- Law of total probability
- ...
- Inference requires marginalization that's
2 ^ (N - 1)
if N is the number of binary variables - We'll solve this with the right representation (i.e. data structure)
is the values or states of random variableX
Val(X) = {Head, Tail}
- Number of parameters to parameterize a joint distribution with N binary variables is
2 ^ N - 1
since we lose a single DoF becauseSum(p_i) = 1
- Space concern, i.e. how many parameters needed? tabular approach not scalable
- Simplifying assumptions i.e. factorization
- Indpendence. Joint probability distribution
p(x1, ..., xn)
factorizes intop(x1)p(x2)...p(xn)
i.e. the product of marginal probabilities- States are still
2 ^ N
- Parameters needed to specify the joint probability are
assuming each is aBer(p)
is the parameter (same as if|Val(Xi)| = 2
- States are still
- Use conditional independence, if events
are conditionally independent givenC
thenp(A, B) = p(A | C)p(B | C)
- Be careful: RVs
are conditionally independent givenZ
if for all values/states ofX
, andZ
this relationship holds:p(X=x, Y=y, Z=z)=p(X=x | Z=z)p(Y=y | Z=z)
- If
p(X, Y | Z) = p(X | Z)p(Y|Z)
thenp(X | Y, Z) = p(X | Z)
- Be careful: RVs
- Indpendence. Joint probability distribution
p(X, Y, Z) = p(X | Y, Z)p(Y, Z)
= p(X, Y | Z)p(Z)
= p(X | Z)p(Y | Z)p(Z)
= (p(X, Z) / p(Z))(p(Y, Z) / p(Z))p(Z)
= p(X, Z)p(Y, Z) / p(Z)
p(X | Y, Z) = p(X, Y, Z) / p(Y, Z)
= (p(X, Z)p(Y, Z) / p(Z)) / p(Y, Z)
= p(X, Z) / p(Z) = p(X | Z)
p(X | Y, Z) = p(X | Z)
- Conditional independence:
X ⟂ Y | Z
conditionally independent givenZ
- Same goes for a set of RV's
X ⟂ Y | Z
- Properties of conditional independence
- Symmetry:
X ⟂ Y | Z => Y ⟂ X | Z
- Decomposition:
X ⟂ (Y, Z) | Z => X ⟂ Y | Z
- Contraction:
(X ⟂ Y | Z) Λ (X ⟂ W | Y, Z) => X ⟂ Y, W | Z
- Weak union:
X ⟂ Y, W | Z => X ⟂ Y | Z, W
- Intersection: if
p(.) > 0
:(X ⟂ Y | Z) Λ (X ⟂ W | Y, Z) => X ⟂ Y, W | Z
- Symmetry:
- Chain rule is a general way to factorize
p(S1, S2, ..., Sn) = p(S1)p(S2|S1)p(S3|S2, S1)...p(Sn|S1, ..., Sn-1)
For n=2
we recover the definition of conditional probability
p(S1, S2) = p(S1)p(S1 | S2)
- ...