BedGeneOverlap (0.1-782-ge325449)
Calculates how much of each overlapping gene is covered.
Mandatory parameters:
-source <enum> Transcript source database.
Valid: 'ccds,ensembl'
Optional parameters:
-in <file> Input BED file. If unset, reads from STDIN.
Default value: ''
-out <file> Output TSV file. If unset, writes to STDOUT.
Default value: ''
-test Uses the test database instead of on the production database.
Default value: 'false'
Special parameters:
--help Shows this help and exits.
--version Prints version and exits.
--changelog Prints changeloge and exits.
--tdx Writes a Tool Definition Xml file. The file name is the application name with the suffix '.tdx'.
BedGeneOverlap 0.1-782-ge325449