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Install Guide


Build Crystal Tracker from source

You will need Microsoft Visual Studio; the Community edition is free.

Clone this repository

  1. Clone crystal-tracker. This will create the crystal-tracker folder.

Setting up FLTK

  1. Clone fltk release-1.4.1 into lib\fltk. (ie, git clone -b release-1.4.1 lib/fltk)
  2. Open Visual Studio, select Open a local folder, and open the lib\fltk folder. This will automatically generate the CMake project with a configuration named x64-Debug.
  3. Create the following additional configurations with the appropriate Configuration Type of either Debug or Release: x64-Release, x86-Debug, and x86-Release. For x64 configurations, make sure the Toolset is set to msvc_x64_x64. For x86 configurations, make sure the Toolset is set to msvc_x86_x64. For all 4 configurations, uncheck the FLTK_GRAPHICS_GDIPLUS option.
  4. Set the configuration to x86-Release.
  5. In the Solution Explorer, switch to the CMake Targets View, right-click on fltk_images, and select Build fltk_images. This will also build the other required libraries: fltk, fltk_png, and fltk_z.
  6. Move all the .lib files from lib\fltk\out\build\x86-Release\lib\*.lib up to lib\*.lib. (You may also choose the x86-Debug config in the previous step and move the .lib files from lib\fltk\out\build\x86-Debug\lib\*.lib to lib\Debug\*.lib instead.)
  7. Copy the lib\fltk\FL folder to a new include\FL folder. Also copy lib\fltk\out\build\x86-Release\FL\fl_config.h into include\FL. All configurations will generate their own fl_config.h, but they should all be identical.

Setting up PortAudio

  1. Clone portaudio v19.7.0 into lib\portaudio. (ie, git clone -b v19.7.0 lib/portaudio)
  2. Apply the PortAudio patch that is provided with Crystal Tracker by running the following command from the root of the PortAudio directory (ie, lib\portaudio): git apply ../patches/portaudio.patch
    This fixes a Windows-only glitch that will be fixed in the next major release of PortAudio but is being fixed manually here for now. See for more details.
  3. Open lib\portaudio\build\msvc\portaudio.sln in Visual Studio 2022.
  4. A "One-way upgrade" dialog will open, since portaudio.sln was made for Visual Studio 2005. Click OK to upgrade.
  5. In the Solution Explorer, remove the 4 ASIO-related cpp files under Source Files → hostapi → ASIO from the project. (Right-click each of the 4 cpp files and click "Remove".)
  6. In the Project Properties window, go to Configuration Properties → General and change the value of Configuration Type from "Dynamic Library (.dll)" to "Static Library (.lib)". Do this for the Release configuration, and also the Debug configuration if desired.
  7. In the Project Properties window, go to Configuration Properties → C/C++ → Preprocessor and add PA_USE_ASIO=0; to the beginning of the Processor Definitions property. Do this for the Release configuration, and also the Debug configuration if desired.
  8. Open lib\portaudio\build\msvc\portaudio.def in a text editor and comment out the 4 lines beginning with "PaAsio_" by putting a semicolon (;) at the start of the line.
  9. Set the Solution Configuration to Release and set the Solution Platform to Win32 then press Build → Build Solution. You may also build Debug|Win32 if desired.
  10. Move lib\portaudio\build\msvc\Win32\Release\portaudio.lib to lib\portaudio.lib (or move lib\portaudio\build\msvc\Win32\Debug\portaudio.lib to lib\Debug\portaudio.lib if Debug build).
  11. Open lib\portaudio\bindings\cpp\build\vc7_1\static_library.sln in Visual Studio 2022.
  12. A "One-way upgrade" dialog will open. Click OK to upgrade.
  13. In the Project Properties window, go to Configuration Properties → C/C++ → Code Generation and change Runtime Library from "Multi-threaded DLL (/MD)" to "Multi-threaded (/MT)". For the Debug configuration, change it from "Multi-threaded Debug DLL (/MDd)" to "Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd)".
  14. Set the Solution Configuration to Release then press Build → Build Solution. You may also build Debug|x86 if desired.
  15. Move lib\portaudio\bindings\cpp\lib\portaudiocpp-vc7_1-r.lib to lib\portaudiocpp-vc7_1-r.lib (or move lib\portaudio\bindings\cpp\lib\portaudiocpp-vc7_1-d.lib to lib\Debug\portaudiocpp-vc7_1-d.lib if Debug build).
  16. Copy the lib\portaudio\bindings\cpp\include\portaudiocpp folder to a new include\portaudiocpp folder.
  17. Copy the header files from lib\portaudio\include into the include\portaudiocpp folder as well.

Setting up libopenmpt

  1. Clone libopenmpt-0.6.3 into lib\openmpt. (ie, git clone -b libopenmpt-0.6.3 lib/openmpt)
  2. Open lib\openmpt\build\vs2022win10\libopenmpt-small.sln in Visual Studio 2022.
  3. Retarget the 4 projects to your installed version of the Windows 10 SDK if necessary.
  4. For each of the 4 projects, go to Configuration Properties → C/C++ → Code Generation and change Spectre Mitigation to "Disabled". Do this for the Release configuration, and also the Debug configuration if desired.
  5. Set the Solution Configuration to Release and set the Solution Platform to Win32 then press Build → Build Solution. You may also build Debug|Win32 if desired.
  6. Move the 4 .lib files from lib\openmpt\build\lib\vs2022win10\x86\Release to lib (or from lib\openmpt\build\lib\vs2022win10\x86\Debug to lib\Debug if Debug build).
  7. Copy the public interface header files from lib\openmpt\libopenmpt into a new include\libopenmpt folder. (Only libopenmpt.hpp, libopenmpt_ext.hpp, libopenmpt_config.h, and libopenmpt_version.h are required.)

