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Pytorch missing DLLs when installed into an environment on Windows, but not on linux #354

1 task done
TedVanderfeen opened this issue Feb 10, 2025 · 12 comments
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bug Something isn't working


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Solution to issue cannot be found in the documentation.

  • I checked the documentation.


See rvss-australia/RVSS_Need4Speed#6, and rvss-australia/RVSS_Need4Speed#7.

When installing Pytorch alongside a long list of other packages for the above repo, it fails to import and instead displays the below error:

python -c "import torch; print(torch.version.cuda)"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\miniforge3\envs\rvss\lib\site-packages\torch\", line 367, in <module>
    from torch._C import *  # noqa: F403
ImportError: DLL load failed while importing _C: The specified procedure could not be found.

The environment was created with the following command:

mamba create -n rvss numpy scipy pytorch scikit-learn ipython scikit-image matplotlib tqdm roboticstoolbox-python git ipykernel mediapy py-opencv seaborn gym jupyter spatialmath-python machinevision-toolbox-python ipywidgets plotly torchvision conda-pack tensorboardx pynput click ipympl -c conda-forge --override-channels

The issue is NOT present when installing just Pytorch and torchvision using:

mamba create -n bugreport pytorch-gpu torchvision

Linux/WSL conda list shown in the linked issue. Long paths has been enabled for windows.

