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A Python utility to plot timeit output in matplotlib.

Written by Clair Seager (

0. Dependencies

numpy, matplotlib

1. Documentation and usage

This module contains utility functions to plot the results of several timeit tests using matplotlib. Be aware that it will run many timeit tests at one time, and timeit can take a while to finish if the default number of cycles is used.

The timeit module's Python interface takes functions expressed as strings, tests them a certain number of times, and reports back the execution time. From Python documentation::

>>> timeit.timeit('"-".join(str(n) for n in range(100))', number=10000)
>>> timeit.timeit('"-".join([str(n) for n in range(100)])', number=10000)
>>> timeit.timeit('"-".join(map(str, range(100)))', number=10000)

timeit_compare() uses string substitution while iterating over ranges of values to record how fast the function(s) perform with the specified conditions.

>>> import timeit_plot as tp
>>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
>>> functions = ['"-".join(str(n) for n in range({0}))',
                 '"-".join([str(n) for n in range({0})])',
                 '"-".join(map(str, range({0})))']
>>> data = tp.timeit_compare(functions, range(10,101,10), number=10000)
testing "-".join(str(n) for n in range({0}))...
testing "-".join([str(n) for n in range({0})])...
testing "-".join(map(str, range({0})))...
>>> tp.timeit_plot2D(data, 'list length', 'list comprehension vs map')

plot of 3 expression running times

2. Further examples

timeit_compare() can take any number of functions and variables, built-in or user created. This can be helpful in determining or comparing algorithms' Big O or time complexity. For example, compare a recursive Fibonacci function to a memoized version:

>>> from example_func import *
>>> functions = ["memoize_fib({0})", "recursive_fib({0})"]
>>> test_values = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> data = tp.timeit_compare(functions, test_values, setups="main")
>>> tp.timeit_plot2D(data, 'n', 'comparison of Fibonacci algorithms')

plot of two Fibonacci methods' running time

The functions do not need to be set up to take single values, but it is helpful to set them up in a way that grows the inputs during the testing. The example functions included, use_iterators() and use_indexing(), compare methods of grouping lists into n-grams. This is conceptually similar to the pairwise recipe given in the documentation, but is more general for n >= 2.

In this case, the two parameters that affect performance are:

  1. The length of the object to be split into n-grams
  2. The size of the n-gram

These can both be parametrized in timeit_compare, which will test all combinations of the variable ranges given:

>>> functions = ("use_iterators(range({0}),{1})", "use_indexing(range({0}),{1})")
>>> variable_ranges = [range(21),range(3,21)]
>>> data = tp.timeit_compare(functions, variable_ranges, setups='main', number=1000)
testing use_iterators(range({0}),{1})...
testing use_indexing(range({0}),{1})...

This outputs a defaultdict with function strings as keys, values are a list of timeit test results. The values are recorded as lists of [test_conditions, result], with conditions listed in the order the user entered them in variable_ranges. For example, the first entry from data would be: {'use_iterators(range({0}),{1})': [[0, 3, 0.0059], ...]

For the following plot, a filter is applied to show only the results for inputs of length 20. The second variable is chosen as the independent variable in the plot by using the keyword arg series=1:

>>> d2 = {}
>>> for k, v in data.iteritems():
...     d2[k] = [p for p in v if p[0]==20]
>>> tp.timeit_plot2D(d2, 'ngram length', 'list length 20', series=1, style='scatter', size=100)

example scatter plot

There are also plotting functions to examine how two parameters can affect the performance of a single function. The following large test can be sped up by either decreasing the number of cycles done by timeit, or by providing a step size in the range variable to reduce the overall number of data points gathered.

>>> # WARNING: the following set of timed tests may take a while!
>>> data2 = tp.timeit_compare(functions, [range(4,20), range(2,18)], setups='main')
testing use_iterators(range({0}),{1})...
testing use_indexing(range({0}),{1})...
>>> # Reduce the ranges and cycles to speed it up.
>>> data3 = tp.timeit_compare(functions, [range(4,50,4),range(2,50,3)], number=1000, setups='main')
testing use_iterators(range({0}),{1})...
testing use_indexing(range({0}),{1})...

Data with two variables can be plotted either in a 3D mesh plot:

>>> tp.timeit_plot3D(data3, 'list size', 'ngram length')

example 3D plot

Or it can be shown with a heatmap plot:

>>> tp.timeit_heatmap(data3, 'list size', 'ngram length')

example heatmap plot

Or a bubble plot:

>>> tp.timeit_plot2D(data3, 'list size', 'bubble size = time', series=[0,1],
            style='bubble', size=5000, ylabel='ngram length')

example bubble plot

The bubble_size parameter is a multipler. The value needed to get the desired bubble size will depend on the number of cycles used to generate the data (fewer cycles will result in faster tests and thus smaller z values).