The two dimensional heat equation solver here is memory bound. In Mahti, the memory bandwidth per core, and sometimes also performance is improved when the node is undersubscribed, i.e. all the cores are not used.
Build the code with the provided Makefile
If you want try different compilers load the corresponding module and provide COMP
variable for the Makefile
module load clang
make COMP=clang
(Note that for this exercise the compiler should make no difference).
With the default input data, single node performance in Mahti is best (although by a small margin) with 8 MPI tasks and 4 OpenMP threads (i.e using only 32 cores). Thread/process affinity can, however, have a large impact on perfomance. Try to run the code first with the settings
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=8
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
export OMP_AFFINITY_FORMAT="Process %P level %L thread %0.3n affinity %A"
srun ./heat_hybrid
How does the affinity look?
Next, try to place the MPI tasks more evenly by having ntasks_per_node x cpus_per_task = 128
Can you explain the difference in the performance?
Then, try to pin the threads with OMP_PLACES=cores
and investigate the effect of different
settings. Pay attention to how affinity affects performance.
In CSC's Slurm configuration oversubscribing the cores by MPI tasks is not easy by accident, but
it is possible when SMT is enabled by the Slurm option --hint=multithread
. Try the following
Slurm settings, and pay attention to affinity and performance:
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=32
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
#SBATCH --hint=multithread
export OMP_AFFINITY_FORMAT="Process %P level %L thread %0.3n affinity %A"
srun ./heat_hybrid
Can you figure out how to fix the performance problem?