Installed packages

# packages in environment at C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\miniforge3\envs\rvss:
# Name                    Version                   Build  Channel
_libavif_api              1.1.1                h57928b3_2    conda-forge
_openmp_mutex             4.5                       2_gnu    conda-forge
aiobotocore               2.19.0             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
aiohappyeyeballs          2.4.4              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
aiohttp                   3.11.12         py310h38315fa_0    conda-forge
aioitertools              0.12.0             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
aiosignal                 1.3.2              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
ansitable                 0.10.0             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
anyio                     4.8.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
aom                       3.9.1                he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
argon2-cffi               23.1.0             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
argon2-cffi-bindings      21.2.0          py310ha8f682b_5    conda-forge
arm_pyart                 1.19.5          py310ha8f682b_1    conda-forge
arrow                     1.3.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
asttokens                 3.0.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
async-lru                 2.0.4              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
async-timeout             5.0.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
attrs                     25.1.0             pyh71513ae_0    conda-forge
autobahn                  24.4.2             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
aws-c-auth                0.8.1                hd11252f_0    conda-forge
aws-c-cal                 0.8.1                h099ea23_3    conda-forge
aws-c-common              0.10.6               h2466b09_0    conda-forge
aws-c-compression         0.3.0                h099ea23_5    conda-forge
aws-c-event-stream        0.5.0               h85d8506_11    conda-forge
aws-c-http                0.9.2                h3888f84_4    conda-forge
aws-c-io                  0.15.3               hc5a9e45_6    conda-forge
aws-c-mqtt                0.11.0              h2c94728_12    conda-forge
aws-c-s3                  0.7.9                h6a47413_1    conda-forge
aws-c-sdkutils            0.2.2                h099ea23_0    conda-forge
aws-checksums             0.2.2                h099ea23_4    conda-forge
aws-crt-cpp               0.29.9               he488853_2    conda-forge
aws-sdk-cpp               1.11.489             h7d73209_0    conda-forge
babel                     2.17.0             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
beautifulsoup4            4.13.3             pyha770c72_0    conda-forge
bleach                    6.2.0              pyh29332c3_4    conda-forge
bleach-with-css           6.2.0                h82add2a_4    conda-forge
blosc                     1.21.6               hfd34d9b_1    conda-forge
bokeh                     3.6.3              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
botocore                  1.36.3          pyge310_1234567_0    conda-forge
brotli                    1.1.0                h2466b09_2    conda-forge
brotli-bin                1.1.0                h2466b09_2    conda-forge
brotli-python             1.1.0           py310h9e98ed7_2    conda-forge
bullet                    3.25                 h3bcd3f7_3    conda-forge
bullet-cpp                3.25                 hbbd805c_3    conda-forge
bzip2                     1.0.8                h2466b09_7    conda-forge
c-ares                    1.34.4               h2466b09_0    conda-forge
c-blosc2                  2.15.2               h9e57077_1    conda-forge
ca-certificates           2025.1.31            h56e8100_0    conda-forge
cached-property           1.5.2                hd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
cached_property           1.5.2              pyha770c72_1    conda-forge
cairo                     1.18.2               h5782bbf_1    conda-forge
cartopy                   0.24.0          py310hb4db72f_0    conda-forge
certifi                   2024.12.14         pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
cffi                      1.17.1          py310ha8f682b_0    conda-forge
cfgv                      3.3.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
cftime                    1.6.4           py310hb0944cc_1    conda-forge
charls                    2.4.2                h1537add_0    conda-forge
charset-normalizer        3.4.1              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
click                     8.1.8              pyh7428d3b_0    conda-forge
cloudpickle               3.1.1              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
cmweather                 0.3.2              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
colorama                  0.4.6              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
colored                   1.4.4              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
comm                      0.2.2              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
conda-pack                0.8.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
contourpy                 1.3.1           py310hc19bc0b_0    conda-forge
cpython                   3.10.16         py310hd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
cryptography              44.0.0          py310h25a5809_1    conda-forge
cuda-cudart               12.8.57              he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
cuda-cudart_win-64        12.8.57              he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
cuda-cupti                12.8.57              he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
cuda-nvrtc                12.8.61              he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
cuda-version              12.8                 h5d125a7_3    conda-forge
cudnn                        hffc9a7f_0    conda-forge
cusparselt                    hffc9a7f_0    conda-forge
cvxopt                    1.3.2           py310h4398d92_3    conda-forge
cycler                    0.12.1             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
cython                    0.29.37         py310h00ffb61_0    conda-forge
cytoolz                   1.0.1           py310ha8f682b_0    conda-forge
daqp                      0.6.0           py310ha8f682b_0    conda-forge
dask                      2025.1.0           pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
dask-core                 2025.1.0           pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
dav1d                     1.2.1                hcfcfb64_0    conda-forge
debugpy                   1.8.12          py310h9e98ed7_0    conda-forge
decorator                 5.1.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
defusedxml                0.7.1              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
distlib                   0.3.9              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
distributed               2025.1.0           pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
double-conversion         3.3.0                h63175ca_0    conda-forge
dsdp                      5.8               h6e01ec9_1203    conda-forge
ecos                      2.0.14          py310hb0944cc_1    conda-forge
eigen                     3.4.0                h91493d7_0    conda-forge
exceptiongroup            1.2.2              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
executing                 2.1.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
ffmpeg                    7.1.0           gpl_he8d45f4_711    conda-forge
fftw                      3.3.10          nompi_h89e6982_110    conda-forge
filelock                  3.17.0             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
flexcache                 0.3                pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
flexparser                0.4                pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
font-ttf-dejavu-sans-mono 2.37                 hab24e00_0    conda-forge
font-ttf-inconsolata      3.000                h77eed37_0    conda-forge
font-ttf-source-code-pro  2.038                h77eed37_0    conda-forge
font-ttf-ubuntu           0.83                 h77eed37_3    conda-forge
fontconfig                2.15.0               h765892d_1    conda-forge
fonts-conda-ecosystem     1                             0    conda-forge
fonts-conda-forge         1                             0    conda-forge
fonttools                 4.56.0          py310h38315fa_0    conda-forge
fqdn                      1.5.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
freeglut                  3.2.2                he0c23c2_3    conda-forge
freetype                  2.12.1               hdaf720e_2    conda-forge
fribidi                   1.0.10               h8d14728_0    conda-forge
frozenlist                1.5.0           py310h38315fa_1    conda-forge
fsspec                    2025.2.0           pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
gdk-pixbuf                2.42.12              hed59a49_0    conda-forge
geos                      3.13.0               h5a68840_0    conda-forge
giflib                    5.2.2                h64bf75a_0    conda-forge
git                       2.47.1               h57928b3_0    conda-forge
glpk                      5.0                  h8ffe710_0    conda-forge
graphite2                 1.3.13            h63175ca_1003    conda-forge
gsl                       2.7                  hdfb1a43_0    conda-forge
gym                       0.26.1          py310hbbfc1a7_0    conda-forge
gym-notices               0.0.8              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
h11                       0.14.0             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
h2                        4.2.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
h5netcdf                  1.5.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
h5py                      3.12.1          nompi_py310h2b0be38_103    conda-forge
harfbuzz                  10.2.0               h885c0d4_0    conda-forge
hdf4                      4.2.15               h5557f11_7    conda-forge
hdf5                      1.14.3          nompi_hb2c4d47_109    conda-forge
hpack                     4.1.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
httpcore                  1.0.7              pyh29332c3_1    conda-forge
httpx                     0.28.1             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
hyperframe                6.1.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
hyperlink                 21.0.0             pyh29332c3_1    conda-forge
icu                       75.1                 he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
identify                  2.6.7              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
idna                      3.10               pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
imagecodecs               2024.12.30      py310hfea66b6_0    conda-forge
imageio                   2.37.0             pyhfb79c49_0    conda-forge
imageio-ffmpeg            0.6.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
imath                     3.1.12               hbb528cf_0    conda-forge
importlib-metadata        8.6.1              pyha770c72_0    conda-forge
importlib_resources       6.5.2              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
intel-openmp              2024.2.1          h57928b3_1083    conda-forge
ipykernel                 6.29.5             pyh4bbf305_0    conda-forge
ipympl                    0.9.6              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
ipython                   8.32.0             pyh9ab4c32_0    conda-forge
ipython_genutils          0.2.0              pyhd8ed1ab_2    conda-forge
ipywidgets                8.1.5              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
isoduration               20.11.0            pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jasper                    4.2.4                hcb1a123_0    conda-forge
jedi                      0.19.2             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jinja2                    3.1.5              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
jmespath                  1.0.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
joblib                    1.4.2              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
json5                     0.10.0             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jsonpointer               3.0.0           py310h5588dad_1    conda-forge
jsonschema                4.23.0             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jsonschema-specifications 2024.10.1          pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jsonschema-with-format-nongpl 4.23.0               hd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jupyter                   1.1.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jupyter-lsp               2.2.5              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jupyter-server-proxy      4.4.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jupyter_client            8.6.3              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jupyter_console           6.6.3              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jupyter_core              5.7.2              pyh5737063_1    conda-forge
jupyter_events            0.12.0             pyh29332c3_0    conda-forge
jupyter_server            2.15.0             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
jupyter_server_terminals  0.5.3              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jupyterlab                4.3.5              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
jupyterlab-vpython        3.1.8              pyhff2d567_1    conda-forge
jupyterlab_pygments       0.3.0              pyhd8ed1ab_2    conda-forge
jupyterlab_server         2.27.3             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jupyterlab_widgets        3.0.13             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jxrlib                    1.1                  hcfcfb64_3    conda-forge
khronos-opencl-icd-loader 2024.10.24           h2466b09_1    conda-forge
kiwisolver                1.4.7           py310hc19bc0b_0    conda-forge
krb5                      1.21.3               hdf4eb48_0    conda-forge
lat_lon_parser            1.3.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
lazy-loader               0.4                pyhd8ed1ab_2    conda-forge
lazy_loader               0.4                pyhd8ed1ab_2    conda-forge
lcms2                     2.17                 hbcf6048_0    conda-forge
lerc                      4.0.0                h63175ca_0    conda-forge
libabseil                 20240722.0      cxx17_h4eb7d71_4    conda-forge
libaec                    1.1.3                h63175ca_0    conda-forge
libarrow                  19.0.0          h9820ece_8_cuda    conda-forge
libarrow-acero            19.0.0          h7d8d6a5_8_cuda    conda-forge
libarrow-dataset          19.0.0          h7d8d6a5_8_cuda    conda-forge
libarrow-substrait        19.0.0          h3dbecdf_8_cuda    conda-forge
libasprintf               0.22.5               h5728263_3    conda-forge
libavif16                 1.1.1                h4d049a7_2    conda-forge
libblas                   3.9.0           28_h576b46c_mkl    conda-forge
libbrotlicommon           1.1.0                h2466b09_2    conda-forge
libbrotlidec              1.1.0                h2466b09_2    conda-forge
libbrotlienc              1.1.0                h2466b09_2    conda-forge
libcblas                  3.9.0           28_h7ad3364_mkl    conda-forge
libclang13                19.1.7          default_ha5278ca_1    conda-forge
libcrc32c                 1.1.2                h0e60522_0    conda-forge
libcublas                   he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
libcudss0                     hdb9b9d5_2    conda-forge
libcufft                    he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
libcurand                   he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
libcurl                   8.11.1               h88aaa65_0    conda-forge
libcusolver                 he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
libcusparse                 he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
libde265                  1.0.15               h91493d7_0    conda-forge
libdeflate                1.23                 h9062f6e_0    conda-forge
libevent                  2.1.12               h3671451_1    conda-forge
libexpat                  2.6.4                he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
libffi                    3.4.2                h8ffe710_5    conda-forge
libgcc                    14.2.0               h1383e82_1    conda-forge
libgettextpo              0.22.5               h5728263_3    conda-forge
libglib                   2.82.2               h7025463_1    conda-forge
libgomp                   14.2.0               h1383e82_1    conda-forge
libgoogle-cloud           2.34.0               h95c5cb2_0    conda-forge
libgoogle-cloud-storage   2.34.0               he5eb982_0    conda-forge
libgrpc                   1.67.1               h0ac93cb_1    conda-forge
libheif                   1.19.5          gpl_hc631cee_100    conda-forge
libhwloc                  2.11.2          default_ha69328c_1001    conda-forge
libhwy                    1.1.0                h91493d7_0    conda-forge
libiconv                  1.17                 hcfcfb64_2    conda-forge
libintl                   0.22.5               h5728263_3    conda-forge
libjpeg-turbo             3.0.0                hcfcfb64_1    conda-forge
libjxl                    0.11.1               h456c5fc_0    conda-forge
liblapack                 3.9.0           28_hacfb0e4_mkl    conda-forge
liblapacke                3.9.0           28_h8a98c43_mkl    conda-forge
liblzma                   5.6.4                h2466b09_0    conda-forge
libmagma                  2.8.0                h630bcb8_2    conda-forge
libnetcdf                 4.9.2           nompi_h008f77d_116    conda-forge
libnvjitlink              12.8.61              he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
libnvjpeg                   hcb8d914_0    conda-forge
libopencv                 4.11.0          qt6_py310h9cb199b_601    conda-forge
libopenvino               2025.0.0             hb1d9b14_1    conda-forge
libopenvino-auto-batch-plugin 2025.0.0             h04f32e0_1    conda-forge
