This document is work in progress
- Uniform representation - unstructured, unordered set of 3D points
- Discrete representation - discrete samples of shapes without restrictions regarding topology and geometry
- Irregularity - expose irregular spatial distribution and varying spatial density
- Incompleteness - due to discrete sampling, representations are incomplete by nature
- Ambiguity - semantics of a point can generally not be determined without considering its neighborhood
- Per-point attributes - each point can be attributed by additional per-point data, such as color or surface normal
- Massiveness - depending on the capturing technology, 3D point clouds may consist of millions or billions of points
- Classification: labels are attached to each point
- Segmentation: based on identifying 3D geometry features such as edges, planar facets or corners
- Object detection: extension of classification to localize objects by bounding box
Structured data:
- Consistent storage and appearance,
- Indices can be used to find neighbors;
- Examples: images, text, tabular data
3D pointclouds are unstructured data (set):
- Vector data stored in text file
- Storage not consistent with appearance
- N! possible storage options for N points
Point cloud stored as pointA, pointB, pointC has same appearance as point cloud stored as pointB, pointA, pointC.
Pointwise classification with ML: 3D point cloud -> neighborhood selection -> feature extraction -> feature selection -> supervised classification -> labeled 3D point cloud
Contextual classification; statistical models of context
- Label smoothing
- Kernel filtering in sliding window fashion
- MRF (markov random field)
- Take into account feature vector of a point and the labels corresponding to neighboring points
- CRF (conditional random field)
- Take into account feature vector of a point and the feature vectors and labels corresponding to neighboring points
Single scale vs multi scale representation
- Single scale
- Spherical neighborhood with fixed radius
- Cylindrical neighborhood with fixed radius
- K-closest neighbors in 3D or 2D -> scale parameter?
- Multi scale
- Collection of cylindrical neighborhoods (Niemeyer et al, 2014)
- Collection of spherical neighborhoods (Brodu & Lague, 2012)
- Multiscale multi type neighborhood (Blomley & Weinmann, 2017)
Interpretable features vs complex features
- Interpretable
- Eigenvalue/-vector based
- Linearity, planarity, spericity, omnivariance, aniotropy, eigenentropy, sum of eigenvalues, change of curvature
- Geometric properties of local neighborhood, scanner agnostic
- Relfectance and other scanner specific features are tricky but can help with noise filtering
- Scaling for example by distance
- 2D projection based
- Additional attributes (e.g. intensity, ...)
- Complex
- 3D shape context descriptor (Frome et al, 2004
- SHOT descriptor (Tombari et al, 2010)
- Point Feature Histograms (PFHs) (Rusu et al, 2009
- Shape distributions (Osada et al 2002)
Selection of suitable features among relevant, irrelevant and redundant features:
- Filter based methods
- Wrapper based methods
- Embedded methods
For example:
- Nearest Neighbor (ninstance based learning)
- Decision tree (rule-based learning)
- Naive Bayesian classifier (probabilistic learning)
- Random forest, xdg boosting, extratrees (ensemble learning)
- Support vector machines (max-margin learning)
- ...
3D point cloud challenges for deep learning:
- Irregularity: points are not evenly sampled; contain dense and sparse regions
- Unstructured: independent points without fixed distances to neighbors
- Unordered: set of points -> invariant to permutation
Main approaches for dealing with point cloud data for deep learning:
- Structured grid
- Multiview: project point cloud to image
- Volumetric: convert point cloud to volumetric representation (e.g. voxels)
- Raw point cloud
- PointNet
- Local region computation; capturing local structures -> sampling, grouping, mapping function
- No local correlation: POintNet++,...
- Local correlation : PointCNN, ...
