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Configure Vault PKI with Azure HSM


Activate Azure Managed HSM

Follow steps from the following link:

Configure App Registrations

  1. Create app registration for vault-root-ca and log client ID, secret ID, and SP object
  2. Create app registration for vault-int-ca and log client ID, secret ID, and SP object
  3. Provide permissions to MHSM resource group

Configure Azure Managed HSM

Configure management plane permissions (Azure RBAC)

Using a Managed HSM Administrator account (specified during Managed HSM creation), create role assignments to allow Crypto User permissions on the specified key scopes.

NOTE: Providing access to /keys scope for this demo. In production, you may want to provide access to specific keys.

  1. Create a role assignments to allow the vault-root-ca application to manage keys in HSM Provide access to /keys
az keyvault role assignment create --hsm-name stella-test-hsm --role "Managed HSM Crypto User" --assignee <vault-root-ca SP Object ID> --scope /keys
  1. Create a role assignment to allow the vault-int-ca application to manage keys in HSM Provide access to /keys
az keyvault role assignment create --hsm-name stella-test-hsm --role "Managed HSM Crypto User" --assignee <vault-int-ca SP Object ID> --scope /keys

Configure HSM keys

  1. Log into az cli with the vault-root-ca service principal
az login --service-principal -u <vault-root-ca Client ID> -p <Client Secret Value> --tenant <Tenant ID>
  1. Create the HSM managed keys for vault-root-ca
az keyvault key create --hsm-name <HSM Name> --name <HSM root PKI Key Name> --ops wrapKey unwrapKey sign verify --kty RSA-HSM --size 3072
az keyvault key create --hsm-name <HSM Name> --name <HSM root Seal Key Name> --ops wrapKey unwrapKey --kty RSA-HSM --size 3072
  1. Log into az cli with the vault-int-ca service principal
az login --service-principal -u <vault-int-ca Client ID> -p <Client Secret Value> --tenant <Tenant ID>
  1. Create the HSM managed keys for vault-int-ca
az keyvault key create --hsm-name <HSM Name> --name <HSM int PKI Key Name> --ops wrapKey unwrapKey sign verify --kty RSA-HSM --size 3072
az keyvault key create --hsm-name <HSM Name> --name <HSM int Seal Key Name> --ops wrapKey unwrapKey --kty RSA-HSM --size 3072

Configure Vault

Configure Vault seal

  1. Update config file with seal info
  2. Perform unseal using "-migrate" switch

Configure Vault Managed Key for Vault Root PKI

vault write sys/managed-keys/azurekeyvault/vault-root-pki \
	allow_generate_key=true \
	tenant_id=<Tenant ID> \
	client_id=<Client ID> \
	client_secret=<Client Secret> \
	vault_name=<HSM Vault Name> \
	key_name=vault-root-pki-key \ \
	key_bits=3072 \

Configure Vault Managed Key for Vault Int PKI

vault write sys/managed-keys/azurekeyvault/vault-int-pki \
	allow_generate_key=true \
	tenant_id=<Tenant ID> \
	client_id=<Client ID> \
	client_secret=<Client Secret> \
	vault_name=<HSM Vault Name> \
	key_name=vault-int-pki-key \ \
	key_bits=3072 \

Validate key access

vault write -f sys/managed-keys/azurekeyvault/<keyname>/test/sign

Configure Root CA PKI Secrets Engine

  1. Enable PKI secrets engine.


vault secrets enable -path=pki-root pki
  1. Tune secrets engine to use managed keys.
vault secrets tune -allowed-managed-keys=vault-root-pki pki-root
  1. Generate root certificate
vault write -field=certificate pki-root/root/generate/kms \
issuer_name="pki-root-issuer" \
managed_key_name=vault-root-pki \
common_name=<Common Name> \
ttl=8760h > root_ca.crt
  1. Configure role for specifying issuer
vault write pki-root/roles/servers allow_any_name=true
  1. Configure root CA and CRL URLs
vault write pki-root/config/urls \
issuing_certificates="$VAULT_ADDR/v1/pki/ca" \

Configure Intermediate CA PKI Secrets Engine

  1. Enable PKI secrets engine.
vault secrets enable -path=pki-int pki
  1. Tune secrets engine to use managed keys and set TTL
vault secrets tune -allowed-managed-keys=vault-int-pki -max-lease-ttl=43800h pki-int
  1. Generate Int CA CSR for Root signing
vault write -format=json pki-int/intermediate/generate/kms \
managed_key_name=vault-int-pki \
common_name=<Common Name> \
ttl=8760h | jq -r '.data.csr' > pki_intermediate.csr
  1. Sign Int CA certificate with root CA

Perform this step on the Root CA!

vault write -format=json pki-root/root/sign-intermediate \
    issuer_ref="pki-root-issuer" \
    csr=@pki_intermediate.csr \
    format=pem_bundle ttl="43800h" \
    | jq -r '.data.certificate' > intermediate.cert.pem
  1. Import signed certificate back into Vault Int
vault write pki-int/intermediate/set-signed [email protected]

Validate issuing a certificate using managed key backed root

  1. Configure a new role for a test domain in pki-int
vault write pki-int/roles/example-dot-com \
     issuer_ref="$(vault read -field=default pki-int/config/issuers)" \
     allowed_domains="" \
     allow_subdomains=true \
  1. Request a new certificate for based on the example-dot-com role.
vault write pki-int/issue/example-dot-com \
common_name="" ttl="24"

Configure Vault Managed Key for Vault Auto-unseal

vault write sys/managed-keys/azurekeyvault/pki-hsm \
allow_generate_key=true \
tenant_id=<Tenant ID> \
client_id=<Client ID> \
client_secret=<Client Secret> \
vault_name=<HSM Vault Name> \
key_name=vault-root-pki-seal-key \ \
key_bits=2048 \