libopenvino-auto-plugin   2025.0.0             h04f32e0_1    conda-forge
libopenvino-hetero-plugin 2025.0.0             hb61b842_1    conda-forge
libopenvino-intel-cpu-plugin 2025.0.0             hb1d9b14_1    conda-forge
libopenvino-intel-gpu-plugin 2025.0.0             hb1d9b14_1    conda-forge
libopenvino-ir-frontend   2025.0.0             hb61b842_1    conda-forge
libopenvino-onnx-frontend 2025.0.0             h6e6c283_1    conda-forge
libopenvino-paddle-frontend 2025.0.0             h6e6c283_1    conda-forge
libopenvino-pytorch-frontend 2025.0.0             he0c23c2_1    conda-forge
libopenvino-tensorflow-frontend 2025.0.0             ha83d810_1    conda-forge
libopenvino-tensorflow-lite-frontend 2025.0.0             he0c23c2_1    conda-forge
libopus                   1.3.1                h8ffe710_1    conda-forge
libosqp                   0.6.3                he0c23c2_1    conda-forge
libparquet                19.0.0          ha850022_8_cuda    conda-forge
libpng                    1.6.46               had7236b_0    conda-forge
libprotobuf               5.28.3               h8309712_1    conda-forge
libqdldl                  0.1.7                h63175ca_0    conda-forge
libre2-11                 2024.07.02           h4eb7d71_2    conda-forge
librsvg                   2.58.4               h5ce5fed_2    conda-forge
libsodium                 1.0.20               hc70643c_0    conda-forge
libsqlite                 3.48.0               h67fdade_1    conda-forge
libssh2                   1.11.1               he619c9f_0    conda-forge
libthrift                 0.21.0               hbe90ef8_0    conda-forge
libtiff                   4.7.0                h797046b_3    conda-forge
libtorch                  2.5.1           cuda126_mkl_h5239056_312    conda-forge
libutf8proc               2.10.0               hf9b99b7_0    conda-forge
libuv                     1.50.0               h2466b09_0    conda-forge
libwebp-base              1.5.0                h3b0e114_0    conda-forge
libwinpthread             12.0.0.r4.gg4f2fc60ca      h57928b3_9    conda-forge
libxcb                    1.17.0               h0e4246c_0    conda-forge
libxml2                   2.13.5               he286e8c_1    conda-forge
libxslt                   1.1.39               h3df6e99_0    conda-forge
libzip                    1.11.2               h3135430_0    conda-forge
libzlib                   1.3.1                h2466b09_2    conda-forge
libzopfli                 1.0.3                h0e60522_0    conda-forge
llvm-openmp               19.1.7               h30eaf37_0    conda-forge
locket                    1.0.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
lz4                       4.3.3           py310hd8baafb_2    conda-forge
lz4-c                     1.10.0               h2466b09_1    conda-forge
machinevision-toolbox-python 1.0.0              pyhff2d567_0    conda-forge
markupsafe                3.0.2           py310h38315fa_1    conda-forge
matplotlib                3.10.0          py310h5588dad_0    conda-forge
matplotlib-base           3.10.0          py310h37e0a56_0    conda-forge
matplotlib-inline         0.1.7              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
mda-xdrlib                0.2.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
mediapy                   1.2.2              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
mistune                   3.1.1              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
mkl                       2024.2.2            h66d3029_15    conda-forge
mpmath                    1.3.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
msgpack-python            1.1.0           py310hc19bc0b_0    conda-forge
multidict                 6.1.0           py310h38315fa_1    conda-forge
munkres                   1.1.4              pyh9f0ad1d_0    conda-forge
mvtb-data                 1.3                pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
narwhals                  1.25.2             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
nbclient                  0.10.2             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
nbconvert-core            7.16.6             pyh29332c3_0    conda-forge
nbformat                  5.10.4             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
nest-asyncio              1.6.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
netcdf4                   1.7.2           nompi_py310h0a2a089_101    conda-forge
networkx                  3.4.2              pyh267e887_2    conda-forge
nodeenv                   1.9.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
notebook                  7.3.2              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
notebook-shim             0.2.4              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
numpy                     1.26.4          py310hf667824_0    conda-forge
numpy-stl                 3.2.0           py310h4df5e4a_0    conda-forge
open-radar-data           0.4.3              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
opencl-headers            2024.10.24           he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
openexr                   3.3.2                h3924f79_1    conda-forge
openh264                  2.5.0                ha9db3cd_0    conda-forge
openjpeg                  2.5.3                h4d64b90_0    conda-forge
openssl                   3.4.0                ha4e3fda_1    conda-forge
orc                       2.0.3                haf104fe_2    conda-forge
osqp                      0.6.7.post3     py310hb4db72f_1    conda-forge
overrides                 7.7.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
packaging                 24.2               pyhd8ed1ab_2    conda-forge
pandas                    2.2.3           py310hb4db72f_1    conda-forge
pandocfilters             1.5.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
pango                     1.56.1               h286b592_0    conda-forge
parso                     0.8.4              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
partd                     1.4.2              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
patsy                     1.0.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
pcre2                     10.44                h3d7b363_2    conda-forge
pgraph-python             0.6.3              pyhff2d567_0    conda-forge
pickleshare               0.7.5           pyhd8ed1ab_1004    conda-forge
pillow                    11.1.0          py310h9595edc_0    conda-forge
pint                      0.24.4             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
pip                       25.0.1             pyh8b19718_0    conda-forge
pixman                    0.44.2               had0cd8c_0    conda-forge
pkgutil-resolve-name      1.3.10             pyhd8ed1ab_2    conda-forge
platformdirs              4.3.6              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
plotly                    6.0.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
pooch                     1.8.2              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
pre-commit                4.1.0              pyha770c72_0    conda-forge
pre_commit                4.1.0                hd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
progress                  1.6                pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
proj                      9.5.1                h4f671f6_0    conda-forge
prometheus_client         0.21.1             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
prompt-toolkit            3.0.50             pyha770c72_0    conda-forge
prompt_toolkit            3.0.50               hd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
propcache                 0.2.1           py310h38315fa_1    conda-forge
protobuf                  5.28.3          py310h9e98ed7_0    conda-forge
proxsuite                 0.7.1           py310hc19bc0b_0    conda-forge
psutil                    6.1.1           py310ha8f682b_0    conda-forge
pthread-stubs             0.4               h0e40799_1002    conda-forge
pugixml                   1.15                 h372dad0_0    conda-forge
pure_eval                 0.2.3              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
py-opencv                 4.11.0          qt6_py310hbfa3d4a_601    conda-forge
pyarrow                   19.0.0          py310h5588dad_0    conda-forge
pyarrow-core              19.0.0          py310h8b91b4e_0_cuda    conda-forge
pybind11                  2.13.6             pyh1ec8472_2    conda-forge
pybind11-global           2.13.6             pyhab904b8_2    conda-forge
pybullet                  3.25            py310hbbd805c_3    conda-forge
pycparser                 2.22               pyh29332c3_1    conda-forge
pygments                  2.19.1             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
pynput                    1.7.7           py310h5588dad_1    conda-forge
pyparsing                 3.2.1              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
pyproj                    3.7.0           py310h19d4cff_0    conda-forge
pyshp                     2.3.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
pyside6                   6.8.2           py310h60c6385_0    conda-forge
pysocks                   1.7.1              pyh09c184e_7    conda-forge
python                    3.10.16         h37870fc_1_cpython    conda-forge
python-dateutil           2.9.0.post0        pyhff2d567_1    conda-forge
python-fastjsonschema     2.21.1             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
python-json-logger        2.0.7              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
python-tzdata             2025.1             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
python-utils              3.9.1              pyhff2d567_1    conda-forge
python-xlib               0.33               pyhff2d567_1    conda-forge
python_abi                3.10                    5_cp310    conda-forge
pytorch                   2.5.1           cuda126_mkl_py310_h6518810_312    conda-forge
pytz                      2024.1             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
pywavelets                1.8.0           py310hb0944cc_0    conda-forge
pywin32                   307             py310h9e98ed7_3    conda-forge
pywinpty                  2.0.15          py310h9e98ed7_0    conda-forge
pyyaml                    6.0.2           py310h38315fa_2    conda-forge
pyzmq                     26.2.1          py310h656833d_0    conda-forge
qdldl-python              0.1.7.post5     py310hb4db72f_0    conda-forge
qhull                     2020.2               hc790b64_5    conda-forge
qpoases                   3.2.1           py310hce659a8_3    conda-forge
qpsolvers                 4.4.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
qt6-main                  6.8.2                h1259614_0    conda-forge
quadprog                  0.1.13          py310hc19bc0b_0    conda-forge
rav1e                     0.6.6                h975169c_2    conda-forge
re2                       2024.07.02           haf4117d_2    conda-forge
referencing               0.36.2             pyh29332c3_0    conda-forge
requests                  2.32.3             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
rfc3339-validator         0.1.4              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
rfc3986-validator         0.1.1              pyh9f0ad1d_0    conda-forge
roboticstoolbox-python    1.1.1           py310hbbd805c_1    conda-forge
rpds-py                   0.22.3          py310hc226416_0    conda-forge
rtb-data                  1.0.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
s3fs                      2025.2.0           pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
scikit-image              0.25.1          py310hb4db72f_0    conda-forge
scikit-learn              1.6.1           py310hf2a6c47_0    conda-forge
scipy                     1.15.1          py310h164493e_0    conda-forge
scs                       3.2.7.post2     mkl_py310h52a4297_0    conda-forge
sdl2                      2.30.10              hecf2515_0    conda-forge
seaborn                   0.13.2               hd8ed1ab_3    conda-forge
seaborn-base              0.13.2             pyhd8ed1ab_3    conda-forge
send2trash                1.8.3              pyh5737063_1    conda-forge
setuptools                75.8.0             pyhff2d567_0    conda-forge
setuptools-scm            8.1.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
setuptools_scm            8.1.0                hd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
shapely                   2.0.7           py310hde62f2e_0    conda-forge
simde                     0.8.2                hc790b64_0    conda-forge
simpervisor               1.0.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
six                       1.17.0             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
sleef                     3.8                  h7e360cc_0    conda-forge
snappy                    1.2.1                h500f7fa_1    conda-forge
sniffio                   1.3.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
sortedcontainers          2.4.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
soupsieve                 2.5                pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
spatialgeometry           1.1.0           py310hb4db72f_3    conda-forge
spatialmath-python        1.1.14             pyhff2d567_0    conda-forge
sphinxcontrib-jsmath      1.0.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
sqlite                    3.48.0               h2466b09_1    conda-forge
stack_data                0.6.3              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
statsmodels               0.14.4          py310hb0944cc_0    conda-forge
svt-av1                   2.3.0                he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
swift-sim                 1.1.0           py310hb4db72f_3    conda-forge
sympy                     1.13.3             pyh04b8f61_5    conda-forge
tbb                       2021.13.0            h62715c5_1    conda-forge
tblib                     3.0.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
tensorboardx                pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
terminado                 0.18.1             pyh5737063_0    conda-forge
threadpoolctl             3.5.0              pyhc1e730c_0    conda-forge
tifffile                  2025.1.10          pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
tinycss2                  1.4.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
tk                        8.6.13               h5226925_1    conda-forge
tomli                     2.2.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
toolz                     1.0.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
torchvision               0.20.1          cuda126_py310_h2a3f7fa_6    conda-forge
tornado                   6.4.2           py310ha8f682b_0    conda-forge
tqdm                      4.67.1             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
traitlets                 5.14.3             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
txaio                     23.1.1             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
types-python-dateutil     pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
typing-extensions         4.12.2               hd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
typing_extensions         4.12.2             pyha770c72_1    conda-forge
typing_utils              0.1.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
tzdata                    2025a                h78e105d_0    conda-forge
ucrt                      10.0.22621.0         h57928b3_1    conda-forge
ukkonen                   1.0.1           py310hc19bc0b_5    conda-forge
unicodedata2              16.0.0          py310ha8f682b_0    conda-forge
uri-template              1.3.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
urllib3                   2.3.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
vc                        14.3                h5fd82a7_24    conda-forge
vc14_runtime              14.42.34433         h6356254_24    conda-forge
versioneer                0.29               pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
virtualenv                20.29.1            pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
vpython                   7.6.5           py310h8d17308_0    conda-forge
vs2015_runtime            14.42.34433         hfef2bbc_24    conda-forge
wcwidth                   0.2.13             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
webcolors                 24.11.1            pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
webencodings              0.5.1              pyhd8ed1ab_3    conda-forge
websocket-client          1.8.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
websockets                14.2            py310ha8f682b_0    conda-forge
wheel                     0.45.1             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
widgetsnbextension        4.0.13             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
win_inet_pton             1.1.0              pyh7428d3b_8    conda-forge
winpty                    0.4.3                         4    conda-forge
wrapt                     1.17.2          py310ha8f682b_0    conda-forge
x264                      1!164.3095           h8ffe710_2    conda-forge
x265                      3.5                  h2d74725_3    conda-forge
xarray                    2025.1.2           pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
xmltodict                 0.14.2             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
xorg-libxau               1.0.12               h0e40799_0    conda-forge
xorg-libxdmcp             1.1.5                h0e40799_0    conda-forge
xradar                    0.9.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
xyzservices               2025.1.0           pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
yaml                      0.2.5                h8ffe710_2    conda-forge
yarl                      1.18.3          py310h38315fa_1    conda-forge
zeromq                    4.3.5                ha9f60a1_7    conda-forge
zfp                       1.0.1                he0c23c2_2    conda-forge
zict                      3.0.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
zipp                      3.21.0             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
zlib                      1.3.1                h2466b09_2    conda-forge
zlib-ng                   2.2.3                hbb528cf_0    conda-forge
zstandard                 0.23.0          py310he5e10e1_1    conda-forge
zstd                      1.5.6                h0ea2cb4_0    conda-forge