- Graph based
Projection / Structured grid based approaches -> adaptation to 2D data for e.g. 2D CNN based approaches
- Point cloud to "images" from different angles
- Use 2D methods
- Back project results to 3D point cloud
- MVCNN (multi-view CNN), Su et al, 2015
- SLCAE (Stacked local convolutional autoencoder), Leng et al, 2015
- GIFT, Bai et al, 2016
- 3D ShapeNet, Chang et al, 2015
- MV-SpericalProject, Cao et al, 2017
Voxel based approaches -> adaptation of CNN to 3D data
- Define local neighborhood
- Derive voxel occupancy grid
- use 3D-CNN
- VoxNet, Maturana et al, 2015
- VMCNN (volumentric and multi-view CNN) Qi et al, 2016
- NormalNet, Wang et al, 2019
- MRCNN (multi-resolution CNN), Ghadai et al, 2018
Voxelisation challenges:
- High memory consumption (often need to reduce resolution)
- Many voxels empty -> inefficient resource usage -> OctNet as more efficient memory solution (Riegler et. al, 2017)
-> Converting the point cloud into higher dimensional regular lattice
- SplatNet, Su et al, 2018
- Spherical fractal CNN, Rao et al, 2019
-> PointNet (Qi et. al, 2017) addresses those problems.
- First method for DL on pointclouds directly
- Can be used for classification and segmentation
- Each point is processed individually with same transform, finally a symmetric function (e.g. max pooling) is applied -> for permutation invariance
- Employs spatial transformer network for transformation invariance
- Interaction is not addressed but PointNet still works well
- PointNet++, Qi et al, 2017 -> iterative farthest sampling ; restricted to small point clouds
- VoxelNet, Zhou et al, 2018: voxel feature encoding -> sparse convolution: dealing with sparsity
- SO-Net, Li et al, 2018: using self-organizing map
- Pointwise Convolution, Hua et al, 2018: Convolution operation is done on all input points
- 3D PointCapsNet, Zhao et al 2019: region correlation by dynamic routing procedure
- PointCNN, Li et al, 2018 -> improvement on PointNet++
- PointWeb, Zhao et al, 2019 -> "local web ob points"
- PointConv, Wu et al, 2019
- Relation-shape-CNN, Liu et al, 2019
- GeoCNN, Lan et al, 2019
- Annularly-CNN, Komarichev et al, 2019
- SpiderCNN, Xu et al, 2018
- Point attention transformers, Yang et al, 2019
Locality (interaction among local points in a neighborhood) can be exploited if point cloud is represented as graph. Graph Neural Network takes inspiration from regular convolution in CNN.
- Kd-Network, Klokov et al, 2017
- Dynamic graph CNN, Wang et al, 2018
- Point2Node, Han et al, 2020
- Manual labeling:
- e.g. CloudCompare semi manual classification; noise filtering based on intensity; manual labeling based on relectance plus geometry (creating polygons spanning points in 3D space)
- Expesive and laborious
- Synthetic data generation,
- e.g. Helios++
- possibility to rescan same scene
- Various scan setups can be tested
- Intensity cannot be simulated
- Labeled datasets
- Segmented from LiDAR
- Semantic3D, Hackel et al, 2017
- KITTI, Geiger et al 2013
- Semantic KITTI, Behley et al, 2021
- iQmulus, Bredif et al, 2014
- Oxford Robotcar, Maddern et al, 2017
- Objects from LiDAR
- Apollo, Lu et al, 2019
- Whu-TLS, Dong et al, 2020
- Segmented from LiDAR
- Large scale classification
- Improved effectiveness
- Information sampling
- Variations in scale
- Scene complexity
- Improved efficiency
- Lightweight models
- Improved effectiveness
- Small amount of training data (weakly- self- semi-supervised classification)
- Explainability
- RandLA-Net for semantic segmentation (Hu et al, 2020) -> random sampling -> agnostic to number of points -> scalable!
- PointNext: Revisiting pointnet++ with improved training and scaling strategies, Qian et al, 2022
- Siamese KPConv: 3D multiple change detection from raw point clouds using deep learning, Gélis et al, 2023
- Multi Point-Voxel Convolution, Zhou et al, 2023
- Tutorial on PointNet++
- Papers with code on 3D point cloud classification
- Review article for point cloud deep learning, Bello et al, 2020 -> includes almost all references to the different methods and datasets mentioned here
- Deep Learning for 3D Point Clouds: A survey, Guo et al, 2020
- Deep learning-based 3D point cloud classification: A systematic survey and outlook, Zhang et al, 2023
- Point cloud completion with DL - Review, Fei et al, 2022
Thanks to Anna Shcherbacheva , FGI/NLS for sharing some insights. Also thanks to insights gained from presentations at the International Workshop on Point cloud processing 2023.