Building Crystal Tracker

  1. Open ide\crystal-tracker.sln in Visual Studio 2022.
  2. If the Solution Configuration dropdown on the toolbar says Debug, set it to Release.
  3. Go to Build → Build Solution to build the project. This will create bin\Release\crystaltracker.exe. (A Debug build will create bin\Debug\crystaltrackerd.exe.)

Note: To build a 64-bit executable, you will need to create the x64 Solution Platform for portaudiocpp (static_library.sln). To do this, go to Build → Configuration Manager… and in the Active solution platform: dropdown select <New…>. Set the new platform to "x64" and copy settings from the 32-bit platform (either Win32 or x86). Make sure the "Create new project platforms" checkbox is checked and then click OK. Make sure the project configuration changes described above are also applied to this platform. portaudio.sln and libopenmpt-small.sln already have an x64 target.
After building the x64 libs for fltk, portaudio, portaudiocpp, and openmpt, copy the .lib files to lib\x64 and lib\Debug\x64.


Install dependencies

You need at least g++ 7 for C++17 support. g++ 8 is needed if building libopenmpt from source.

CMake (version 3.15 or later) is required for building FLTK 1.4.


Run the following commands:

sudo apt install make g++ git autoconf
sudo apt install zlib1g-dev libpng-dev libxpm-dev libx11-dev libxft-dev libxinerama-dev libfontconfig1-dev x11proto-xext-dev libxrender-dev libxfixes-dev

Install and build Crystal Tracker

Run the following commands:

# Clone Crystal Tracker
git clone
cd crystal-tracker

# Build FLTK 1.4.1
git clone -b release-1.4.1 lib/fltk
pushd lib/fltk
make install

# Build PortAudio v19.7.0
git clone -b v19.7.0 lib/portaudio
pushd lib/portaudio
./configure --prefix="$(realpath "$PWD/../..")" CXXFLAGS="-O2" CFLAGS="-O2"
make install
cd bindings/cpp
./configure --prefix="$(realpath "$PWD/../../../..")" CXXFLAGS="-O2" CFLAGS="-O2"
make install

# Build libopenmpt-0.6.3
pushd lib
mkdir libopenmpt && tar xf libopenmpt-0.6.3+release.autotools.tar.gz -C libopenmpt --strip-components=1
cd libopenmpt
./configure --prefix="$(realpath "$PWD/../..")" \
	--without-mpg123 \
	--without-ogg \
	--without-vorbis \
	--without-vorbisfile \
	--without-sndfile \
	--without-flac \
	CXX="g++-8" CXXFLAGS="-O2" CFLAGS="-O2" \
	PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$(realpath "$PWD/../../lib/pkgconfig")"
make install

mv include/pa_linux_alsa.h include/portaudio.h include/portaudiocpp/

# Build Crystal Tracker

# Install Crystal Tracker
# (tested on Ubuntu and Ubuntu derivatives only; it just copies bin/crystaltracker
#  and res/app.xpm to system directories and creates the .desktop entry)
sudo make install


Follow the "Install and build" instructions for Linux, but with the following changes:


When building FLTK with CMake, use the following cmake command instead of the one shown above:

cmake \
	-D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$(realpath "$PWD/../..")" \
	-D CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET="$(sw_vers -productVersion | cut -d '.' -f 1).0" \
	-D PNG_PNG_INCLUDE_DIR="$(pkg-config --cflags-only-I libpng | cut -c 3-)" \
	-D PNG_LIBRARY_RELEASE="$(pkg-config --static --libs-only-L libpng | cut -c 3-)/libpng.a" \
	-D LIB_png="$(pkg-config --static --libs-only-L libpng | cut -c 3-)/libpng.a" \
	-D ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR="$(PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/homebrew/opt/zlib/lib/pkgconfig pkg-config --cflags-only-I zlib | cut -c 3-)" \
	-D ZLIB_LIBRARY_RELEASE="$(PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/homebrew/opt/zlib/lib/pkgconfig pkg-config --static --libs-only-L zlib | cut -c 3-)/libz.a" \
	-D LIB_zlib="$(PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/homebrew/opt/zlib/lib/pkgconfig pkg-config --static --libs-only-L zlib | cut -c 3-)/libz.a"

zlib may be installed in a different directory, such as /usr/local/opt/zlib instead of /opt/homebrew/opt/zlib.


If errors about unused variables are encountered when building PortAudio, apply this fix and try again.

When relocating the PortAudio headers, there will be no pa_linux_alsa.h, so that step will just be: mv include/portaudio.h include/portaudiocpp/


When building libopenmpt from source use CXX="clang++" instead of CXX="g++-8".