Environment info

active environment : rvss
    active env location : C:\Users\van525\AppData\Local\miniforge3\envs\rvss
            shell level : 2
       user config file : C:\Users\VAN525\.condarc
 populated config files : C:\Users\VAN525\AppData\Local\miniforge3\.condarc
          conda version : 24.11.3
    conda-build version : not installed
         python version :
                 solver : libmamba (default)
       virtual packages : __archspec=1=skylake
       base environment : C:\Users\VAN525\AppData\Local\miniforge3  (writable)
      conda av data dir : C:\Users\VAN525\AppData\Local\miniforge3\etc\conda
  conda av metadata url : None
           channel URLs :
          package cache : C:\Users\VAN525\AppData\Local\miniforge3\pkgs
       envs directories : C:\Users\van525\AppData\Local\miniforge3\envs
               platform : win-64
             user-agent : conda/24.11.3 requests/2.32.3 CPython/3.12.8 Windows/10 Windows/10.0.19045 solver/libmamba conda-libmamba-solver/24.9.0 libmambapy/1.5.12
          administrator : False
             netrc file : None
           offline mode : False
@TedVanderfeen TedVanderfeen added the bug Something isn't working label Feb 10, 2025
Copy link

Thanks for the report. We're testing the import (and much more) here, so it's surprising that this would fail. We didn't successfully populate torch.version.cuda yet, but that will be fixed as soon as #346 (see 2af8e58) is merged in a few hours.

I suggest we wait for the _313 builds from that and then check if this still fails.

Copy link

Also happens with just torch import:

(rvss) C:\Users\Ted>python -c "import torch"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\Ted\.conda\envs\rvss\lib\site-packages\torch\", line 367, in <module>
    from torch._C import *  # noqa: F403
ImportError: DLL load failed while importing _C: The specified procedure could not be found.

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We do test this here

# Run pip check so as to ensure that all pytorch packages are installed
- pip check
- python -c "import torch; print(torch.__version__)"

but it appears that a whole bunch of pytorch-dependent packages (including torchvision) have their own $SP_DIR/<pgk>/

So I guess we need to keep that one in %SP_DIR% to avoid some sort of clashes.

