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Releases: cryptoadvance/specter-desktop


23 Nov 07:31
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v0.10.1 (Hotfix to support Ledger's new firmware)


There are two types of binaries:

Specter Desktop

It's a windowed GUI application with Specter server included.
Supported platforms: Windows, MacOS, Linux (x86_64)

Note on Linux: you need to set up udev rules (included in the archive). Check out readme.


It's a command-line program that only runs Specter server.
Supported platforms: Windows, MacOS, Linux (x86_64)

Signatures and hashes

sha256.signed.txt file contains sha256 hashes of all binary files and signed with @stepansnigirev's GPG key.
You can get public key from here:
It is also available via or
Fingerprint of the key is 6F16 E354 F833 93D6 E52E C25F 36ED 357A B24B 915F, short id: 36ed357ab24b915f

Release notes

  • Bugfix: Fix integration with Ledger running the latest Bitcoin app (1.5.1) (#682) (@ben-kaufman)


21 Nov 12:21
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There are two types of binaries:

Specter Desktop

It's a windowed GUI application with Specter server included.
Supported platforms: Windows, MacOS, Linux (x86_64)

Note on Linux: you need to set up udev rules (included in the archive). Check out readme.


It's a command-line program that only runs Specter server.
Supported platforms: Windows, MacOS, Linux (x86_64)

Signatures and hashes

sha256.signed.txt file contains sha256 hashes of all binary files and signed with @stepansnigirev's GPG key.
You can get public key from here:
It is also available via or
Fingerprint of the key is 6F16 E354 F833 93D6 E52E C25F 36ED 357A B24B 915F, short id: 36ed357ab24b915f

Release notes


02 Nov 19:43
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v0.9.2 (Hotfix for v0.9.1 Linux binaries)


There are two types of binaries:

Specter Desktop

It's a windowed GUI application with Specter server included.
Supported platforms: Windows, MacOS, Linux (x86_64)

Note on Linux: you need to set up udev rules (included in the archive). Check out readme.


It's a command-line program that only runs Specter server.
Supported platforms: Windows, MacOS, Linux (x86_64)

Signatures and hashes

sha256.signed.txt file contains sha256 hashes of all binary files and signed with @stepansnigirev's GPG key.
You can get public key from here:
It is also available via or
Fingerprint of the key is 6F16 E354 F833 93D6 E52E C25F 36ED 357A B24B 915F, short id: 36ed357ab24b915f

Release notes

Bugfix: Fix Linux binary executable.


02 Nov 15:29
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There are two types of binaries:

Specter Desktop

It's a windowed GUI application with Specter server included.
Supported platforms: Windows, MacOS, Linux (x86_64)

Note on Linux: you need to set up udev rules (included in the archive). Check out readme.


It's a command-line program that only runs Specter server.
Supported platforms: Windows, MacOS, Linux (x86_64)

Signatures and hashes

sha256.signed.txt file contains sha256 hashes of all binary files and signed with @stepansnigirev's GPG key.
You can get public key from here:
It is also available via or
Fingerprint of the key is 6F16 E354 F833 93D6 E52E C25F 36ED 357A B24B 915F, short id: 36ed357ab24b915f

Release notes

  • Bugfix: Fix hash verification #554 (@ben-kaufman)
  • Bugfix: Fix CI related fixes #551 #552 #553 (@ben-kaufman)
  • Bugfix: fixes #486 support binary psbt #535 (Stepan Snigirev)
  • Bugfix: fix label size #532 (Stepan Snigirev)
  • Bugfix: Minor spelling fix #531 (Daniel Mross)
  • Bugfix: update coldcard instructions to generic json #527 (Stepan Snigirev)
  • Bugfix: Feedback again for non working Core-connections #491 (Kim Neunert)
  • Bugfix: fix for proper namespace package cryptoadvance #524 (Kim Neunert)
  • Bugfix: Enable macOS dock icon #520 (Chris Beams)
  • Bugfix: Scanning of upper-case btc-addresses (Samourai) fixes 479 #510 (Kim Neunert)
  • Bugfix: rework discovery of pip installed version #502 (Andreas Zuber)
  • Bugfix: fix broken windows build #508 (Kim Neunert)
  • Bugfix: Fix amount validation #516 (@ben-kaufman)
  • Bugfix: Fix display address on Specter HWI and an error when creating wallets #511 (@ben-kaufman)
  • Bugfix: Minor spelling change #485 (Michael Flaxman)
  • Bugfix: Update HWI to 1.2.0 closes #500 #476 (#506)
  • Bugfix: Blackify (#497) (@mflaxman)
  • Bugfix: Specify python version <3.9 (#559) (@mflaxman)
  • Performance: Add threaded checker for Bitcoin RPC calls (#558) (@stepansnigirev)
  • Feature: Allow manual specterd upload for the desktop app (#560) (@ben-kaufman)
  • Feature: add tx hash to psbt filename #548 (Michael Flaxman)
  • Feature: backup files on write and rollback to prevent corrupt-data #542 (Stepan Snigirev)
  • Feature: Use Electron for desktop app #555 #473 (@ben-kaufman)
  • Feature: change wallet export to use alias instead of name #543 (Michael Flaxman)
  • Feature: add page loader to get visual feedback while loading #541 (Stepan Snigirev)
  • Feature: Now devices can get renamed #534 (Stepan Snigirev)
  • Feature: friendly camera error message if camera unavailable #533 (Stepan Snigirev)
  • Feature: electrum watch-only export #530 (Michael Flaxman)
  • Feature: Improves update version checker #525 (Stepan Snigirev)
  • Feature: ask for encryption password at hot wallet only if it's enabled #526 (Stepan Snigirev)
  • Feature: BIP39 passphrases, custom derivations and more for hot wallets #514 (@ben-kaufman)
  • Feature: Packaging pip-releases as tarballs and sha256-hashes them #523 (Kim Neunert)
  • Feature: add support for non-hardened derivation for hot storage #521 (Stepan Snigirev)
  • Feature: Support for url context paths #504 (kexkey)
  • Feature: add pip-compile and hash support for security/reproducibility #496 (Michael Flaxman)
  • Feature add pip-compile and hash support for security/reproducibility (#496) (@mflaxman)
  • Feature: All code now blackified (#497) (@mflaxman)
  • Refactoring: Remove RPC calls from the UI #557 (@ben-kaufman)
  • Refactoring: Refactor preparation for observers #544 (Stepan Snigirev)
  • Refactoring: Code Compliance via Black #497 #529 (Michael Flaxman)
  • Refactoring: #255 #403 (Kim Neunert)
  • Refactoring: Update HWI to 1.2.0 #506 (@ben-kaufman)
  • Docs: Hardwarewallet Troubleshooting #522 (Kim Neunert)
  • Docs: Update #505 (Kim Neunert)
  • Docs: Update FAQ on Coin Control (@moritzwietersheim) (#563)


