This example illustrates how to integrate a Backend for Frontend into an OAuth-secured browser-based application.
The browser-based application calls a secured API using secure cookie credentials, with no tokens in the browser.
Deploy the system on a computer running Linux, macOS or Windows (with Git bash).
First ensure that you have these tools installed:
- A Docker Engine, preferably configured to use 16GB of RAM
- kubectl
- Helm
- OpenSSL 3 to create cookie encryption keys
- The envsubst tool, to update configuration dynamically
Create a cluster and run a load balancer to enable the API to be exposed on an external IP address.
On Windows, use a Run as administrator
shell in order to run the load balancer:
Then run another shell to deploy an ingress controller to act as an API gateway.
On macOS accept the prompt to allow the load balancer to accept connections.
Note the external IP address that the script outputs:
Update your hosts file with the external IP address, similar to the following.
The browser-based application runs on the www.webapp.example
domain and calls its BFF at api.webapp.example
This ensures that cookies used are in the same parent site and not subject to browser restrictions. localhost www.webapp.example api.democluster.example login.democluster.example admin.democluster.example api.webapp.example
To avoid browser warnings, configure trust for the root certificate at the following location.
For example, on macOS use Keychain Access to add it to the system keystore:
Deploy the authorization server with some preconfigured clients and users.
This requires a license file for the particular authorization server we use:
export LICENSE_FILE_PATH='license.json'
- Login to the Admin UI at
with credentialsadmin / Password1
- Locate OpenId Connect metadata at
The example API is called by the SPA using secure cookies:
The backend for frontend consists of a BFF OAuth Client (the OAuth Agent) and an API gateway plugin (the OAuth Proxy).
The following script deploys the OAuth Agent and configures the OAuth Proxy to run on an API gateway route called by the SPA:
Then run the Browser-based Application which uses the React framework.
You can read more about other components and study their code:
- The OAuth Agent is a stateless utility BFF that does OAuth work and cookie issuing on behalf of the SPA
- The OAuth Proxy is an API gateway plugin that decrypts cookies and forwards access tokens to APIs
- The Example API from Chapter 5 is used as a target API called by the SPA
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