Copy link

Well, I just noticed that the following chunk of bld.bat never seems to have worked as intended

@REM Copy libtorch_python.lib back -- that's much easier than the for loop
@REM needed to remove everything else.
robocopy /NP /NFL /NDL /NJH /E %LIBRARY_LIB%\ torch\lib\ torch_python.lib
robocopy /NP /NFL /NDL /NJH /E %LIBRARY_LIB%\ torch\lib\ _C.lib

because pytorch on windows contains


rather than having the .lib files in %SP_DIR%. I'm trying to fix this in 8febc45. If it works I'll backport it to the 2.5 branch.

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In roughly 14-15h, you should be able to test the builds from #356 (look for build string ending in `_314), which fix this.

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Builds are online now - could you try again please?

Copy link

Unfortunately still not working as expected. Error message:

(rvss) C:\Users\VAN525>python -c "import torch"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\van525\AppData\Local\miniforge3\envs\rvss\lib\site-packages\torch\", line 367, in <module>
    from torch._C import *  # noqa: F403
ImportError: DLL load failed while importing _C: The specified procedure could not be found.

Installed pytorch package version is cuda126_mkl_py310_h6518810_314. Is this correct?

conda list below

Click to expand

(rvss) C:\Users\VAN525>conda list
# packages in environment at C:\Users\van525\AppData\Local\miniforge3\envs\rvss:
# Name                    Version                   Build  Channel
_libavif_api              1.1.1                h57928b3_2    conda-forge
_openmp_mutex             4.5                       2_gnu    conda-forge
aiobotocore               2.19.0             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
aiohappyeyeballs          2.4.6              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
aiohttp                   3.11.12         py310h38315fa_0    conda-forge
aioitertools              0.12.0             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
aiosignal                 1.3.2              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
ansitable                 0.10.0             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
anyio                     4.8.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
aom                       3.9.1                he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
argon2-cffi               23.1.0             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
argon2-cffi-bindings      21.2.0          py310ha8f682b_5    conda-forge
arm_pyart                 1.19.5          py310ha8f682b_1    conda-forge
arrow                     1.3.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
asttokens                 3.0.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
async-lru                 2.0.4              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
async-timeout             5.0.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
attrs                     25.1.0             pyh71513ae_0    conda-forge
autobahn                  24.4.2             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
aws-c-auth                0.8.1                hd11252f_0    conda-forge
aws-c-cal                 0.8.1                h099ea23_3    conda-forge
aws-c-common              0.10.6               h2466b09_0    conda-forge
aws-c-compression         0.3.0                h099ea23_5    conda-forge
aws-c-event-stream        0.5.0               h85d8506_11    conda-forge
aws-c-http                0.9.2                h3888f84_4    conda-forge
aws-c-io                  0.15.3               hc5a9e45_6    conda-forge
aws-c-mqtt                0.11.0              h2c94728_12    conda-forge
aws-c-s3                  0.7.9                h6a47413_1    conda-forge
aws-c-sdkutils            0.2.2                h099ea23_0    conda-forge
aws-checksums             0.2.2                h099ea23_4    conda-forge
aws-crt-cpp               0.29.9               he488853_2    conda-forge
aws-sdk-cpp               1.11.489             h7d73209_0    conda-forge
babel                     2.17.0             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
beautifulsoup4            4.13.3             pyha770c72_0    conda-forge
bleach                    6.2.0              pyh29332c3_4    conda-forge
bleach-with-css           6.2.0                h82add2a_4    conda-forge
blosc                     1.21.6               hfd34d9b_1    conda-forge
bokeh                     3.6.3              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
botocore                  1.36.3          pyge310_1234567_0    conda-forge
brotli                    1.1.0                h2466b09_2    conda-forge
brotli-bin                1.1.0                h2466b09_2    conda-forge
brotli-python             1.1.0           py310h9e98ed7_2    conda-forge
bullet                    3.25                 h3bcd3f7_3    conda-forge
bullet-cpp                3.25                 hbbd805c_3    conda-forge
bzip2                     1.0.8                h2466b09_7    conda-forge
c-ares                    1.34.4               h2466b09_0    conda-forge
c-blosc2                  2.15.2               h9e57077_1    conda-forge
ca-certificates           2025.1.31            h56e8100_0    conda-forge
cached-property           1.5.2                hd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
cached_property           1.5.2              pyha770c72_1    conda-forge
cairo                     1.18.2               h5782bbf_1    conda-forge
cartopy                   0.24.0          py310hb4db72f_0    conda-forge
certifi                   2024.12.14         pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
cffi                      1.17.1          py310ha8f682b_0    conda-forge
cfgv                      3.3.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
cftime                    1.6.4           py310hb0944cc_1    conda-forge
charls                    2.4.2                h1537add_0    conda-forge
charset-normalizer        3.4.1              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
click                     8.1.8              pyh7428d3b_0    conda-forge
cloudpickle               3.1.1              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
cmweather                 0.3.2              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
colorama                  0.4.6              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
colored                   1.4.4              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
comm                      0.2.2              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
conda-pack                0.8.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
contourpy                 1.3.1           py310hc19bc0b_0    conda-forge
cpython                   3.10.16         py310hd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
cryptography              44.0.1          py310h25a5809_0    conda-forge
cuda-cudart               12.8.57              he0c23c2_1    conda-forge
cuda-cudart_win-64        12.8.57              he0c23c2_1    conda-forge
cuda-cupti                12.8.57              he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
cuda-nvrtc                12.8.61              he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
cuda-version              12.8                 h5d125a7_3    conda-forge
cudnn                        hffc9a7f_0    conda-forge
cusparselt                    hffc9a7f_0    conda-forge
cvxopt                    1.3.2           py310h4398d92_3    conda-forge
cycler                    0.12.1             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
cython                    0.29.37         py310h00ffb61_0    conda-forge
cytoolz                   1.0.1           py310ha8f682b_0    conda-forge
daqp                      0.6.0           py310ha8f682b_0    conda-forge
dask                      2025.1.0           pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
dask-core                 2025.1.0           pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
dav1d                     1.2.1                hcfcfb64_0    conda-forge
debugpy                   1.8.12          py310h9e98ed7_0    conda-forge
decorator                 5.1.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
defusedxml                0.7.1              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
distlib                   0.3.9              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
distributed               2025.1.0           pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
double-conversion         3.3.0                h63175ca_0    conda-forge
dsdp                      5.8               h6e01ec9_1203    conda-forge
ecos                      2.0.14          py310hb0944cc_1    conda-forge
eigen                     3.4.0                h91493d7_0    conda-forge
exceptiongroup            1.2.2              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
executing                 2.1.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
ffmpeg                    7.1.0           gpl_he8d45f4_711    conda-forge
fftw                      3.3.10          nompi_h89e6982_110    conda-forge
filelock                  3.17.0             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
flexcache                 0.3                pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
flexparser                0.4                pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
font-ttf-dejavu-sans-mono 2.37                 hab24e00_0    conda-forge
font-ttf-inconsolata      3.000                h77eed37_0    conda-forge
font-ttf-source-code-pro  2.038                h77eed37_0    conda-forge
font-ttf-ubuntu           0.83                 h77eed37_3    conda-forge
fontconfig                2.15.0               h765892d_1    conda-forge
fonts-conda-ecosystem     1                             0    conda-forge
fonts-conda-forge         1                             0    conda-forge
fonttools                 4.56.0          py310h38315fa_0    conda-forge
fqdn                      1.5.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
freeglut                  3.2.2                he0c23c2_3    conda-forge
freetype                  2.12.1               hdaf720e_2    conda-forge
fribidi                   1.0.10               h8d14728_0    conda-forge
frozenlist                1.5.0           py310h38315fa_1    conda-forge
fsspec                    2025.2.0           pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
gdk-pixbuf                2.42.12              hed59a49_0    conda-forge
geos                      3.13.0               h5a68840_0    conda-forge
giflib                    5.2.2                h64bf75a_0    conda-forge
git                       2.47.1               h57928b3_0    conda-forge
glpk                      5.0                  h8ffe710_0    conda-forge
graphite2                 1.3.13            h63175ca_1003    conda-forge
gsl                       2.7                  hdfb1a43_0    conda-forge
gym                       0.26.1          py310hbbfc1a7_0    conda-forge
gym-notices               0.0.8              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
h11                       0.14.0             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
h2                        4.2.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
h5netcdf                  1.5.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
h5py                      3.12.1          nompi_py310h2b0be38_103    conda-forge
harfbuzz                  10.2.0               h885c0d4_0    conda-forge
hdf4                      4.2.15               h5557f11_7    conda-forge
hdf5                      1.14.3          nompi_hb2c4d47_109    conda-forge
hpack                     4.1.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
httpcore                  1.0.7              pyh29332c3_1    conda-forge
httpx                     0.28.1             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
hyperframe                6.1.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
hyperlink                 21.0.0             pyh29332c3_1    conda-forge
icu                       75.1                 he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
identify                  2.6.7              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
idna                      3.10               pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
imagecodecs               2024.12.30      py310hfea66b6_0    conda-forge
imageio                   2.37.0             pyhfb79c49_0    conda-forge
imageio-ffmpeg            0.6.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
imath                     3.1.12               hbb528cf_0    conda-forge
importlib-metadata        8.6.1              pyha770c72_0    conda-forge
importlib_resources       6.5.2              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
intel-openmp              2024.2.1          h57928b3_1083    conda-forge
ipykernel                 6.29.5             pyh4bbf305_0    conda-forge
ipympl                    0.9.6              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
ipython                   8.32.0             pyh9ab4c32_0    conda-forge
ipython_genutils          0.2.0              pyhd8ed1ab_2    conda-forge
ipywidgets                8.1.5              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
isoduration               20.11.0            pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jasper                    4.2.4                hcb1a123_0    conda-forge
jedi                      0.19.2             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jinja2                    3.1.5              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
jmespath                  1.0.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
joblib                    1.4.2              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
json5                     0.10.0             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jsonpointer               3.0.0           py310h5588dad_1    conda-forge
jsonschema                4.23.0             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jsonschema-specifications 2024.10.1          pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jsonschema-with-format-nongpl 4.23.0               hd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jupyter                   1.1.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jupyter-lsp               2.2.5              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jupyter-server-proxy      4.4.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jupyter_client            8.6.3              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jupyter_console           6.6.3              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jupyter_core              5.7.2              pyh5737063_1    conda-forge
jupyter_events            0.12.0             pyh29332c3_0    conda-forge
jupyter_server            2.15.0             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
jupyter_server_terminals  0.5.3              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jupyterlab                4.3.5              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
jupyterlab-vpython        3.1.8              pyhff2d567_1    conda-forge
jupyterlab_pygments       0.3.0              pyhd8ed1ab_2    conda-forge
jupyterlab_server         2.27.3             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jupyterlab_widgets        3.0.13             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jxrlib                    1.1                  hcfcfb64_3    conda-forge
khronos-opencl-icd-loader 2024.10.24           h2466b09_1    conda-forge
kiwisolver                1.4.7           py310hc19bc0b_0    conda-forge
krb5                      1.21.3               hdf4eb48_0    conda-forge
lat_lon_parser            1.3.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
lazy-loader               0.4                pyhd8ed1ab_2    conda-forge
lazy_loader               0.4                pyhd8ed1ab_2    conda-forge
lcms2                     2.17                 hbcf6048_0    conda-forge
lerc                      4.0.0                h63175ca_0    conda-forge
libabseil                 20240722.0      cxx17_h4eb7d71_4    conda-forge
libaec                    1.1.3                h63175ca_0    conda-forge
libarrow                  19.0.0          h9820ece_8_cuda    conda-forge
libarrow-acero            19.0.0          h7d8d6a5_8_cuda    conda-forge
libarrow-dataset          19.0.0          h7d8d6a5_8_cuda    conda-forge
libarrow-substrait        19.0.0          h3dbecdf_8_cuda    conda-forge
libasprintf               0.22.5               h5728263_3    conda-forge
libavif16                 1.1.1                h4d049a7_2    conda-forge
libblas                   3.9.0           28_h576b46c_mkl    conda-forge
libbrotlicommon           1.1.0                h2466b09_2    conda-forge
libbrotlidec              1.1.0                h2466b09_2    conda-forge
libbrotlienc              1.1.0                h2466b09_2    conda-forge
libcblas                  3.9.0           28_h7ad3364_mkl    conda-forge
libclang13                19.1.7          default_ha5278ca_1    conda-forge
libcrc32c                 1.1.2                h0e60522_0    conda-forge
libcublas                   he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
libcudss0                     hdb9b9d5_2    conda-forge
libcufft                    he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
libcurand                   he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
libcurl                   8.11.1               h88aaa65_0    conda-forge
libcusolver                 he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
libcusparse                 he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
libde265                  1.0.15               h91493d7_0    conda-forge
libdeflate                1.23                 h9062f6e_0    conda-forge
libevent                  2.1.12               h3671451_1    conda-forge
libexpat                  2.6.4                he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
libffi                    3.4.6                h537db12_0    conda-forge
libgcc                    14.2.0               h1383e82_1    conda-forge
libgettextpo              0.22.5               h5728263_3    conda-forge
libglib                   2.82.2               h7025463_1    conda-forge
libgomp                   14.2.0               h1383e82_1    conda-forge
libgoogle-cloud           2.34.0               h95c5cb2_0    conda-forge
libgoogle-cloud-storage   2.34.0               he5eb982_0    conda-forge
libgrpc                   1.67.1               h0ac93cb_1    conda-forge
libheif                   1.19.5          gpl_hc631cee_100    conda-forge
libhwloc                  2.11.2          default_ha69328c_1001    conda-forge
libhwy                    1.1.0                h91493d7_0    conda-forge
libiconv                  1.17                 hcfcfb64_2    conda-forge
libintl                   0.22.5               h5728263_3    conda-forge
libjpeg-turbo             3.0.0                hcfcfb64_1    conda-forge
libjxl                    0.11.1               h456c5fc_0    conda-forge
liblapack                 3.9.0           28_hacfb0e4_mkl    conda-forge
