName] = [callback];
	  // Trigger all callbacks associated
	  // with a given eventName
      trigger(eventName) {
            // if this event is registered
            if ([eventName]) {
                  // Loop through each callback in array and call
                  for (let fn of[eventName]) {
                        fn(); // Call callback function 
	  // Remove all event handlers associated
	  // with the given eventName
      off(eventName) {
            // Deleting key from object