Paper published at ECCV 2024 3rd Workshop on Uncertainty Quantification for Computer Vision
![CovariateFlow Image](/cviviers/CovariateFlow/raw/main/images/covariateflow_diagram.png)
Detecting out-of-distribution (OOD) sensory data and covariate distribution shifts aims to identify new test examples with different high-level image statistics compared to the normal in-distribution (ID) set. This work demonstrates that CovariateFlow, an unsupervised generative model, can effectively identify samples that deviate significantly from this learned distribution by solely modeling the heteroscedastic high-frequency image component distribution. The proposed method uses conditional Normalizing Flows to detect OOD covariate shifts, showing its effectiveness on CIFAR10 vs. CIFAR10-C and ImageNet200 vs. ImageNet200-C datasets.
The image shows example predictions made by CovariateFlow on the ImageNet200(-C) dataset. The model is able to accurately provide higher scores (indicate the object is OOD) of various degridations, irrespective of the semantic class.
Results obtained with GLOW evaluated with Log-likelihood, Gradient score and NSD on CIFAR10 (test set) vs. CIFAR10-C (test set). Top row: Gaussian Noise 5, Bottom row: Gaussian Blur 5.
git clone
python -m venv covariate_env
cd covariateflow
pip install -r requirements
You can download the docker image here or build it yourself with dockerfile in the repo.
Download the following datasets and add them to the data directory.
In-Distribution (ID) Datasets | Out-of-Distribution (OOD) Datasets |
Cifar10 (Automatically downloaded) | Cifar10-C |
ImageNet-200 | ImageNet-200-C |
We provide some pretrained weights to test the performance for OOD detection.
To train CovariateFlow on Cifar10, simply run:
This script uses 'argparse' to handle command-line arguments, allowing you to configure the training process of the conditional normalizing flow model on various datasets, including MNIST, CIFAR10, and TinyImageNet.
python --batch_size 64 --epochs 100
To test the trained model on all the covaraite conditions, run:
python --model 'path\to\trained\model' --data_path 'base\path\to\all\data' --output_path 'path\to\store\results' --dataset 'DATSET TO USE'
Optionally parameters include:
- '--validation_stats_path' A path to the results you obtained on your validation set so that you do not need to rerun it during each test. Its nice to store this in a json file.
- Subset length, if you wish to do a quick performance test. This runs the model only on a random set of 'subset_length' for both the ID test and OOD test sets.
The code uses Weights & Biases to track training runs.
Create an account in Weights & Biases
If you have installed the requirements you can skip this step. If not, activate the virtualenv and run:
pip install wandb
Run the following command and insert you
API key
when prompted:wandb login
If you publish work that uses CovariateFlow, please consider citing the following.
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