liblapacke                3.9.0           28_h8a98c43_mkl    conda-forge
liblzma                   5.6.4                h2466b09_0    conda-forge
libmagma                  2.8.0                h630bcb8_2    conda-forge
libnetcdf                 4.9.2           nompi_h008f77d_116    conda-forge
libnvjitlink              12.8.61              he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
libnvjpeg                   hcb8d914_0    conda-forge
libopencv                 4.11.0          qt6_py310h9cb199b_602    conda-forge
libopenvino               2025.0.0             hb1d9b14_1    conda-forge
libopenvino-auto-batch-plugin 2025.0.0             h04f32e0_1    conda-forge
libopenvino-auto-plugin   2025.0.0             h04f32e0_1    conda-forge
libopenvino-hetero-plugin 2025.0.0             hb61b842_1    conda-forge
libopenvino-intel-cpu-plugin 2025.0.0             hb1d9b14_1    conda-forge
libopenvino-intel-gpu-plugin 2025.0.0             hb1d9b14_1    conda-forge
libopenvino-ir-frontend   2025.0.0             hb61b842_1    conda-forge
libopenvino-onnx-frontend 2025.0.0             h6e6c283_1    conda-forge
libopenvino-paddle-frontend 2025.0.0             h6e6c283_1    conda-forge
libopenvino-pytorch-frontend 2025.0.0             he0c23c2_1    conda-forge
libopenvino-tensorflow-frontend 2025.0.0             ha83d810_1    conda-forge
libopenvino-tensorflow-lite-frontend 2025.0.0             he0c23c2_1    conda-forge
libopus                   1.3.1                h8ffe710_1    conda-forge
libosqp                   0.6.3                he0c23c2_1    conda-forge
libparquet                19.0.0          ha850022_8_cuda    conda-forge
libpng                    1.6.46               had7236b_0    conda-forge
libprotobuf               5.28.3               h8309712_1    conda-forge
libqdldl                  0.1.7                h63175ca_0    conda-forge
libre2-11                 2024.07.02           h4eb7d71_2    conda-forge
librsvg                   2.58.4               h5ce5fed_2    conda-forge
libsodium                 1.0.20               hc70643c_0    conda-forge
libsqlite                 3.48.0               h67fdade_1    conda-forge
libssh2                   1.11.1               he619c9f_0    conda-forge
libthrift                 0.21.0               hbe90ef8_0    conda-forge
libtiff                   4.7.0                h797046b_3    conda-forge
libtorch                  2.5.1           cuda126_mkl_h5239056_314    conda-forge
libutf8proc               2.10.0               hf9b99b7_0    conda-forge
libuv                     1.50.0               h2466b09_0    conda-forge
libwebp-base              1.5.0                h3b0e114_0    conda-forge
libwinpthread             12.0.0.r4.gg4f2fc60ca      h57928b3_9    conda-forge
libxcb                    1.17.0               h0e4246c_0    conda-forge
libxml2                   2.13.5               he286e8c_1    conda-forge
libxslt                   1.1.39               h3df6e99_0    conda-forge
libzip                    1.11.2               h3135430_0    conda-forge
libzlib                   1.3.1                h2466b09_2    conda-forge
libzopfli                 1.0.3                h0e60522_0    conda-forge
llvm-openmp               19.1.7               h30eaf37_0    conda-forge
locket                    1.0.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
lz4                       4.3.3           py310hd8baafb_2    conda-forge
lz4-c                     1.10.0               h2466b09_1    conda-forge
machinevision-toolbox-python 1.0.0              pyhff2d567_0    conda-forge
markupsafe                3.0.2           py310h38315fa_1    conda-forge
matplotlib                3.10.0          py310h5588dad_0    conda-forge
matplotlib-base           3.10.0          py310h37e0a56_0    conda-forge
matplotlib-inline         0.1.7              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
mda-xdrlib                0.2.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
mediapy                   1.2.2              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
mistune                   3.1.1              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
mkl                       2024.2.2            h66d3029_15    conda-forge
mpmath                    1.3.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
msgpack-python            1.1.0           py310hc19bc0b_0    conda-forge
multidict                 6.1.0           py310h38315fa_1    conda-forge
munkres                   1.1.4              pyh9f0ad1d_0    conda-forge
mvtb-data                 1.3                pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
narwhals                  1.26.0             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
nbclient                  0.10.2             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
nbconvert-core            7.16.6             pyh29332c3_0    conda-forge
nbformat                  5.10.4             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
nest-asyncio              1.6.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
netcdf4                   1.7.2           nompi_py310h0a2a089_101    conda-forge
networkx                  3.4.2              pyh267e887_2    conda-forge
nodeenv                   1.9.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
notebook                  7.3.2              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
notebook-shim             0.2.4              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
numpy                     1.26.4          py310hf667824_0    conda-forge
numpy-stl                 3.2.0           py310h4df5e4a_0    conda-forge
open-radar-data           0.4.3              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
opencl-headers            2024.10.24           he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
openexr                   3.3.2                h3924f79_1    conda-forge
openh264                  2.5.0                ha9db3cd_0    conda-forge
openjpeg                  2.5.3                h4d64b90_0    conda-forge
openssl                   3.4.1                ha4e3fda_0    conda-forge
orc                       2.0.3                haf104fe_2    conda-forge
osqp                      0.6.7.post3     py310hb4db72f_1    conda-forge
overrides                 7.7.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
packaging                 24.2               pyhd8ed1ab_2    conda-forge
pandas                    2.2.3           py310hb4db72f_1    conda-forge
pandocfilters             1.5.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
pango                     1.56.1               h286b592_0    conda-forge
parso                     0.8.4              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
partd                     1.4.2              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
patsy                     1.0.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
pcre2                     10.44                h3d7b363_2    conda-forge
pgraph-python             0.6.3              pyhff2d567_0    conda-forge
pickleshare               0.7.5           pyhd8ed1ab_1004    conda-forge
pillow                    11.1.0          py310h9595edc_0    conda-forge
pint                      0.24.4             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
pip                       25.0.1             pyh8b19718_0    conda-forge
pixman                    0.44.2               had0cd8c_0    conda-forge
pkgutil-resolve-name      1.3.10             pyhd8ed1ab_2    conda-forge
platformdirs              4.3.6              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
plotly                    6.0.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
pooch                     1.8.2              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
pre-commit                4.1.0              pyha770c72_0    conda-forge
pre_commit                4.1.0                hd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
progress                  1.6                pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
proj                      9.5.1                h4f671f6_0    conda-forge
prometheus_client         0.21.1             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
prompt-toolkit            3.0.50             pyha770c72_0    conda-forge
prompt_toolkit            3.0.50               hd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
propcache                 0.2.1           py310h38315fa_1    conda-forge
protobuf                  5.28.3          py310h9e98ed7_0    conda-forge
proxsuite                 0.7.1           py310hc19bc0b_0    conda-forge
psutil                    6.1.1           py310ha8f682b_0    conda-forge
pthread-stubs             0.4               h0e40799_1002    conda-forge
pugixml                   1.15                 h372dad0_0    conda-forge
pure_eval                 0.2.3              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
py-opencv                 4.11.0          qt6_py310hbfa3d4a_602    conda-forge
pyarrow                   19.0.0          py310h5588dad_0    conda-forge
pyarrow-core              19.0.0          py310h8b91b4e_0_cuda    conda-forge
pybind11                  2.13.6             pyh1ec8472_2    conda-forge
pybind11-global           2.13.6             pyhab904b8_2    conda-forge
pybullet                  3.25            py310hbbd805c_3    conda-forge
pycparser                 2.22               pyh29332c3_1    conda-forge
pygments                  2.19.1             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
pynput                    1.7.7           py310h5588dad_1    conda-forge
pyparsing                 3.2.1              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
pyproj                    3.7.0           py310h19d4cff_0    conda-forge
pyshp                     2.3.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
pyside6                   6.8.2           py310h60c6385_0    conda-forge
pysocks                   1.7.1              pyh09c184e_7    conda-forge
python                    3.10.16         h37870fc_1_cpython    conda-forge
python-dateutil           2.9.0.post0        pyhff2d567_1    conda-forge
python-fastjsonschema     2.21.1             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
python-json-logger        2.0.7              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
python-tzdata             2025.1             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
python-utils              3.9.1              pyhff2d567_1    conda-forge
python-xlib               0.33               pyhff2d567_1    conda-forge
python_abi                3.10                    5_cp310    conda-forge
pytorch                   2.5.1           cuda126_mkl_py310_h6518810_314    conda-forge
pytz                      2024.1             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
pywavelets                1.8.0           py310hb0944cc_0    conda-forge
pywin32                   307             py310h9e98ed7_3    conda-forge
pywinpty                  2.0.15          py310h9e98ed7_0    conda-forge
pyyaml                    6.0.2           py310h38315fa_2    conda-forge
pyzmq                     26.2.1          py310h656833d_0    conda-forge
qdldl-python              0.1.7.post5     py310hb4db72f_0    conda-forge
qhull                     2020.2               hc790b64_5    conda-forge
qpoases                   3.2.1           py310hce659a8_3    conda-forge
qpsolvers                 4.4.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
qt6-main                  6.8.2                h1259614_0    conda-forge
quadprog                  0.1.13          py310hc19bc0b_0    conda-forge
rav1e                     0.6.6                h975169c_2    conda-forge
re2                       2024.07.02           haf4117d_2    conda-forge
referencing               0.36.2             pyh29332c3_0    conda-forge
requests                  2.32.3             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
rfc3339-validator         0.1.4              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
rfc3986-validator         0.1.1              pyh9f0ad1d_0    conda-forge
roboticstoolbox-python    1.1.1           py310hbbd805c_1    conda-forge
rpds-py                   0.22.3          py310hc226416_0    conda-forge
rtb-data                  1.0.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
s3fs                      2025.2.0           pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
scikit-image              0.25.1          py310hb4db72f_0    conda-forge
scikit-learn              1.6.1           py310hf2a6c47_0    conda-forge
scipy                     1.15.1          py310h164493e_0    conda-forge
scs                       3.2.7.post2     mkl_py310h52a4297_0    conda-forge
sdl2                      2.30.10              hecf2515_0    conda-forge
seaborn                   0.13.2               hd8ed1ab_3    conda-forge
seaborn-base              0.13.2             pyhd8ed1ab_3    conda-forge
send2trash                1.8.3              pyh5737063_1    conda-forge
setuptools                75.8.0             pyhff2d567_0    conda-forge
setuptools-scm            8.1.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
setuptools_scm            8.1.0                hd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
shapely                   2.0.7           py310hde62f2e_0    conda-forge
simde                     0.8.2                hc790b64_0    conda-forge
simpervisor               1.0.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
six                       1.17.0             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
sleef                     3.8                  h7e360cc_0    conda-forge
snappy                    1.2.1                h500f7fa_1    conda-forge
sniffio                   1.3.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
sortedcontainers          2.4.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
soupsieve                 2.5                pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
spatialgeometry           1.1.0           py310hb4db72f_3    conda-forge
spatialmath-python        1.1.14             pyhff2d567_0    conda-forge
sphinxcontrib-jsmath      1.0.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
sqlite                    3.48.0               h2466b09_1    conda-forge
stack_data                0.6.3              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
statsmodels               0.14.4          py310hb0944cc_0    conda-forge
svt-av1                   2.3.0                he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
swift-sim                 1.1.0           py310hb4db72f_3    conda-forge
sympy                     1.13.3             pyh04b8f61_5    conda-forge
tbb                       2021.13.0            h62715c5_1    conda-forge
tblib                     3.0.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
tensorboardx                pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
terminado                 0.18.1             pyh5737063_0    conda-forge
threadpoolctl             3.5.0              pyhc1e730c_0    conda-forge
tifffile                  2025.1.10          pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
tinycss2                  1.4.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
tk                        8.6.13               h5226925_1    conda-forge
tomli                     2.2.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
toolz                     1.0.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
torchvision               0.20.1          cuda126_py310_h2a3f7fa_6    conda-forge
tornado                   6.4.2           py310ha8f682b_0    conda-forge
tqdm                      4.67.1             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
traitlets                 5.14.3             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
txaio                     23.1.1             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
types-python-dateutil     pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
typing-extensions         4.12.2               hd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
typing_extensions         4.12.2             pyha770c72_1    conda-forge
typing_utils              0.1.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
tzdata                    2025a                h78e105d_0    conda-forge
ucrt                      10.0.22621.0         h57928b3_1    conda-forge
ukkonen                   1.0.1           py310hc19bc0b_5    conda-forge
unicodedata2              16.0.0          py310ha8f682b_0    conda-forge
uri-template              1.3.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
urllib3                   2.3.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
vc                        14.3                h5fd82a7_24    conda-forge
vc14_runtime              14.42.34433         h6356254_24    conda-forge
versioneer                0.29               pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
virtualenv                20.29.2            pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
vpython                   7.6.5           py310h8d17308_0    conda-forge
vs2015_runtime            14.42.34433         hfef2bbc_24    conda-forge
wcwidth                   0.2.13             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
webcolors                 24.11.1            pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
webencodings              0.5.1              pyhd8ed1ab_3    conda-forge
websocket-client          1.8.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
websockets                14.2            py310ha8f682b_0    conda-forge
wheel                     0.45.1             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
widgetsnbextension        4.0.13             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
win_inet_pton             1.1.0              pyh7428d3b_8    conda-forge
winpty                    0.4.3                         4    conda-forge
wrapt                     1.17.2          py310ha8f682b_0    conda-forge
x264                      1!164.3095           h8ffe710_2    conda-forge
x265                      3.5                  h2d74725_3    conda-forge
xarray                    2025.1.2           pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
xmltodict                 0.14.2             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
xorg-libxau               1.0.12               h0e40799_0    conda-forge
xorg-libxdmcp             1.1.5                h0e40799_0    conda-forge
xradar                    0.9.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
xyzservices               2025.1.0           pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
yaml                      0.2.5                h8ffe710_2    conda-forge
yarl                      1.18.3          py310h38315fa_1    conda-forge
zeromq                    4.3.5                ha9f60a1_7    conda-forge
zfp                       1.0.1                he0c23c2_2    conda-forge
zict                      3.0.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
zipp                      3.21.0             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
zlib                      1.3.1                h2466b09_2    conda-forge
zlib-ng                   2.2.4                hbb528cf_0    conda-forge
zstandard                 0.23.0          py310he5e10e1_1    conda-forge
zstd                      1.5.6                h0ea2cb4_0    conda-forge

