Step 1. Install Terraform if you don't already have it installed.
Step 2. Install Ansible if you don't already have it installed.
# this command is meant to be ran on your personal computer from any directory
python -m pip install ansible
Step 3. Start an SSH authentication agent and add your SSH private key to it. The commands below show how you would do this in Linux.
# these commands are meant to be ran on your personal computer from any directory
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" # starts the SSH authentication agent
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa # adds your SSH private key to the SSH authentication agent
Step 4. Download this GitHub repository and change directories to recipe-04
# this command is meant to be ran on your personal computer from any directory
git clone
cd devops-cookbook/recipe-04/
Step 5. Deploy a virtual machine in Azure using the commands below and the provided Terraform files.
# these commands are meant to be ran on your personal computer from the "devops-cookbook/recipe-04/" directory
terraform -chdir=terraform init
terraform -chdir=terraform plan
terraform -chdir=terraform apply -auto-approve
Step 6. Save the username and IP address values printed by Terraform as environment variables. They will be used in the next step.
export USERNAME=$(terraform -chdir=terraform output -raw username)
export IP_ADDRESS=$(terraform -chdir=terraform output -raw ip_address)
Step 7. Configure the virtual machine you just created using the commands below and the provided Ansible playbook. The playbook references scripts in the ansible/scripts
folder. These scripts automate installing Terraform, Packer, Azure CLI, Docker, Kubectl, Helm, etc. If you want to add or remove scripts, (1) add/remove the script in the ansible/scripts
folder and then (2) update the Ansible playbook.
# this command is meant to be ran on your personal computer from the "devops-cookbook/recipe-04/" directory
ansible-playbook ansible/playbook.yaml -u $USERNAME -i ansible/inventory.yaml --ssh-common-args='-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no'
Step 8. Login to the virtual machine created by Terraform during Step 5 above.
# this command is meant to be ran on your personal computer (from any directory)
Step 9. (optional) Login to the Azure CLI from the virtual machine and set your subscription.
# this command is meant to be ran on the virtual machine created by Terraform during Step 5 above
az login --use-device-code
az account set --subscription "Personal"