The code is intended as an example for automated deployment of two Azure Virtual Machines with Oracle Database Enterprise Edition 19c in a Data Guard configuration using Github Actions. The code is intended to be used as a starting point for your own deployment. The Bicep module for this deployment is located in the bicep/bootstrap
Overall if you wish to modify one or more variables in the module, you can do so by modifying the bicep/bootstrap/data_guard/default/data_guard.bicepparam
First, configure your OpenID Connect as described here.
Create a Github Secret in your repo with the name SSH_PRIVATE_KEY, containing the private key you wish to use for the deployment.
To deploy through GitHub actions, please refer to the Data Guard GitHub Bicep workflow and follow the guidance below.
- Modify the following values in Data Guard GitHub Bicep workflow:
- Change AZ_LOCATION: "swedencentral", to your preferred Azure region
- Change AZ_RG_BASENAME: "Oracle-test", to your preferred resource group name prefix.
- Change VM_PRIMARY_NAME: "vm-primary-0", to your preferred name for the primary node in the data guard configuration.
- Change VM_SECONDARY_NAME: "vm-secondary-0", to your preferred name for the secondary node in the data guard configuration.
- Change ORCL_DB_NAME: "ORCL" to what the database will be named.
- Change _SOFTWARE_RG: "binaryresource" to the resource group where the user assigned identity created to access the storage account with Oracle binaries is placed.
- Change USER_ASSIGNED_IDENTITY: "oraclelza" to the name of the user assigned identity created to access the storage account with Oracle binaries.
- Modify the following values in Ansible variable file:
- Change storage_account: oraclelzabin with the name of the storage account where the Oracle binaries are stored
- Change storage_container: oraclebinaries with the name of the container on the storage account where the Oracle binaries are stored.
- After modifying the values, merge the changes to the main branch of your repo.
- Go to GitHub actions and run the action Deploy an Oracle DB in a Data Guard configuration on Azure with Bicep and Ansible