Copy link

Environment is still grabbing both llvm-openmp AND intel-openmp despite changes in conda-forge/intel_repack-feedstock#59. This does not happen on Linux so possibly related.

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Installed pytorch package version is cuda126_mkl_py310_h6518810_314. Is this correct?

Yes, this is the one from #356 that should have the fix. 🥲

Can you try to build up the environment more iteratively? E.g. from a fresh environment

  • Just install pytorch: import torch must work - we test that extensively ✅
  • Install torchvision: result? ❔
  • Iterate through your list of packages from the OP until you find out which additional package causes the torch import to break.

Copy link

Pytorch only - Works

conda list - Click to expand
# packages in environment at C:\Users\van525\AppData\Local\miniforge3\envs\rvss:
# Name                    Version                   Build  Channel
bzip2                     1.0.8                h2466b09_7    conda-forge
ca-certificates           2025.1.31            h56e8100_0    conda-forge
cuda-cudart               12.8.57              he0c23c2_1    conda-forge
cuda-cudart_win-64        12.8.57              he0c23c2_1    conda-forge
cuda-cupti                12.8.57              he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
cuda-nvrtc                12.8.61              he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
cuda-version              12.8                 h5d125a7_3    conda-forge
cudnn                        hffc9a7f_0    conda-forge
cusparselt                    hffc9a7f_0    conda-forge
filelock                  3.17.0             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
fsspec                    2025.2.0           pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
intel-openmp              2024.2.1          h57928b3_1083    conda-forge
jinja2                    3.1.5              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
libabseil                 20240722.0      cxx17_h4eb7d71_4    conda-forge
libblas                   3.9.0           28_h576b46c_mkl    conda-forge
libcblas                  3.9.0           28_h7ad3364_mkl    conda-forge
libcublas                   he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
libcudss0                     hdb9b9d5_2    conda-forge
libcufft                    he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
libcurand                   he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
libcusolver                 he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
libcusparse                 he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
libexpat                  2.6.4                he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
libffi                    3.4.6                h537db12_0    conda-forge
libhwloc                  2.11.2          default_ha69328c_1001    conda-forge
libiconv                  1.17                 hcfcfb64_2    conda-forge
liblapack                 3.9.0           28_hacfb0e4_mkl    conda-forge
liblzma                   5.6.4                h2466b09_0    conda-forge
libmagma                  2.8.0                h630bcb8_2    conda-forge
libmpdec                  4.0.0                h2466b09_0    conda-forge
libnvjitlink              12.8.61              he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
libprotobuf               5.28.3               h8309712_1    conda-forge
libsqlite                 3.48.0               h67fdade_1    conda-forge
libtorch                  2.5.1           cuda126_mkl_h5239056_314    conda-forge
libuv                     1.50.0               h2466b09_0    conda-forge
libwinpthread             12.0.0.r4.gg4f2fc60ca      h57928b3_9    conda-forge
libxml2                   2.13.5               he286e8c_1    conda-forge
libzlib                   1.3.1                h2466b09_2    conda-forge
markupsafe                3.0.2           py313hb4c8b1a_1    conda-forge
mkl                       2024.2.2            h66d3029_15    conda-forge
mpmath                    1.3.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
networkx                  3.4.2              pyh267e887_2    conda-forge
numpy                     2.2.2           py313hefb8edb_0    conda-forge
openssl                   3.4.1                ha4e3fda_0    conda-forge
pip                       25.0.1             pyh145f28c_0    conda-forge
pybind11                  2.13.6             pyh1ec8472_2    conda-forge
pybind11-global           2.13.6             pyhab904b8_2    conda-forge
python                    3.13.1          h071d269_105_cp313    conda-forge
python_abi                3.13                    5_cp313    conda-forge
pytorch                   2.5.1           cuda126_mkl_py313_hde0ee88_314    conda-forge
setuptools                75.8.0             pyhff2d567_0    conda-forge
sleef                     3.8                  h7e360cc_0    conda-forge
sympy                     1.13.3             pyh04b8f61_5    conda-forge
tbb                       2021.13.0            h62715c5_1    conda-forge
tk                        8.6.13               h5226925_1    conda-forge
typing_extensions         4.12.2             pyha770c72_1    conda-forge
tzdata                    2025a                h78e105d_0    conda-forge
ucrt                      10.0.22621.0         h57928b3_1    conda-forge
vc                        14.3                h5fd82a7_24    conda-forge
vc14_runtime              14.42.34433         h6356254_24    conda-forge

