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Masterclasses: Empower Your Talent |
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Short, targeted masterclasses covering a range of performance topics |
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Services / Masterclasses |
Dive into highly focused, highly specialised, highly advanced web performance tutorials, on demand. Bite-sized, live, remote workshops to take your team from zero to expert on the topic of your choice.
Thank you so much for the excellent session, Harry—it was a lot of fun. The team was jazzed by what they learned and were amazed by how prepared you came and all of the ideas you helped spark for ways forward.
We appreciated your thoroughness, insights, expertise, and the thoughtfulness you brought towards your prepared materials.
Jonathon Olenick, Manager, Digital Experience, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
masterclass /ˈmɑːstəklɑːs/
A class given by an expert to highly talented students.
Your team is great, and they know most of it all already. They don’t need a week-long bootcamp—they need to fill a few empty gaps. They need a Masterclass. Pick a topic that you want to level up on, and get it done. Struggling with performance budgets? Not anymore. DevTools confusing you? You’re not alone. Need to streamline your workflows? We’ll be there in no time.
Become web performance experts in the time it takes to watch a movie.
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Price: ${{ masterclass.price | default: "2,500" }}
{{ masterclass.intro }}
Learn more about {{ masterclass.title }}…
{{ masterclass.description }}
Enquire about {{ masterclass.conjunction | default: "" }} {{ masterclass.title }}
{% endfor %}
{% for masterclass in page.masterclasses %}
Five simple steps:
- Select a Masterclass you’re interested in;
- Enquire about it by emailing me;
- We define and customise the content;
- I book you in for a set time and date;
- We run and record the Masterclass for you and the team.
- Masterclasses are live.
- This means they’re also customised to suit you and your team’s needs.
- They are recorded for you to keep.
- Masterclasses last from 90–180 minutes.
- Maximum attendees is capped at 12 people.
- All Masterclasses include a formal Q&A session.
- Discounts are offered for multiple Masterclasses.