01 Oct 08:45
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There are two types of binaries:

Specter Desktop

It's a windowed GUI application with Specter server included.
Supported platforms: Windows, MacOS, Linux (x86_64)

Note: In the remote mode Specter-Desktop will open a new window in the browser if you are using self-signed certificates or Tor. GUI app doesn't support it yet.

Note on Linux: you need to set up udev rules (included in the archive). Check out readme.

Note on MacOS: if Specter server doesn't start for a long time at the first launch, quit Specter, go to Applications, right click on Specter and click "open". After that Specter will launch normally, and from now on you can start it as usual.


It's a command-line program that only runs Specter server.
Supported platforms: Windows, MacOS, Linux (x86_64)

Signatures and hashes

sha256.signed.txt file contains sha256 hashes of all binary files and signed with @stepansnigirev's GPG key.
You can get public key from here:
It is also available via or
Fingerprint of the key is 6F16 E354 F833 93D6 E52E C25F 36ED 357A B24B 915F, short id: 36ed357ab24b915f

Release notes


19 Sep 11:08
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Binaries for this release will appear soon. Building in progress...

There are two types of binaries:

Specter Desktop

It's a windowed GUI application with Specter server included.
Supported platforms: Windows, MacOS, Linux (x86_64)

Note: In the remote mode Specter-Desktop will open a new window in the browser if you are using self-signed certificates or Tor. GUI app doesn't support it yet.

Note on Linux: you need to set up udev rules (included in the archive). Check out readme.

Note on MacOS: if Specter server doesn't start for a long time at the first launch, quit Specter, go to Applications, right click on Specter and click "open". After that Specter will launch normally, and from now on you can start it as usual.


It's a command-line program that only runs Specter server.
Supported platforms: Windows, MacOS, Linux (x86_64)

Release notes

Known Issues

  • The windows-binary is showing the the wrong version v0.7.2 even though it is indeed v0.8.0 (#407)


28 Aug 10:44
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There are two types of binaries:

  • specter_desktop - a windowed GUI application with Specter server included
  • specterd - a command-line program that only runs Specter server

Note: In the remote mode Specter-Desktop will open a new window in the browser if you are using self-signed certificates or Tor. GUI app doesn't support it yet.

Note for MacOS: If Specter-Desktop app appears in the tray, but doesn't start the server, go to Applications, find the app, right-click on it and select "Open" - it should solve the problem once and for all, so next time you should be able to launch it as normal.

Release notes

  • Build: Add build scripts for building the release files (#319) (@stepansnigirev)
  • Bugfix: In the desktop app, open a remote https/ Tor Specter node in browser instead of Qtweb (#320) (@stepansnigirev)
  • Bugfix: Fix specterd not shutting down after closing desktop app with cmd+q (#320) (@stepansnigirev)
  • Bugfix: Fix send amount using sats units by default even when using BTC as wallet unit (#318) (@ben-kaufman)
  • Bugfix: Fix redirect error after login (#318) (@ben-kaufman)


27 Aug 14:55
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Hotfix for "missing docker dependency" issue when installing specter with pip.


There are two types of binaries in this release:

  • specter_desktop - a windowed GUI application with Specter server included
  • specterd - a command-line program that only runs Specter server

Note for MacOS: If Specter-Desktop app appears in the tray, but doesn't start the server, go to Applications, find the app, right-click on it and select "Open" - it should solve the problem once and for all, so next time you should be able to launch it as normal.


27 Aug 12:23
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There are two types of binaries in this release:

  • specter_desktop - a windowed GUI application with Specter server included
  • specterd - a command-line program that only runs Specter server

Note for MacOS: If Specter-Desktop app appears in the tray, but doesn't start the server, go to Applications, find the app, right-click on it and select "Open" - it should solve the problem once and for all, so next time you should be able to launch it as normal.

Release notes


13 Aug 21:00
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Note on Linux: you may need to set up udev rules.
Note on Windows: Initial start of the server takes longer than on other platforms.

Release notes