pytorch + torchvision - Works

conda list - Click to expand

pytorch + torchvision + roboticstoolbox-python - Doesn't Work - Same error

conda list - Click to expand
(rvss) C:\Users\VAN525>conda list
# packages in environment at C:\Users\van525\AppData\Local\miniforge3\envs\rvss:
# Name                    Version                   Build  Channel
_libavif_api              1.1.1                h57928b3_2    conda-forge
_openmp_mutex             4.5                       2_gnu    conda-forge
aiohappyeyeballs          2.4.6              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
aiohttp                   3.11.12         py312h31fea79_0    conda-forge
aiosignal                 1.3.2              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
ansitable                 0.10.0             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
anyio                     4.8.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
aom                       3.9.1                he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
argon2-cffi               23.1.0             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
argon2-cffi-bindings      21.2.0          py312h4389bb4_5    conda-forge
arrow                     1.3.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
asttokens                 3.0.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
async-lru                 2.0.4              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
attrs                     25.1.0             pyh71513ae_0    conda-forge
autobahn                  24.4.2             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
babel                     2.17.0             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
beautifulsoup4            4.13.3             pyha770c72_0    conda-forge
bleach                    6.2.0              pyh29332c3_4    conda-forge
bleach-with-css           6.2.0                h82add2a_4    conda-forge
brotli                    1.1.0                h2466b09_2    conda-forge
brotli-bin                1.1.0                h2466b09_2    conda-forge
brotli-python             1.1.0           py312h275cf98_2    conda-forge
bullet                    3.25                 hd42ba9a_3    conda-forge
bullet-cpp                3.25                 hd2403df_3    conda-forge
bzip2                     1.0.8                h2466b09_7    conda-forge
ca-certificates           2025.1.31            h56e8100_0    conda-forge
cached-property           1.5.2                hd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
cached_property           1.5.2              pyha770c72_1    conda-forge
cairo                     1.18.2               h5782bbf_1    conda-forge
certifi                   2024.12.14         pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
cffi                      1.17.1          py312h4389bb4_0    conda-forge
cfgv                      3.3.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
charset-normalizer        3.4.1              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
colorama                  0.4.6              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
colored                   1.4.4              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
comm                      0.2.2              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
contourpy                 1.3.1           py312hd5eb7cc_0    conda-forge
cpython                   3.12.8          py312hd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
cryptography              44.0.1          py312h9500af3_0    conda-forge
cuda-cudart               12.8.57              he0c23c2_1    conda-forge
cuda-cudart_win-64        12.8.57              he0c23c2_1    conda-forge
cuda-cupti                12.8.57              he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
cuda-nvrtc                12.8.61              he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
cuda-version              12.8                 h5d125a7_3    conda-forge
cudnn                        hffc9a7f_0    conda-forge
cusparselt                    hffc9a7f_0    conda-forge
cvxopt                    1.3.2           py312h7a6cbef_3    conda-forge
cycler                    0.12.1             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
cython                    0.29.37         py312h53d5487_0    conda-forge
daqp                      0.6.0           py312h4389bb4_0    conda-forge
dav1d                     1.2.1                hcfcfb64_0    conda-forge
debugpy                   1.8.12          py312h275cf98_0    conda-forge
decorator                 5.1.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
defusedxml                0.7.1              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
distlib                   0.3.9              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
dsdp                      5.8               h6e01ec9_1203    conda-forge
ecos                      2.0.14          py312h1a27103_1    conda-forge
eigen                     3.4.0                h91493d7_0    conda-forge
exceptiongroup            1.2.2              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
executing                 2.1.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
ffmpeg                    7.1.0           gpl_he8d45f4_711    conda-forge
fftw                      3.3.10          nompi_h89e6982_110    conda-forge
filelock                  3.17.0             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
font-ttf-dejavu-sans-mono 2.37                 hab24e00_0    conda-forge
font-ttf-inconsolata      3.000                h77eed37_0    conda-forge
font-ttf-source-code-pro  2.038                h77eed37_0    conda-forge
font-ttf-ubuntu           0.83                 h77eed37_3    conda-forge
fontconfig                2.15.0               h765892d_1    conda-forge
fonts-conda-ecosystem     1                             0    conda-forge
fonts-conda-forge         1                             0    conda-forge
fonttools                 4.56.0          py312h31fea79_0    conda-forge
fqdn                      1.5.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
freetype                  2.12.1               hdaf720e_2    conda-forge
fribidi                   1.0.10               h8d14728_0    conda-forge
frozenlist                1.5.0           py312h31fea79_1    conda-forge
fsspec                    2025.2.0           pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
gdk-pixbuf                2.42.12              hed59a49_0    conda-forge
giflib                    5.2.2                h64bf75a_0    conda-forge
glpk                      5.0                  h8ffe710_0    conda-forge
graphite2                 1.3.13            h63175ca_1003    conda-forge
gsl                       2.7                  hdfb1a43_0    conda-forge
h11                       0.14.0             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
h2                        4.2.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
harfbuzz                  10.2.0               h885c0d4_0    conda-forge
hpack                     4.1.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
httpcore                  1.0.7              pyh29332c3_1    conda-forge
httpx                     0.28.1             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
hyperframe                6.1.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
hyperlink                 21.0.0             pyh29332c3_1    conda-forge
icu                       75.1                 he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
identify                  2.6.7              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
idna                      3.10               pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
imageio                   2.37.0             pyhfb79c49_0    conda-forge
imageio-ffmpeg            0.6.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
importlib-metadata        8.6.1              pyha770c72_0    conda-forge
importlib_resources       6.5.2              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
intel-openmp              2024.2.1          h57928b3_1083    conda-forge
ipykernel                 6.29.5             pyh4bbf305_0    conda-forge
ipython                   8.32.0             pyh9ab4c32_0    conda-forge
ipywidgets                8.1.5              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
isoduration               20.11.0            pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jedi                      0.19.2             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jinja2                    3.1.5              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
json5                     0.10.0             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jsonpointer               3.0.0           py312h2e8e312_1    conda-forge
jsonschema                4.23.0             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jsonschema-specifications 2024.10.1          pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jsonschema-with-format-nongpl 4.23.0               hd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jupyter                   1.1.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jupyter-lsp               2.2.5              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jupyter-server-proxy      4.4.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jupyter_client            8.6.3              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jupyter_console           6.6.3              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jupyter_core              5.7.2              pyh5737063_1    conda-forge
jupyter_events            0.12.0             pyh29332c3_0    conda-forge
jupyter_server            2.15.0             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
jupyter_server_terminals  0.5.3              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jupyterlab                4.3.5              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
jupyterlab-vpython        3.1.8              pyhff2d567_1    conda-forge
jupyterlab_pygments       0.3.0              pyhd8ed1ab_2    conda-forge
jupyterlab_server         2.27.3             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
jupyterlab_widgets        3.0.13             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
kiwisolver                1.4.8           py312hc790b64_0    conda-forge
krb5                      1.21.3               hdf4eb48_0    conda-forge
lcms2                     2.17                 hbcf6048_0    conda-forge
lerc                      4.0.0                h63175ca_0    conda-forge
libabseil                 20240722.0      cxx17_h4eb7d71_4    conda-forge
libavif16                 1.1.1                h4d049a7_2    conda-forge
libblas                   3.9.0           28_h576b46c_mkl    conda-forge
libbrotlicommon           1.1.0                h2466b09_2    conda-forge
libbrotlidec              1.1.0                h2466b09_2    conda-forge
libbrotlienc              1.1.0                h2466b09_2    conda-forge
libcblas                  3.9.0           28_h7ad3364_mkl    conda-forge
libcublas                   he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
libcudss0                     hdb9b9d5_2    conda-forge
libcufft                    he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
libcurand                   he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
libcusolver                 he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
libcusparse                 he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
libde265                  1.0.15               h91493d7_0    conda-forge
libdeflate                1.23                 h9062f6e_0    conda-forge
libexpat                  2.6.4                he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
libffi                    3.4.6                h537db12_0    conda-forge
libgcc                    14.2.0               h1383e82_1    conda-forge
libglib                   2.82.2               h7025463_1    conda-forge
libgomp                   14.2.0               h1383e82_1    conda-forge
libheif                   1.19.5          gpl_hc631cee_100    conda-forge
libhwloc                  2.11.2          default_ha69328c_1001    conda-forge
libiconv                  1.17                 hcfcfb64_2    conda-forge
libintl                   0.22.5               h5728263_3    conda-forge
libjpeg-turbo             3.0.0                hcfcfb64_1    conda-forge
liblapack                 3.9.0           28_hacfb0e4_mkl    conda-forge
liblzma                   5.6.4                h2466b09_0    conda-forge
libmagma                  2.8.0                h630bcb8_2    conda-forge
libmpdec                  4.0.0                h2466b09_0    conda-forge
libnvjitlink              12.8.61              he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
libopus                   1.3.1                h8ffe710_1    conda-forge
libosqp                   0.6.3                he0c23c2_1    conda-forge
libpng                    1.6.46               had7236b_0    conda-forge
libprotobuf               5.28.3               h8309712_1    conda-forge
libqdldl                  0.1.7                h63175ca_0    conda-forge
librsvg                   2.58.4               h5ce5fed_2    conda-forge
libsodium                 1.0.20               hc70643c_0    conda-forge
libsqlite                 3.48.0               h67fdade_1    conda-forge
libtiff                   4.7.0                h797046b_3    conda-forge
libtorch                  2.5.1           cpu_mkl_ha619adf_114    conda-forge
libuv                     1.50.0               h2466b09_0    conda-forge
libwebp-base              1.5.0                h3b0e114_0    conda-forge
libwinpthread             12.0.0.r4.gg4f2fc60ca      h57928b3_9    conda-forge
libxcb                    1.17.0               h0e4246c_0    conda-forge
libxml2                   2.13.5               he286e8c_1    conda-forge
libzlib                   1.3.1                h2466b09_2    conda-forge
llvm-openmp               19.1.7               h30eaf37_0    conda-forge
markupsafe                3.0.2           py312h31fea79_1    conda-forge
matplotlib-base           3.10.0          py312h90004f6_0    conda-forge
matplotlib-inline         0.1.7              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
mistune                   3.1.1              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
mkl                       2024.2.2            h66d3029_15    conda-forge
mpmath                    1.3.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
multidict                 6.1.0           py312h31fea79_1    conda-forge
munkres                   1.1.4              pyh9f0ad1d_0    conda-forge
nbclient                  0.10.2             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
nbconvert-core            7.16.6             pyh29332c3_0    conda-forge
nbformat                  5.10.4             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
nest-asyncio              1.6.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
networkx                  3.4.2              pyh267e887_2    conda-forge
nodeenv                   1.9.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
notebook                  7.3.2              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
notebook-shim             0.2.4              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
numpy                     1.26.4          py312h8753938_0    conda-forge
numpy-stl                 3.2.0           py312h0829862_0    conda-forge
openh264                  2.5.0                ha9db3cd_0    conda-forge
openjpeg                  2.5.3                h4d64b90_0    conda-forge
openssl                   3.4.1                ha4e3fda_0    conda-forge
osqp                      0.6.7.post3     py312h72972c8_1    conda-forge
overrides                 7.7.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
packaging                 24.2               pyhd8ed1ab_2    conda-forge
pandocfilters             1.5.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
pango                     1.56.1               h286b592_0    conda-forge
parso                     0.8.4              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
pcre2                     10.44                h3d7b363_2    conda-forge
pgraph-python             0.6.3              pyhff2d567_0    conda-forge
pickleshare               0.7.5           pyhd8ed1ab_1004    conda-forge
pillow                    11.1.0          py312h078707f_0    conda-forge
pip                       25.0.1             pyh8b19718_0    conda-forge
pixman                    0.44.2               had0cd8c_0    conda-forge
pkgutil-resolve-name      1.3.10             pyhd8ed1ab_2    conda-forge
platformdirs              4.3.6              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
pre-commit                4.1.0              pyha770c72_0    conda-forge
pre_commit                4.1.0                hd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
progress                  1.6                pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
prometheus_client         0.21.1             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
prompt-toolkit            3.0.50             pyha770c72_0    conda-forge
prompt_toolkit            3.0.50               hd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
propcache                 0.2.1           py312h31fea79_1    conda-forge
proxsuite                 0.7.1           py312hd5eb7cc_0    conda-forge
psutil                    6.1.1           py312h4389bb4_0    conda-forge
pthread-stubs             0.4               h0e40799_1002    conda-forge
pure_eval                 0.2.3              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
pybind11                  2.13.6             pyh1ec8472_2    conda-forge
pybind11-global           2.13.6             pyhab904b8_2    conda-forge
pybullet                  3.25            py312hd2403df_3    conda-forge
pycparser                 2.22               pyh29332c3_1    conda-forge
pygments                  2.19.1             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
pyparsing                 3.2.1              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
pysocks                   1.7.1              pyh09c184e_7    conda-forge
python                    3.12.8          h3f84c4b_1_cpython    conda-forge
python-dateutil           2.9.0.post0        pyhff2d567_1    conda-forge
python-fastjsonschema     2.21.1             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
python-json-logger        2.0.7              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
python-utils              3.9.1              pyhff2d567_1    conda-forge
python_abi                3.12                    5_cp312    conda-forge
pytorch                   2.5.1           cpu_mkl_py312_h71c54e9_114    conda-forge
pytz                      2025.1             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
pywin32                   307             py312h275cf98_3    conda-forge
pywinpty                  2.0.15          py312h275cf98_0    conda-forge
pyyaml                    6.0.2           py312h31fea79_2    conda-forge
pyzmq                     26.2.1          py312hd7027bb_0    conda-forge
qdldl-python              0.1.7.post5     py312h72972c8_0    conda-forge
qhull                     2020.2               hc790b64_5    conda-forge
qpoases                   3.2.1           py312he25a1bf_3    conda-forge
qpsolvers                 4.4.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
quadprog                  0.1.13          py312hd5eb7cc_0    conda-forge
rav1e                     0.6.6                h975169c_2    conda-forge
referencing               0.36.2             pyh29332c3_0    conda-forge
requests                  2.32.3             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
rfc3339-validator         0.1.4              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
rfc3986-validator         0.1.1              pyh9f0ad1d_0    conda-forge
roboticstoolbox-python    1.1.1           py312hd2403df_1    conda-forge
rpds-py                   0.22.3          py312h2615798_0    conda-forge
rtb-data                  1.0.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
scipy                     1.15.1          py312h928f2a1_0    conda-forge
scs                       3.2.7.post2     mkl_py312h4a3e5c2_0    conda-forge
sdl2                      2.30.10              hecf2515_0    conda-forge
send2trash                1.8.3              pyh5737063_1    conda-forge
setuptools                75.8.0             pyhff2d567_0    conda-forge
simde                     0.8.2                hc790b64_0    conda-forge
simpervisor               1.0.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
six                       1.17.0             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
sleef                     3.8                  h7e360cc_0    conda-forge
sniffio                   1.3.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
soupsieve                 2.5                pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
spatialgeometry           1.1.0           py312h72972c8_3    conda-forge
spatialmath-python        1.1.14             pyhff2d567_0    conda-forge
sphinxcontrib-jsmath      1.0.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
stack_data                0.6.3              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
svt-av1                   2.3.0                he0c23c2_0    conda-forge
swift-sim                 1.1.0           py312h72972c8_3    conda-forge
sympy                     1.13.3             pyh04b8f61_5    conda-forge
tbb                       2021.13.0            h62715c5_1    conda-forge
terminado                 0.18.1             pyh5737063_0    conda-forge
tinycss2                  1.4.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
tk                        8.6.13               h5226925_1    conda-forge
tomli                     2.2.1              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
torchvision               0.20.1          cpu_py312_he303efe_6    conda-forge
tornado                   6.4.2           py312h4389bb4_0    conda-forge
traitlets                 5.14.3             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
txaio                     23.1.1             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
types-python-dateutil     pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
typing-extensions         4.12.2               hd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
typing_extensions         4.12.2             pyha770c72_1    conda-forge
typing_utils              0.1.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
tzdata                    2025a                h78e105d_0    conda-forge
ucrt                      10.0.22621.0         h57928b3_1    conda-forge
ukkonen                   1.0.1           py312hd5eb7cc_5    conda-forge
unicodedata2              16.0.0          py312h4389bb4_0    conda-forge
uri-template              1.3.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
urllib3                   2.3.0              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
vc                        14.3                h5fd82a7_24    conda-forge
vc14_runtime              14.42.34433         h6356254_24    conda-forge
virtualenv                20.29.2            pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
vpython                   7.6.5           py312he70551f_0    conda-forge
vs2015_runtime            14.42.34433         hfef2bbc_24    conda-forge
wcwidth                   0.2.13             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
webcolors                 24.11.1            pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
webencodings              0.5.1              pyhd8ed1ab_3    conda-forge
websocket-client          1.8.0              pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
websockets                14.2            py312h4389bb4_0    conda-forge
wheel                     0.45.1             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
widgetsnbextension        4.0.13             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
win_inet_pton             1.1.0              pyh7428d3b_8    conda-forge
winpty                    0.4.3                         4    conda-forge
x264                      1!164.3095           h8ffe710_2    conda-forge
x265                      3.5                  h2d74725_3    conda-forge
xorg-libxau               1.0.12               h0e40799_0    conda-forge
xorg-libxdmcp             1.1.5                h0e40799_0    conda-forge
yaml                      0.2.5                h8ffe710_2    conda-forge
yarl                      1.18.3          py312h31fea79_1    conda-forge
zeromq                    4.3.5                ha9f60a1_7    conda-forge
zipp                      3.21.0             pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
zstandard                 0.23.0          py312h7606c53_1    conda-forge
zstd                      1.5.6                h0ea2cb4_0    conda-forge

roboticstoolbox-python installs llvm-openmp

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If this is indeed due to llvm-openmp and conda-forge/intel_repack-feedstock#59, then we'll have to solve #336 soon. We could probably couple the switch-over with MKL 2025, which we'll have to migrate anyway. CC @isuruf

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Thanks @h-vetinari, some further testing that does point towards openmp conflicts...

Starting in the pytorch + torchvision + roboticstoolbox-python broken environment

mamba remove intel-openmp --force
mamba install intel-openmp

Results in a working environment:

(rvss) C:\Users\Ted>python -c "import torch; print(torch.__version__)"

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