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53 lines (36 loc) · 2.02 KB


Routines used to manipulate input grids and plot results for North Core Banks COAWST model

Notes on coordinate conversion

  • Converted lat/lon to 'island' coordinates in two steps:
from pyproj import Transformer
transformer = Transformer.from_crs( 'epsg:4326', 'epsg:26918',  ) # WGS84 to UTM18

utmx, utmy = transformer.transform( lat, lon )
xisl, yisl = UTM2Island(utmx, utmy, eoff=383520.0, noff=3860830.0, rot=42.0)
print('Shape of xisl, yisl: ', xisl.shape, yisl.shape)

(UTM2Island is in

  • Offset was determined based on the averarge shoreline postion (z=0) between i=100:1200 in the final CSYV bathy.
    This ended up being index 168, or y = 329.28 in island coordinates.

Plots for Warner Dorian paper

sed_calcs - Plots for (mostly) CSYV

vol_calcs - Recreate John's Matlab volume-change calcs

four_run_plots - Plots from all four model simulations

  • Volume calcs...using pm and pn.

    • 8-panel plot of final bathy and bathy change 'four_run_elevation_change
    • Maps of labelled sed distribution XXXX__labelled_sed_mass_diff
    • Profiles of labelled sed and bathy four_labelled_sed_profiles
    • Maps of elevation change for four cases XXXX_elevation_change
    • Maps of waterlevels, waves, vectors CSYV_vector_plotXX
    • Max. stress plot (calcs of maxes take a whle) `

plot_models_and_observations - Only plots the obs and modeled topobathy, based on the earlier grid made with/by Christy

labels_to_ROMS_grid - Interpolates landcover labels onto ROMS grid...only example is with older grid.

Other stuff

dems_to_ROMS_grid - Adds canopy height TIFF to ROMS grid. Working with earlier Christy grid

create_composite_exp_files - Make multi-band tiffs with various derivatives in bands (elevation, slope, veg. indices)

plot_observations - Plots elev and elev diffs from TIFFS

Files we dont need


Matlab files

export_bbox.m - Exports grid corners to CSV

load_grid.m - Loads and old Christie grid